Monday, June 10, 2024

Soul Cage Review Spotlight


Soul Cage is the newest book and the first in a new series by L.R. Shulz. This fantasy novel? Yeah, you’re not going to want to miss it. It is going to grab you, grip you, and keep you page-turning to the very end.

Soul Cage is book one in author Shulz’s Soulbreaker series. We think you’ll agree that author Shulz has struck gold with this book. You’re going to get danger, epic fights, tons of magic, dynamic characters, and twists that will leave your jaw on the floor.

Readers who enjoy flawed characters will absolutely devour this book as it is packed with characters who struggle with who they are, what they are, and the power that weighs on them. Literally. Carrying the souls of thousands is no easy thing, and if you’re not strong enough? They will break you...and destroy everything you love.

The first thing that readers are going to notice is this book’s cover. Depicted on the cover is a character on a swirling green background, clothes tattered, chest cracked and broken open with souls appearing to pour out. This book’s cover gives readers just a glimpse of what awaits them in this book. It’s enough to whet the appetite and have you eager for more. With the lines “Souls are the currency. Death is the price.” That’s sure to spur more than a reader or two to go and grabthis book.

When you dive into this book author Shulz drops readers into a scenario already rife with danger. An attack is being launched, fear is rampant, and death appears to be knocking on their door. You will meet Myddrin, one of the main characters in this story will follow. Myddrin is a humble teacher at this point in the story, but all of that is about to change. Lives are under threat. Their souls are at risk of being lost and absorbed by their killers. But if those sworn to protect, the Knights of Aen, can hold off the threat sweeping down on them, the Skullsworn, they just might stand a chance.

Unfortunately, while Myddrin makes it out alive, it’s in this fight he loses something important to him. In the process, he is also burdened with a huge amount of power. It’s a twist of fate that this power should become his, but his it does become, and while it may not be immediate he will one day be called upon to utilize that power to help save a kingdom.

Soul Cage gives readers multiple POV from several different characters. Don’t worry it won’t be a huge number of characters that you cycle through as you read this novel. You’re going to get Myddrin, a young boy you’ll meet at the beginning by the name of Will and a young woman who is struggling with her quest for power, Tvora.

Will reads like a boy on the spectrum. We won’t classify him as anything specific, but that’s how he reads. Will is a character who struggles. From the way this book unfolds, the fight that he survived really took a toll on him, but there’s more going on than meets the eye. Just wait for it though, because more will be revealed about Will as the story unfolds.

As Soul Cage unfolds Will will prove to be a challenging character. He has lots of struggles. He wants to be a Knight of Aen, but because of his differences he’s looked down upon. Will is even bullied by some of his own peers because of his differences. It’s sad to see. Though, he doesn’t make it easy for himself either. The fact that he takes things so literally makes it a challenge for people to talk to him.

The beauty of Soul Cage is that as the book unfolds and the story progresses, Will gradually grows as a character. It’s not something that will happen quickly, so be prepared to exercise some patience with him. It may get a touch frustrating at times, but that’s one way of knowing that you’ve got yourself a good book.

Tvora is another interesting character. She’s soul-broken. What does that mean you ask? Well, we could tell you, but where would the fun be in that when you could simply grab this book and dive in? It’ll be more enthralling to discover the truth behind her for yourself. Her magic is truly strong, but with the amount of souls she’s not surprising.

What makes Tvora truly unique are the fact that she carries three companions with her. You’ll meet two of them rather quickly as part of Tvora’s quest is to gain enough power to allow them to “exist” for longer outside of herself. Tvora isn’t a “black” character to be deemed “evil” or a “white” character to be deemed “good.” No, Tvora is more of a gray character. Flawed, struggling even, but she still has some morals.

Soul Cage is packed with tension, drama, and danger. You get chapters that shift between the three main characters and each lends their various perspectives. You’ll see the danger unfolding not just in the camp of the enemy, but even at home where you’d think some should be safe.

Author Shulz creates a dynamic tapestry of a storyline that will keep readers page-turning to find out what happens next. Hoping for some epic battle scenes? Get excited, because those are definitely included in this book.

As Soul Cage draws to a close, don’t let the final chapters fool you. While things may unfold a particular way, don’t allow author Shulz lull you into a state of complacency. Remember, Soul Cage is just the beginning. Of course, there are going to be a couple final surprises, and the ending? Brace yourself. Trust us on this one. As we were reading the final paragraphs of this book...our final thought was “Oh shit.” LOL! One thing is for’re going to be looking forward to book two.

Readers who enjoy a gripping fantasy novel then you’re not going to want to miss out on checking out Soul Cage. You’re going to get a dynamic cast of characters, epic drama, and so much more. For us? This book is a must read and earns a place in our top 10 for 2024.


  • Engaging storyline
  • Dynamic cast of characters
  • Epic drama
  • Page-turner
  • Plenty of twists & surprises


  • None of merit

5 out of 5 stars

Thanks to the author L.R. Shulz for the opportunity to read and review this book. We look forward to what comes next in book two!  

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