Friday, June 28, 2024

The Siege of Corell Review Spotlight


Terin and company are back in The Siege of Corell. We hope you're ready and excited for what's coming, because it's going to be an epic ride! 

The Siege of Corell is book two in the Chronicles of Arax series. Terin and his friends are still fighting the good fight against Tyro, but there have been and will continue to be losses as innocents die at the claws and teeth of the gargoyles. There is only so much that they can do against the blood-thirsty creatures.

But the stakes are only getting higher! Book one left readers with a cliffhanger of "What is going to happen next." Terin now has Tyro's people hunting him because of a necklace that his father gave him. Cronus? He gets free from one problem and finds himself almost immediately in another. Will these people just let him go free? No? Okay, well, that just makes sense because we need and want a story. LOL! 

Cronus has managed to be freed from the dungeons. Great news, right? What is the next problem? Getting to safety. Oy-vee. That's not going to be easy, especially with another of the group of friends being hunted - Raven. Raven, you better watch out because Tosha is coming for you! Honestly, I don't know who he should hope to find him first, but I'm leaning toward Tosha. If it's one of Tyro's other minions then it won't be good for him, that's for sure! 

Noticeably less seen in this book will be Raven and the crew. It will be a bit disappointing especially since his crew tends to bring a good amount of drama, but some humor, too. We can't help but be fans of theirs especially when their android brings some unexpected wise-cracks so effortlessly. 

Author Sanford continues this series giving readers a wide variety of characters. Of course, with some losing their lives, and others being captured or simply being forced to go into hiding we get some new ones introduced to keep the storyline going and very much engaging. 

As in book one, this story traverses land and sea, and for some of these characters, by air, as they fight to keep Arax from falling completely into Tyro's vicious grip. The gargoyles continue to be a problem that will not be easily dealt with. They have been around for a long time, and appear to be the intended thorn in the side of the defenders. 

Terin especially continues to grow as a character. He's learning more about himself and the sword that he carries. His skill continues to grow and develop, but he's learning to not completely depend on the sword. Because what should happen if he loses it in the middle of a battle? If you've read book one, you'll know that might be a touch far-fetched to believe, but anything is possible. 

Author Sanford is going to throw in more than a twist or two with this book, so brace yourself. They will come in the most unexpected places and probably cue a jaw-drop or two. We personally delighted in every single one of them.

True to form Author Sanford is going to leave readers on a cliffhanger when it comes to the end of The Siege of Corell. Things may have worked out well for our friends overall in this installment, but the future, for us, is unknown and we will have to wait and see what comes next for young Terin, Cronus, Raven and the others we have come to know throughout this series thus far. 


Great storytelling
Interesting characters
Twists and surprises


Some of the characters were lacking in appearance

5 out of 5 stars


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Goodreads: iReads
Book Tour Page:  

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