Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Bloodwoven Review Spotlight

Welcome to the book tour for Bloodwoven! This fantasy novel details the story of a man who begins to question the teachings and his beliefs. Where will these questions lead him and what path will he end up on? 

 Bloodwoven is the first book in G.J. Terral’s The Binding Tenets trilogy. This fantasy novelThis fantasy novel will detail the story of our main character, Lin, as he goes from being an Escorter for the Ferrucium, but all of that is about to change with the stroke of a knife. Lin will find himself on a path that was, in the beginning, not of his choosing. But if he wishes to return to the life he once knew...he’ll have to make a choice to end the life of a man that he once thought was an ally.

Bloodwoven piques the reader’s interest with a cover that depicts the main character, Lin, holding a small crying child. In the background are a ship on the left-hand side, and some buildings on the right. The impression given is that Lin is going to find himself in possession of a small child. What is the significance of the child? Does the child hold some importance to the storyline? Or are they simply a side character to it all?

Well, to find the answers to these questions you’ll have to take a chance on this story dear reader, and find them out for yourself. But it is a story worth diving into and learning more about the characters you will discover inside.

Bloodwoven by author Terral details Lin’s story as he escorts a pair of his brethren to a location of their choosing. Lin has no idea why Aenum and his partner, Margaret wish to reach a particular destination, but what the following events set in motion will push Lin onto a different path than what he had originally foreseen for himself.

Bloodwoven is an interesting fantasy novel that pits one character’s beliefs against the things that he experiences. Lin’s beliefs are frequently challenged throughout this story as he has been taught that to be “stitched” is a sin. Something worthy of being killed over. But what about if it is done without your consent? What if it is done to save the life of someone who would otherwise die?

Well, apparently, the rules don’t care. If you are “stitched” then you are viewed as “untethered.” Someone who has gone rogue and that you have “desecrated” the Great Tapestry woven by the original Weavers. Some of those deemed “Untethered” are truly dangerous. There are many scenes depicting some of their heinous acts towards innocents. The question that will haunt you throughout this story will be...Why? Why do they commit these horrific acts? What is the driving force for them to do this?

Well, to be fair, this situation with the “Untethered” is just one aspect of the story. The driving force that starts things off, besides an attack...is a murder. Lin blames himself for the death, and Aenum, would have him believe a false truth. But there’s one thing about truth...and that is it will always come to light.

Lin is the main character and primary focus of this story. Author Terral works throughout the story to develop Lin as a character. Lin tends to resist at times because he wants to hold to the teachings that he has been taught. His life being saved by a woman by the name of Tylle is something that he has struggled with for quite some time. However, she could have allowed him to die...which is what Aenum basically left him to...death. Granted, Aenum had a small child with him, but still...he, Aenum, should have done more.

What you’ll notice as you read this book is that Aenum is typically quick to start some mess, and then when things get rough? He’s the first to bail and leave everyone else to handle what he kicked up. Of course, once the enemy is on their back, or backfoot, then expect Aenum to come sweeping in and to deliver the final blow.

You’re really going to get the sense that Aenum is a snake. No, seriously, this guy is sneaky, and as the story goes deeper, you’re going to see that he has an agenda. Also, Aenum doesn’t care who gets hurt along the way...as long as he gets what he wants.

There is quite a bit of magic at play in this story. You get it from the beginning with Lin and others weaving magic and utilizing it to fight and defend. Readers get a nice dynamic of magic users in this story. There isn’t much of a difference in how the magic is used, but the characters who utilize it vary. Which is where the uniqueness comes from.

Bloodwoven will read like a quest for revenge, and on one hand...it is. You’ll wonder if the revenge will even be realized because of how things pan out throughout the story. Of course, you’ll need to wait and see where things go. It’ll be worth the wait to see how it all unfolds. But be prepared for lots of twists and turns.

As this book is part of a trilogy expect the ending of this book...to be just the beginning. There will be a brief resolution, but author Terral makes sure to leave the door open for more to come. One “loose end” may be tied up, but a bigger and more dangerous threat is looming. How will Lin and those he has come to care about fare? Well, we’ll just have to wait to find out.

Bloodwoven is a truly interesting story, and it has a nice moderate pace with some truly engaging moments that will sweep you away deeper into the story. Readers who enjoy well-developed fantasy novels will enjoy this book.

4.5 out of 5 stars

Thank you to the author, G.J. Terral, and Indie Book Tours for the opportunity to read and review this book. We look forward to what comes next!  

Bloodwoven (The Binding Tenets Trilogy Book 1)

Lies woven in blood are lines waiting to be crossed.

Lin is a competent, dedicated soldier but his mission takes a drastic turn when one of his charges is found murdered. Soon after, he is ambushed by magic-twisted monsters, gravely wounded, and abandoned by his one remaining ally.

Waking to find his injuries healed by forbidden magic, Lin is marked as an oathbreaker by the very laws and beliefs he upholds.

Lin soon finds his faith in the faction he’s lived his life upholding tested by the woman who saved him from the brink of death. With his fate hanging by a thread, he faces an impossible choice: stand by his new ally and seek vengeance for his murdered charge or betray her for amnesty from those who’d execute him.

Purchase Link: Amazon

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