Friday, June 28, 2024

Vesselless Review Spotlight

Have you read Vesselless by Cortney L. Winn yet? We really think you should, especially if you loved; Fourth Wing, Serpent and Wings of Night, and From Blood and Ash!

Looking for your next exciting fantasy read? Vesselless is going to be that book. Trust us on this one. The minute we began this book we were swept away and kept coming back for more. This is first in the series, and we are already like -- okay, where is book two? We need to know what happens next. LOL! 

The kingdom was stolen. That is what the people believe that Nizzara and her family rule over. When you get to the meat of the matter...their not far off on the truth on that one. The kingdom was taken through bloodshed and fighting. When you learn the true gist of the matches up. But now, danger is coming home. 

Nizzara is different from her family. She doesn't like the heavy-handed methods that her father chooses to utilize against the people. You'll quickly get an understand as to what is going on when you start reading this book. Author Winn is quick to point it out to readers and it will have your jaw on the floor. 

Author Winn works to quickly draw readers in by shifting the story to our ghostly MMC, Dagen. When he makes his appearance it's quite the jolt. He's supposed to be dead...and well, he is. LOL! But he's about to be given an offer that will be too tempting to turn away. He knows the dangers of striking this bargain, but temptation is a devil. 

Dagen sees his opportunity to have some revenge, reclaim what is rightfully his and be free, even if it for only 100 years. But hey, revenge will make it all the sweeter. The only problem? The target. He doesn't intend to begin to fall for her, but fall he does. What does that mean? He knows the consequences should he fail, but there is more going on here than meets the eye. 

Vesselless is a true page-turner of a fantasy novel. You're not going to want to put this book down once you start reading it. 

5 out of 5 stars

A hot-headed heiress, duels her way through a deadly tournament to end her betrothal, teaming up with a wickedly handsome enemy who is HALF GHOST and all charm.

Vesselless (The Merciless Realms Series Book 1)

Publication Date: May 23, 2024

Genre: Romantic Fantasy

She’s heiress to the throne. The throne her father stole from him.

Nizzara has always been able to perceive spirits better than the average caster. When she enters a deadly tournament to end her betrothal, she's determined to win without succumbing to the addictive spirit magic she channels or taking a life in the duel ring. Finding herself outmatched, Nizzara must face her fear of power and team up with Dagen—an enemy who is half-ghost and all charm—to survive the tournament.

Dagen, the last King of Zarr, was killed by Nizzara’s father ten years ago. Now a half-ghost—able to phase between his human and spirit form—he is stuck in another realm, hunting wretched souls. When his keeper offers him a chance to reclaim his freedom in exchange for Nizzara’s soul, Dagen takes the deal.

There’s only one catch: she must freely give it to him by the tournament’s end or his own soul is forfeit.

Fourth Wing meets The Serpent of Wings & Night in the first instalment of this action packed romantasy as they deal with the bargain hanging over their heads. Family, love, power and deception collide as Nizarra and Dagen make decisions that could change their realm forever.



The Siege of Corell Review Spotlight


Terin and company are back in The Siege of Corell. We hope you're ready and excited for what's coming, because it's going to be an epic ride! 

The Siege of Corell is book two in the Chronicles of Arax series. Terin and his friends are still fighting the good fight against Tyro, but there have been and will continue to be losses as innocents die at the claws and teeth of the gargoyles. There is only so much that they can do against the blood-thirsty creatures.

But the stakes are only getting higher! Book one left readers with a cliffhanger of "What is going to happen next." Terin now has Tyro's people hunting him because of a necklace that his father gave him. Cronus? He gets free from one problem and finds himself almost immediately in another. Will these people just let him go free? No? Okay, well, that just makes sense because we need and want a story. LOL! 

Cronus has managed to be freed from the dungeons. Great news, right? What is the next problem? Getting to safety. Oy-vee. That's not going to be easy, especially with another of the group of friends being hunted - Raven. Raven, you better watch out because Tosha is coming for you! Honestly, I don't know who he should hope to find him first, but I'm leaning toward Tosha. If it's one of Tyro's other minions then it won't be good for him, that's for sure! 

Noticeably less seen in this book will be Raven and the crew. It will be a bit disappointing especially since his crew tends to bring a good amount of drama, but some humor, too. We can't help but be fans of theirs especially when their android brings some unexpected wise-cracks so effortlessly. 

Author Sanford continues this series giving readers a wide variety of characters. Of course, with some losing their lives, and others being captured or simply being forced to go into hiding we get some new ones introduced to keep the storyline going and very much engaging. 

As in book one, this story traverses land and sea, and for some of these characters, by air, as they fight to keep Arax from falling completely into Tyro's vicious grip. The gargoyles continue to be a problem that will not be easily dealt with. They have been around for a long time, and appear to be the intended thorn in the side of the defenders. 

Terin especially continues to grow as a character. He's learning more about himself and the sword that he carries. His skill continues to grow and develop, but he's learning to not completely depend on the sword. Because what should happen if he loses it in the middle of a battle? If you've read book one, you'll know that might be a touch far-fetched to believe, but anything is possible. 

Author Sanford is going to throw in more than a twist or two with this book, so brace yourself. They will come in the most unexpected places and probably cue a jaw-drop or two. We personally delighted in every single one of them.

True to form Author Sanford is going to leave readers on a cliffhanger when it comes to the end of The Siege of Corell. Things may have worked out well for our friends overall in this installment, but the future, for us, is unknown and we will have to wait and see what comes next for young Terin, Cronus, Raven and the others we have come to know throughout this series thus far. 


Great storytelling
Interesting characters
Twists and surprises


Some of the characters were lacking in appearance

5 out of 5 stars


Author Website:
Goodreads: iReads
Book Tour Page:  

Of War and Heroes Review Spotlight


 Of War and Heroes is the first book in Benjamin Sanford’s The Chronicles of Arax. This fantasy novel will blend magic with some scifi but will absolutely take readers on ride of a story that will keep you coming back for more.

Of War and Heroes draws the reader in with a cover depicting a fight scene between two warriors front and center. Their swords flashing – one with a white light, and the other with the colors like a flame. It appears that they are doing battle at a castle as towers loom in the background. To the right, is are a pair of men wielding guns shooting the enemy appearing on the left side of the cover and the monsters coming in from the sky. This cover alone promises a gripping novel to check out.

As the reader delves into Of War and Heroes they will be taken to a scene of a small farm. There readers will meet young Terin. Terin is preparing to leave his family behind and travel to the city. There he is being sent to work as a scribe and apprentice to Torry ambassador, Squid. Terin does not wish to leave his family behind, because he knows the hardships that they will endure without him, but he is sent on his way as they hope for him to have a better life than the one he currently leads.

Of War and Heroes is told from the third person perspective. Terin is an interesting character, and he is one that will be easy for readers to like and be drawn to. Little by little readers will discover that there is more to Terin than meets the eye. Whether it is Terin himself or the sword that his father has given him. He will have quite the journey ahead of him.

Of War and Heroes alternates between a variety of characters. There will not be any distinctions to let readers know when a new character is about to be the focal point of the story. The only indication that readers will get will be a slightly larger than usual gap between the paragraphs. These will be your clues that the story is about to shift to another character and leave the one you are currently following behind for the time being.

Initially, these transitions were confusing, but as we got the lay of the story we knew what to expect when we came across them. The pacing of the story tends to be slower when not immersed in a drama packed moment, but it still manages to keep the reader engaged and curious as to what is going to transpire next.

Expecting horrific monsters to be harassing the good people of this story? Well, there really won’t be any of those – just monstrous gargoyles who will rip you to shreds and devour you. Author Sanford does an excellent job playing up the horrors these creatures wreck on the people of various towns.

Brace yourself for tales of horror and heartbreak as several of the characters (mostly side characters) will relate stories that will make you truly hate the gargoyles and their true cruelty.

Readers get a nice variety of characters in this book. You get people who hail from Earth – Raven and his crew, who came on a space ship and became stranded due to not having the parts to repair the ship. Then you have soldiers that Terin meets and befriends on his way to Rego to take up his new role as a scribe.

Author Sanford will tease readers with the fear that negative drama will unfold in the least inopportune of moments, especially in an early scene that plays out with Terin and when he meets Cronus after he, Terin, nearly gets robbed by an ocran thief.

The pace of this story is slower than we would have liked at times, but then things do ramp up and this book becomes a real page-turner. To be expected there is a lot of back and forth when it comes to the pacing. It could be that we were simply finding our stride in the story, or that is just the true pace, but it creates an interesting story.

Towards the end author Sanford begins to seed readers with the feeling that things are heading towards a cliff. Terin is about to find himself being hunted by the enemy, as will Cronus. How will this play out for these two characters? Terin is still learning and discovering more about his sword, but now more danger lies in store for him.

It will definitely be interesting to see where things go from here. Packed with fantasy, drama, some romance sprinkled in, an enemy on the march with the intent to dominate all, this book is sure to delight many a reader who enjoys epic fantasy!


  • Page-turner
  • Good storytelling
  • Dynamic
  • Nice variety of characters
  • Leaves you wanting more


  • Pacing was slow at times

5 out of 5 stars


Want your own copy? Click on your favorite book seller to grab one today! 


B&N: Of War and Heroes by Benjamin Sanford, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (  


Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Shift in Shadows Review Spotlight

We're touring A Shift in Shadows by Maddox Grey and we are so excited to share it with you all! This is the first book in the Lost Legacies series, and we can't recommend it enough!

A Shift in Shadows is the first book in the Lost Legacies series by Maddox Grey. This urban fantasy novel is going to bring a variety of both paranormal and fantasy characters together into one book. 

From the beginning, you're getting thrown into the deep end. You're meeting Nemain under a slew of dire circumstances, and those circumstances are that she's being held and abused by vampires. Why? Well, apparently there is some former romance that went sour between herself and a particular vampire. He didn't take the rejection well, and it seems he has no intentions of allowing her a life outside of him being in it. Someone should remind him that..."No, means no." 

While Nemain may start out in a bad situation she doesn't stay in it for long. She gets rescued by another vamp, and then the story shifts forward in time a bit. Not a lot, but just enough that she's managed to evade Sebastian for a time. Unfortunately, that clock is running out and fast on her staying "out of sight." 

A Shift in Shadows holds a lot of promise, but it comes off as really chaotic. The storyline seems direction-less. Nemain is a "finder", she's a shifter, but she has magic. She has no idea where her magic comes from, but she knows it's dangerous. She also knows that if the daemons and fae find out about that they will try to kill her. This, of course, raises a lot of questions. Like...what the hell is going on? LOL! 

Nemain is a bisexual/non-coformist main character. She has multiple relationships with a variety of characters in this book. Hey, we're cheering her on all the way, because it's a refreshing twist to a typical trope. You get reverse harem vibes, without the true solid commitments. There's a reason for her aversion to giving her heart truly to someone, and the author lays that out plainly for readers. 

Hoping for some really steamy scenes? Well, you're probably going to be disappointed, especially when they are pointed in CW. You get a couple here and there, but quite a few of the steamy scenes are "fade to black." Basically, you're getting a hint that something is about to go down, but you don't get the scene playing out on the page. It's a touch disappointing, but it is what it is. 

We wanted to love this book with its conglomerate of various characters and drama, but it needed direction from the beginning. We needed some background on Nemain. We do get some here and there, but it needed to be done in a more cohesive manner that will elevate the story and draw this reader in more solidly. As it is, it left us with more questions than answers. 

Will we continue this series? Well, that's up in the air. We might, because we're intrigued by Nemain's story, but we can only hope for a more cohesive storyline moving forward. As for this book? Well, unfortunately, it falls flat. The beginning is too all over the place, and by the time the story settles in and starts getting truly interesting, you're halfway through it.

Soft 4 out of 5 stars

A Shift in Shadows (Lost Legacies Book 1)

Publication Date: October 2021 (First Edition)

Genre: Fantasy Romance

  • Badass Morally Grey FMC

  • Revenge Quest

  • Hidden/Forbidden Magic

  • She Saves Herself

  • Touch Him and Die

  • Sweet Golden Retriever Love Interest

  • Morally Grey Villain Love Interest

  • Witty Banter

  • Found Family

  • Queer Rep (FMC is queer/bi, nonbinary characters, queer relationships)

A wicked feline shifter. A cruel warlock.
And a dark secret that can devour worlds.

A bloody heart. That has been my birthday gift every year from the warlock I once loved. He used me, so I left him. And found the love of my life. We shared a blissful life together until Sebastian destroyed it all with one sweeping declaration.

You will always be mine.

After failing in my attempt to get revenge and barely escaping. I find myself once again starting over with the support of my friends and trying to let go of the past. When I meet the sweet and adorably innocent local werewolf, Andrei, I think I might finally have a real shot at finding happiness again. I should have known better.

Sebastian has found me and he’ll do what he always does—hurt those I love. But I have a secret. The dark magic I keep chained deep within my soul is a weapon just waiting to be unleashed. I could finally claim my revenge and protect everyone important to me. But my kind of magic is forbidden. And the price for using it may be my life.


CW:  Explicit sex scenes and blood drinking courtesy of vampires

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Ocean Song Cover Reveal Spotlight

 We're thrilled to present the cover for Oceansong by C.W. Rose! Make sure to add it to Goodreads and get a copy on August 27th!


Release Date: August 27, 2024

Genre: Adult Contemporary Romantasy

🧜🏼‍♂️Merfolk Mythology
🌊Ocean-based magic
💘Forbidden & Slow Burn Romance
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Asian family dynamics
😒🌞Grumpy (female) x sunshine (male)
🥧Cinnamon roll male LI
🤨Prickly, snarky female MC who’s a softie inside
🏘️Small-town settings (Alaska)

Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

OCEANSONG is an Adult Contemporary Romantasy that is an Asian Romeo & Juliet meets The Little Mermaid, set in the grittiness of the real world.

Fish are mysteriously disappearing, starving the people in Angie Song’s Alaskan hometown. Angie, an aspiring marine biologist and dock worker, enthusiastically joins the hunt to find out where the fish are gathering. When her family and the villagers discover that merfolk are responsible, they vow to destroy every last one. In the midst of the conflict, Angie faces off with a merman and fails to pull the trigger.

Inquisitive Mer-Prince Kaden is just as snarky as Angie, but he’s willing to talk and stop the brutal massacring of his people. The two form a cautious alliance to broker peace between the humans and mer before any more of them die.

As tensions clash between the two races fighting to control the sea’s resources, Angie and Kaden’s forbidden relationship ignites. And as she learns about the mer’s mysterious world and the reason why the fish are gone, Angie starts to question who the true monster is, and where her loyalties lie. Taking the wrong side means choosing between family and her job, or the man she’s fallen for and the merfolk she’s come to respect—or losing it all.


Monday, June 24, 2024

The Healer Academy Review

 The Healer Academy is the first book in Marinda Misra’s Healer Academy series. This series will depict the story of a young girl as she discovers exactly who she is. She’s been shunned all her life and told by the people of her village that she’s “cursed.” However, that is all a lie, and the truth? The truth is going to come out and it is going to be something truly shocking.

The Healer Academy piques readers interest with a beautiful cover. The cover shows the close up face of a young girl with violet eyes. Behind her are trees while in her hands are glowing blue lights floating all around her. All of these are hints and clues of what the reader can expect to find in this story.

The Healer Academy tells the story of young girl named Kailin. Kailin has been raised all her life in a small village near the Holy Forest. Her life hasn’t been easy due to her heritage. The villagers believe that she is a “bastard” child and that her mother had a child out of wedlock. So they treat her with disdain and shame her at every turn. The only person that she appears to have is her aunt Beredith. But Kailin’s opportunity is coming – with the entrance exam to the Healer Academy.

The Healer Academy gradually draws readers in with hints of Kailin’s capabilities. She’s a truly capable healer on her own thanks to her aunt’s skill. While Kailin may be skilled, she is, unfortunately, prone to a touch of panic. This will cause an issue during the exam, and her one chance to advance to another level in going to be taken away from...based one...simple...mistake.

Kailin’s quest is unfortunately going to be derailed, but the chance won’t be completely gone. Instead, her aunt will push for her to go with a Healer. But instead of being a student, Kailin will be a servant. This is not the way that Kailin had hoped to reach the Healer Academy, but she will discover more and more as time goes by.

The Healer Academy is an engaging YA fantasy novel that pulls readers in with hints of magic here and there throughout the story. This book wouldn’t be classified as “high fantasy” where magic is “essential” to the storyline. The Healer Academy is more of a “low fantasy” novel at this time. Who is to say what the future will hold when it comes to the magic levels, but for now, this is the case.

Kailin is a multi-faceted character. She shows some good character development throughout the story. She goes from being a scared child to a strong young woman a little bit at a time. There are some in the story who could seriously care less about her. She’s a Peasant girl who has come to the Academy to be a servant. Simple. Cut and dry. Right? But she’s more than that and capable of much more.

Kailin seems to have a tendency to get herself into trouble, but each time it leads to something more. She experiences various situations and in the process learns new things about not just herself, but the powers that she possesses. One thing is for certain – Kailin doesn’t truly want these powers. Why? Well, they scare her. Once you dive into this story you’ll get a better understanding as to why she fears them.

There are moments in The Healer Academy that Kailin will probably try your patience. LOL! She’s very vocal at times, and despite the fact that she is supposed to be a servant she hardly behaves like one. Kailin is not alone in this story. She makes friends with some of the other servants, and a girl that she grew up with goes from former friend. That “friendship” falling apart is rather sad to witness.

The overall storyline is engaging and is sure to keep readers page-turning as we wonder what is going to happen to Kailin. She’s made it to the Healer Academy, but she’s a servant. She’s working there instead of having the opportunity to study and learn more. Add in that she has caught the eye of a “notorious” Noble known for and that alone spells trouble for her. Why exactly? Well, you’ll have to read to find out.

The Healer Academy has it’s twists and surprises packed into places where you’re not going to expect them. Author Misra reminds readers that the peace that is found in this story is tenuous at best. War is brewing, and the land that Kailin lives in is preparing bit by bit. Men below the station of Noble are being rounded up, and the lower people...are beginning to fight back.

The story doesn’t simply stay at the Healer Academy though. While the majority of it is, the author takes readers to Kailin’s home, and then to another place that is supposed to be neutral ground. Kailin is really going to have her hands full with all of the drama that she will be experiencing throughout this story.

Hoping for some romance? Well, you’re definitely going to get that. Since this is a YA novel, the romance will be kept clean. There will be some hints of “more” between some characters, but there won’t be anything that takes place on page. As for anything happening between Kailin and any boy, things will be kept to just kissing for now. Who knows what the future will bring as the story continues to progress.

The end of this first book doesn’t have a cliffhanger. So, for readers who absolutely hate LOL! The Healer Academy comes to a nice neat close with all seeming to be well with Kailin for the time being. Everything is far from perfect, but for the moment she’s happy and things are looking up. Who’s to say what will happen in book two.


  • Good storytelling
  • Engaging storyline
  • Nice attention to detail
  • Page-turner


  • None of merit

4.5 out of 5 stars


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Uncharted Desires Spotlight

We have the perfect book for your summer reading list! Check out this adorable rockstar romance by Jillian Sharp!

Uncharted Desires: A Forced Proximity, Rockstar Romance

Publication Date: May 14, 2024

Genre: Rockstar Romance/ Spicy

  • Forced Proximity

  • Indigenous Rep

  • Island Survival

  • Rockstar MMC

  • Unrequited Love

  • Love interests in their 30s

  • Sexy Action/Adventure

  • Interracial Couple

  • Romcom with Angst

It took just one misstep to send musician Kat Brooks and arrogant rock star Weston
Monroe tumbling from his luxury yacht. Now she’s stranded on a deserted island with the
man who’s ruined her life. Things, surely, couldn’t get any worse...

Katrina Brooks has spent years in the background dreaming of the chance to share her voice.
Instead, Kat’s music career is destroyed when her boss, the king of romantic rock songs, Weston
Monroe announces his surprise retirement during their end-of-tour vacation. To add insult to
injury, Kat's misguided rescue attempt lands her floating in the Indian Ocean with Weston and no land in sight.

Weston’s reasons for early retirement aren’t anyone’s business but his—even if his piano-playing
background singer thinks otherwise. Drifting in the ocean with nowhere to hide, he is forced to
confront Kat and years of their unresolved sexual baggage, without a drop of whiskey in sight.

After washing ashore on an uncharted island, they discover it’s not just the natural world
hindering their survival. Making it back to civilization in one piece, and without breaking each
other's hearts, just got more complicated.


Tour Organizer: @rrbooktours


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

To Ignite a Flame Review Spotlight


Happy publication day to author Daniela A Mera and congratulations on the release of the final book in the Entangled with the Enduar duet, To Ignite a Flame!

 Estela and Teo’s story continues in To Ignite a Flame, and you are not going to want to miss the gripping conclusion to this pair’s duology. But don’t get too comfortable. Once you’ve been introduced to this world, you’re going to want to revisit again and again.

To Ignite a Flame picks up where book one, To Steal a Bride, left off. Well, sorta. At the beginning of this book we get clued in to what exactly is Rholker’s “hang-up” when it comes to Estela. What’s his deal exactly? Well, we get a glimpse into what has become his obsession when it comes to Estela. Just goes to show how a simple act of “kindness” can go to plant a seed of twisted desire in an individual that pushes them to do cruel things. Don’t think for one second we’re excusing Rholker, far from it. He’s a jerk and deserves what he has coming for him.

Once the story shifts back to our two main characters Estela and Teo we’re thrown into the chaos that they are struggling with and suffering through. Estela, has been kidnapped by the giants. When she has finally stopped being so obstinate towards Teo and allows him in this happens. Of course it does, because why not? Otherwise we wouldn’t have a story to dive into, right? LOL!

Now, Estela is locked up in a dungeon, Rholker is looking to claim her for his comfort woman, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to have her. How far will he go? Well, book one left readers with the answer to that question, and book two continues it. Let’s just remind everyone of this one unhinged. Period-t.

Teo is struggling with his own problems with Estela. He misses her, he needs her, but his people need him, too. Compound all of that with his quest for answers. Yeah, the author dropped quite the bomb on readers with the Elves turning traitorous behind an artifact that was stolen years ago. You’d have thought they’d have gotten over it! I mean, come on!! They’re doing great! They’re doing better than the trolls, ahem, excuse us – the Enduares. So...does it really matter? Still? Well, the answer to that’ll find it deep inside this book. LOL!

Estela is a challenging character to really “love” but she grows on you. Just be careful, because right when you think she’s making progress...she does/says something that throws it all out the window. LOL! You can’t help but think...”less vitriol Estela, less!” Seriously, less means that you’ll potentially make a friend or two who will be willing to help you out. Just a thought. LOL!

Prepare for a lot of chaos and drama with this book. You can’t help but hope for the best for the two lovers as they each fight to get back to the other. It won’t be an easy thing, but everything that plays out is beautifully written as each grows to love and care for the other more. Huh, so absences makes the heart grow fonder in this case.

But Estela was challenging as hell in book one, Teo takes up the mantle in this book. We cut him some slack because we get his damage more so. He has a set goal and agenda, with Estela (especially in book one) she just came off as contrary and obstinate.

Readers who are wanting a HEA are going to get in this book. Of course, since it’s a duology, it’s to be fully expected. It’ll take some time to get there, but it is definitely worth the wait.

Love a good fantasy romance novel packed with drama, tension, and so much more? Then this is the duology for you.

4.5 out of 5 stars

To Ignite a Flame (Entangled with the Enduar #2 Duet)

Publication Date: June 17, 2024

Genre: Fantasy Romance

You Touched Here, Now You 💀

  • Feminine Rage

  • He's Still Got a Tail

  • Self-Loathing

  • Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

  • I Swore to Protect Her with My Body

  • PTSD

  • HEA

The spark has been lit, and now they’ll burn the world to return to each other’s arms.

Teo made Estela queen of the Enduares—his queen—only for the giants to steal her away on their wedding night.

Locked in a cage, far away from her new home, she plots to paint the palace with Rholker’s blood. He will pay for everything he’s taken.

As she schemes, Teo races across the land in search of allies among the elves. Now that he’s found his mate, he will lie, cheat, steal, and slit throats only for a chance to have his soft human back in his arms. Safe.

To Ignite a Flame is the second book in Estela and Teo’s duet, but it is part of a larger series called Entangled with the Enduar. It is a steamy fantasy romance featuring a desperate heroine and a powerful hero. This adult fantasy romance is perfect for readers of Sarah J. Maas, Jennifer L. Armentrout, and Danielle L. Jensen.

Note: This story is an adult/new adult novel with mentions of trauma, abuse, captivity, and other mature themes.


Tour Organizer: @rrbooktours

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Insatiable Hunger Review Spotlight

We are thrilled to be celebrating C. Hebert's newest release, Insatiable Hunger! This is the next book in the Living Nightmares series!

 Author C. Hebert is back with a new deliciously dark addition to their Living Nightmare series. Be forewarned, if you weren’t a raving fan of this author before this will be once you finish – Insatiable Hunger.

The first thing that you’re going to notice when you see this book? The cover showcases a wendigo skull adorned with blood, and gravestones, with tree branches coming down to tangle with the antlers of the skull. Insatiable Hunger is a complete temptation for readers who are lovers of fantasy and horror simply based on the cover alone.

Insatiable Hunger is the second book in the Living Nightmares series, but this book can be read as a standalone novel. This dark romance fantasy novel is going to grip readers from the beginning and keep you page-turning eager for all the deliciously gorey and twisted details contained inside.

We will remind readers of this one simple fact – there is an appropriate caution warning in the beginning of this book for readers who are sensitive to certain subject matter. Read it. Unless you are a devourer of horror like we are. Honestly, we read caution warnings to see what tantalizing treats lie inside and nothing more. LOL! If anything they fuel us to want to dig deeper and get all the details. LOL!

Okay, moving on to the actual book, shall we? Insatiable Hunger begins the book with a prologue that sets the stage of what is currently unfolding in the story. Surprise twist...the author draws you in with the present situation of the FMC, Alaska, before boomeranging you back to the beginning to find out how it all actually unfolds.

The first chapter is definitely something truly tantalizing and will leave need of a nice cool shower or a little alone time. Author Hebert takes readers from a horrific situation unfolding to the FMC getting down and dirty with her guy on the side in a cemetery.

Secret rendevous, “forbidden” love, the FMC is seemingly “trapped” in a relationship that she just doesn’t know how to get out of. Where exactly are things going from here? Well, you’ll just have to wait and see. Don’t worry the author is getting there. If we just jumped off back into the chaos from the prologue then this would be one short story.

Gradually, as Insatiable Hunger unfolds author Hebert draws readers in a little at a time with the horror creeping closer a little at a time. With Alaska, her boyfriend, and three other friends going on a ghost-hunting adventure the majority of them have no idea of the danger that they are walking into.

A cemetery outside of a small town boasts of the disappearances of multiple people over the years. Will Alaska and her friends become the newest losses to come? Something sinister haunts this place, and there is a reason why no one makes it out alive.

Insatiable Hunger is packed with drama that unfolds between Alaska and her lover, Lazarus. They both want more from each other, but with Alaska being in a toxic relationship with Cain, well, that’s easier said than done for her. You get the sense that there is something darker going on that keeps her involved with Cain, but it takes time for it to truly come to the forefront.

Meanwhile, you get Alaska and Lazarus sneaking around and having lots of steamy moments together. It’s absolutely delicious, but if you think that those are the only steamy situations you’ll find in this book...guess again. What fun would that be if that were the case? All the more reason to absolutely devour this book. LOL!

Author Hebert really brings horror to this book. You get a dark twisted story with monsters, demons, zealots, and tons of unexpected moments. It is more than safe to say that author Hebert is not one to shy away from the twisted and horror.

If this book were to be made into a movie understand this – we would watch it LOTS of times in the theater, and the minute it DVD we’d have it in our greedy claws. This book is sheer perfection when it comes to the author’s storytelling, the way the drama unfolds, and the ending? OMG!! Give me more!! Please!

Insatiable Hunger will leave you a fan of this author, and keep an eye out for all of their work – past, present and future! If you are a lover of not miss out on this book! You will absolutely devour it and be begging for more. We 1000% cannot wait for author Hebert to write their next book.


  • Twisted
  • Dark
  • Pageturner
  • Steamy
  • Leaves you wanting more


  • None of merit

5 out of 5 stars

Thank you to the author, C. Hebert, and R&R Book Tours for the opportunity to read and review this book. We can’t wait for what comes next!  

Insatiable Hunger (Living Nightmares Book 2)

Publication Date: June 10, 2024

Genre: Dark Fantasy Horror/ Dark Romance

𝕿𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖘 + 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖘
🩸Dark Romance
🩸Dark Fantasy
🩸Lovers to Enemies
🩸Stalking (hunter/prey)
🩸Ghosts + Creatures
🩸Cult Behavior
🩸Final Girl
🩸80's/90's Grunge

When a group of friends investigate the rumored ghost hauntings of a notorious cemetery, the band of complicated friends never expected their late night adventures would lead them to stumble into the hunting grounds of an ancient evil lurking nearby, enslaved by an unnatural fleshly craving.

Everything and everyone that they know is not as they seem...


Tour Organizer: @rrbooktours


Friday, June 14, 2024

Trial by Sorcery Review Spotlight


 Trial by Sorcery is the first book in Richard Fierce’s Dragon Riders of Osen series. This book follows a mildly handicapped character who must face the challenges ahead of him if he has any dream of becoming a dragon rider like his father.

Trial by Sorcery is sure to capture readers’ attention with a large red dragon dominating the cover with a brave dragon rider astride it’s back. In the background is a city as the pair soar over top perhaps in flight to a fight that they intend to win. Is the soldier pictured our main character to be? Or is this another soldier who has earned the right to be called dragon-rider? The only way to find out? Dive deep into this story.

Trial by Sorcery is the first book that we have read by Richard Fierce, but it quickly reminded us of another author who tells a similar style story. Author Fierce depicts Eldwin’s story, and Eldwin has a handicap. His right arm and hand have been brutally crushed. While mangled he can still utilize his hand, but things are harder for him.

This reminds this reader of Sarah K.L. Wilson’s Dragon School series. The difference? Author Wilson’s character has a handicap of the leg. Both of these authors create challenges for their characters, but it appears that author Fierce takes enough of a different route to create some familiar similarities but enough difference to make his own story truly unique.

Eldwin’s father died fighting in the war. His sacrifice was honored by his family being granted the title of “noble.” That’s not all they got, but what good is land if it is useless? So, Eldwin makes the choice to make the journey to the city to take his shot at becoming a dragon his father.

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes though. Author Fierce will be quick to point out another character that will catch not just your eye, but Eldwin’s as well. Who is this girl? The only clue we’re going to give you about her is this – pay attention to the things that she says. For’s strange talk, which will be your first clue that there is more to her than meets the eye.

Trial by Sorcery is an interesting novel, but the pace of it will move pretty quickly. This book contains some obvious plot elements that we the readers will see coming a mile away. While the character(s), unfortunately, will be blindly walking into trouble. How will it all shake out? You’ll have to read to discover this for yourself.

There will be, of course, dragons. Do they get to take the center stage? Not in this book. In this book, Eldwin, and his new female friend, will be the focus of it all. That and the foreshadowing of a bigger danger looming ahead of them all. The mystery element of what’s to come is a large driving force of this story.

Don’t get too comfortable though with how things appear. Author Fierce is sure to drop in a surprise twist or two that you just won’t see coming. Sadly, these will only take place closer to the ending, but since this book is part of a series/serial it makes sense.

Yes, just as this book is getting good...BAM! The ending comes rushing up at you like a runaway freight train. There’s no stopping that. We’re sure that even Eldwin wishes that he could stop the way that things are going, but at least he has a touch of foresight to plan ahead and prepare himself somewhat.

Where are things going to go from here? Well, we’ll have to wait and see. Do we have any intention of continuing this series? The short and dry of it is...yes. Eventually. For the time being, we will just to have patiently wait to find out what happens next. Not because the next book isn’t available! Because it is! It’s just simply this – for this reader...funds are tight...and for us to purchase book has to be a financially sound decision, and at this’s just not.

Readers who enjoy fantasy novels with looming evil returning, fantastic dragons, and strong characters...don’t miss out on this book or series. We’re sure that you’re going to enjoy it!


  • Engaging Characters
  • Engaging storyline
  • Dragons
  • Twists and surprises


  • Not enough character development and detail

4.5 out of 5 stars

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Island of Forever Spotlight


Welcome to the book tour for The Island of Forever by Jeremy Harrison. This one has all kinds of Peter Pan vibes, and mythical creatures!

The Island of Forever

Expected Publication Date: June 18, 2024

Genre: YA Fantasy/LGBTQ+

🌴First Love
🌴Hidden Identity
🌴Chosen One
🌴Friends to Lovers
🌴Peter Pan Vibes
🌴Fairies and Merman

He’s his own worst enemy—and their only salvation.

Seventeen-year-old Max Greenfell grew up hearing stories about the Island of Forever—a beautiful paradise of intrigue and magic that was once controlled by a destructive shapeshifter who killed everything in his path. When monsters roamed its sandy shores, and the island’s magic began to dwindle, a hero emerged to overcome the evil and restore the land.

But all good stories have an end—and fairy tales are just that—or so he thought.

When a strange storm sweeps through his town, Max finds himself washed upon the shores of the fabled utopia. Faced with bullying and overwhelming anxiety at school, he finds solace in the island’s allure, creating a better reality to confront. But his arrival has disrupted the world’s balance, threatening to unleash the shapeshifter once more.

With help from a snarky merman and a pistol-wielding fairy, Max must embark on a dangerous adventure to ensure the island’s safety. Returning home will be a challenging journey, requiring him to confront his deepest emotions, confide in his closest allies, and survive an encounter with his greatest foe: himself.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Curse of King Midas Review Spotlight

Welcome to the book tour of The Curse of King Midas. Readers who enjoyed the story of King Midas are not going to want to miss out on this dynamic and in-depth retelling of this eternal story. Keep reading for our review, and more about this book and the author. 


 The Curse of King Midas is the first book in author Colleen M. Story’s the Midas Legacy series, and readers who enjoyed the story of King Midas as a child will not want to miss out on this novel!

The Curse of King Midas draws readers in with a cover depicting a man standing in a parapet looking out over his kingdom and city. His back is to the reader, a crimson and cream colored cloak drapped over his shoulders with a sword in his right hand. Ahead of him, the sun is descending in the sky, while a river runs away into the distance. Is this the fateful king himself looking ahead to where he hopes to expand his kingdom? Only one way to find out.

The Curse of King Midas is an engaging historical fantasy style novel. This book takes the familiar story of King Midas and gives it some meat to make it into a dynamic tale. Readers can even think of this book as the “origin” story for King Midas. Sorta. It holds this thought process in the beginning, but the story shifts and takes a different turn.

When readers meet young “Midas” he goes by a different name. He is living a different life, and he had a small sister. He was a young tribal boy living in the grasslands. Until that fateful day when everything changed. On that day, he lost everything he knew and loved, and he almost lost his life, too. But for the intervention of one...he would no longer be of this world.

The Curse of King Midas will originally unfold like a story of revenge. He is out to recover something precious to him that was stolen. When the story starts he’s a young boy, but when the story shifts forward in time, he is a king of many years now, grown children, and...he still has not recovered what he lost. Cue eyebrow raise, right? One would think he’d have accomplished by now, but he hasn’t.

His enemy still stands. His enemy still holds what he once claimed was so important to him. Can he still claim it, if he has had over 20 years to reclaim it, but has failed at every turn? Did he, at some point, give up hope for being successful? Has his enemy proven to be that clever and powerful to thwart him at every turn? Or is there something else going on here?

The Curse of King Midas is a book built with a ton of intrigue and mystery. Never think that you’ve figured it all out, because until you hit a certain point in the have not. Just keep reading and it will begin to make sense in due time.

This book is written in the third person, so there will be a lot of shifting around. You’ll get King Midas, you’ll get his trio of advisors, his two grown children, and a variety of other characters who come in and make appearances. It gets a little chaotic from time to time but author Story works to keep readers from getting too confused by all that transpires in this story.

The fantasy element of this story isn’t necessarily front and center, but it is there. When we say not “front and center” we mean that there aren’t any “fantastical” creatures, or epic scenes packed with magic that remind you that this is a book based in fantasy. The fantasy element is more subtle, but it’s still there and bold enough that readers are able to see and acknowledge it.

The Curse of King Midas absolutely reads like a cautionary tale of “be careful what you wish for.” King Midas has one wish – to defeat his enemy, and for that he needs unlimited funds. This pushes him to make a foolish wish, but it’s the subtle manipulations along the way that throw everything into chaos. It reminds us of dealing with a genie. You have to make sure that you close all the loopholes so that stuff doesn’t come back and bite you in the butt. But of course, why should that cross Midas’s mind when he wishes for the golden touch? We never think of the consequences until it’s to late, and then? Well, then it’s always someone else’s fault that we’re in the predicament that we’re in.

One element of this book that we loved so much is how the truth gradually is unearthed. Midas struck a deal as a child, and he allowed the deal to falter. He was at fault for the chaos reigning at his door, but because he allowed another to dictate, his enemy gained a foothold. It’s wild, but it makes for an absolutely delicious story that will grab you and keep you coming back for more.

As this story draws to a close, do not expect a happy resolution. Things will not go back to the way they were. That can never be no matter what one may claim. But because of this...”gray lie” another round of revenge will be born. Yep, things will continue in a new vein. How exactly? Well, we’ll just have to wait and see, because remember, this is just the beginning.

The Curse of King Midas is a fresh and refreshing take on an old classic. With new life and a little bit of magic, this historical fantasy novel is sure to entrap readers within it’s pages and leave them eager for the next book in this series. We can’t wait to find out what happens next.


  • Engaging storyline
  • Dynamic characters
  • Twists and surprises
  • Well written
  • Page-turner


  • None of merit

5 out of 5 stars

Black Phoenix Book Tours

June 10-13

The curse of King Midas is real.

In the ancient kingdom of Phrygia, tribal boy Karem Savas thirsts for revenge against King Sargon II, the man who killed his mother and kidnapped his sister. A deal with the dark goddess of the underworld propels him to a powerful position of leadership with a mighty army and thousands of loyal subjects. Crowned as King Midas, he rules from the prosperous capital city of Gordium, where the future shines bright for his two royal children, Prince Anchurus and Princess Zoe.

But Midas is unable to shake his traumatic past. As his deal with the dark goddess turns sour, he seeks help from another, never realizing it will be his undoing. Burdened with a cursed power and floundering against the savvy King Sargon II, Midas must right his wrongs and save his children before it is too late.

Packed with myth, magic, and vengeance, this captivating tale of King Midas begins the new mythological fantasy series from Colleen M. Story.

About the Author

 Colleen M. Story is a novelist, freelance writer, and speaker with over 25 years in the creative writing industry. "The Curse of King Midas," her newest novel, was recognized as a top-ten finalist for the Claymore Award prior to publication. Her previous novels include "The Beached Ones" and "Loreena’s Gift," which was a Foreword Reviews’ INDIES Book of the Year Awards winner.
Colleen's series of popular success guides for writers—"Your Writing Matters," "Writer Get Noticed!" and "Overwhelmed Writer Rescue"—have all been recognized for their distinction. She frequently serves as a motivational speaker, where she helps attendees remove mental and emotional blocks and tap into their unique creative powers.
A lifelong musician, Colleen plays the French horn in her local symphony and pit orchestras. When not writing, she’s exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest and making up more challenging games for her smart German Shepherd to play. Find more at and