Monday, June 3, 2024

Of Song and Darkness Review Spotlight

Of Song and Darkness is now available and we're thrilled to share it with you all this week!

 Of Song and Darkness is a standalone fantasy romance novel with plenty of Little Mermaid vibes, for readers who thoroughly enjoyed that movie/story. Just remember, this is not your typical “Little Mermaid” story. Of Song and Darkness is something fresh and new.

The god of the sea, Poseidon, is gone. Dead. Fallen from this world. What happened to him? Well, that is a question that will be something trails readers as they dive into this story. But with Poseidon gone, so is his protection. While he lived, Poseidon kept the Dark Water at bay. But with him gone, the Dark Water is plaguing the oceans and destroying everything that it comes across.

Many have said, “The Dark Water is a myth.” But Princess Rhea is determined to find out the truth, and truth she will find. Dark Water? It’s real, and little by little it is destroying everything in the ocean. There is only one way to destroy it, and this is not going to be an easy undertaking for Rhea. She must go and find Medusa...and destroy her.

Of Song and Darkness reads with a lot of elements taken from the Little Mermaid story with some pieces thrown in from a familiar cartoon from my childhood called, Pirates of Dark Water. Loved that show. Princess Rhea, like so many royals we read about, is being pushed into a bubble.

What bubble is that? Well, she’s told to “stay safe,” “Don’t wander off,” “Meet your new fiancee that you really have no say in wanting.” Cue that this guy was previously engaged to her now deceased sister, and yuck.

Okay, so he’s not ugly on the outside, but he’s giving ugly vibes on the inside. You’re going to get the sense that he’s truly angling for a shot at the throne, and that at the end of the day? Rhea is just a means to an end.

Rhea isn’t about to let her life be dictated to her, and so she goes on the hunt for answers. She’s quick to find them, which is good, because it speeds the storyline along. Also, it’s not like time is on her side. With each passing day the Dark Water creeps closer to where she and her family live. Her quest for answers takes her to...can you guess? Yep! A sea witch with her own goals and ambitions.

Is this sea witch setting Rhea up for failure? The odds aren’t exactly in Rhea’s favor. It seems like a simple enough thing to do as the witch demands, but things are rarely, if ever...THAT simple. Prepare to be pulled deeper into the depths of this story with each turn of the page.

Of Song and Darkness is a slow-burn romance fantasy novel. It definitely is giving and measuring up to the “enemies to lovers” trope. Kai is a monster hunter. He’s suffered loss and his zealous engagement in the hunting of the creatures of the seas hints that his loss is connected to one of them. Does that mean that all should pay for the crimes of one? Most would say no. Kai? Would say he doesn’t care as long as it’s a job that pays.

Rhea is an interesting character. She has some really nice engaging elements about her. She’s a siren, a princess, and she’s determined to protect her people. She doesn’t care what she has to do, but she’ll do what she must. Even if means partnering with Kai.

The romance sparks slowly between these two characters. It starts out with long looks, small amounts of admiration mixed together with irritation. Let’s be honest...that’s typically how it goes. LOL! Rhea showcases her bravery quite often in this story. Kai can’t decide whether to praise her or lose his mind.

Of Song and Darkness promises a HEA and absolutely delivers in that respect. This reader would have liked more drama and a couple more epic scenes with lots of intense moments, but all in all this is a story worth reading. Especially if you love retellings of some of your favorite classics.

4.5 out of 5 stars

Thanks to the author, Jessica Spruill, and R&R Book Tours for the opportunity to read and review this book. We look forward to what comes next.  

Of Song and Darkness

Publication Date: June 3, 2023

Genre: Romantic Fantasy/ Standalone/ No Spice

🧜🏻‍♀️ Who did this to you
🏴☠️ Touch her and 💀
🧜🏻♀️ Enemies to lovers
🏴☠️ Sirens and pirates
🧜🏻♀️ Greek mythology
🏴☠️ Morally grey MMC
🧜🏻♀️ Fade to black romance
🏴☠️ Found family

Poseidon has fallen. The world won’t be far behind. Unless she can stop the rising darkness.

The world beneath the waves is in chaos.

Without Poseidon to hold it at bay, Dark Water is slowly spreading, devouring anything it touches. Even the mighty King Manta has given up hope.

But his daughter hasn’t.

Rhea, the siren princess of Aquarius, will do anything to save her world. Even if it means hunting down the mythical Medusa—and partnering with a notorious pirate captain.

Blackheart Kai has more dangerous secrets than Rhea can fathom. He’d rather kill her than help her save her people. She knows he can’t be trusted.

But knowing that doesn’t stop her from needing him…or wanting him.

With the survival of the seven seas hanging in the balance, can Rhea and Kai overcome their hatred and work together when it matters most? Or are they destined to share Poseidon’s dark fate?

Of Song and Darkness is a standalone fantasy romance with The Little Mermaid vibes and no-spice romance. Happily ever after guaranteed. Download today for a love story of mythic proportions.


Tour Organizer: @rrbooktours


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