Friday, June 14, 2024

Trial by Sorcery Review Spotlight


 Trial by Sorcery is the first book in Richard Fierce’s Dragon Riders of Osen series. This book follows a mildly handicapped character who must face the challenges ahead of him if he has any dream of becoming a dragon rider like his father.

Trial by Sorcery is sure to capture readers’ attention with a large red dragon dominating the cover with a brave dragon rider astride it’s back. In the background is a city as the pair soar over top perhaps in flight to a fight that they intend to win. Is the soldier pictured our main character to be? Or is this another soldier who has earned the right to be called dragon-rider? The only way to find out? Dive deep into this story.

Trial by Sorcery is the first book that we have read by Richard Fierce, but it quickly reminded us of another author who tells a similar style story. Author Fierce depicts Eldwin’s story, and Eldwin has a handicap. His right arm and hand have been brutally crushed. While mangled he can still utilize his hand, but things are harder for him.

This reminds this reader of Sarah K.L. Wilson’s Dragon School series. The difference? Author Wilson’s character has a handicap of the leg. Both of these authors create challenges for their characters, but it appears that author Fierce takes enough of a different route to create some familiar similarities but enough difference to make his own story truly unique.

Eldwin’s father died fighting in the war. His sacrifice was honored by his family being granted the title of “noble.” That’s not all they got, but what good is land if it is useless? So, Eldwin makes the choice to make the journey to the city to take his shot at becoming a dragon his father.

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes though. Author Fierce will be quick to point out another character that will catch not just your eye, but Eldwin’s as well. Who is this girl? The only clue we’re going to give you about her is this – pay attention to the things that she says. For’s strange talk, which will be your first clue that there is more to her than meets the eye.

Trial by Sorcery is an interesting novel, but the pace of it will move pretty quickly. This book contains some obvious plot elements that we the readers will see coming a mile away. While the character(s), unfortunately, will be blindly walking into trouble. How will it all shake out? You’ll have to read to discover this for yourself.

There will be, of course, dragons. Do they get to take the center stage? Not in this book. In this book, Eldwin, and his new female friend, will be the focus of it all. That and the foreshadowing of a bigger danger looming ahead of them all. The mystery element of what’s to come is a large driving force of this story.

Don’t get too comfortable though with how things appear. Author Fierce is sure to drop in a surprise twist or two that you just won’t see coming. Sadly, these will only take place closer to the ending, but since this book is part of a series/serial it makes sense.

Yes, just as this book is getting good...BAM! The ending comes rushing up at you like a runaway freight train. There’s no stopping that. We’re sure that even Eldwin wishes that he could stop the way that things are going, but at least he has a touch of foresight to plan ahead and prepare himself somewhat.

Where are things going to go from here? Well, we’ll have to wait and see. Do we have any intention of continuing this series? The short and dry of it is...yes. Eventually. For the time being, we will just to have patiently wait to find out what happens next. Not because the next book isn’t available! Because it is! It’s just simply this – for this reader...funds are tight...and for us to purchase book has to be a financially sound decision, and at this’s just not.

Readers who enjoy fantasy novels with looming evil returning, fantastic dragons, and strong characters...don’t miss out on this book or series. We’re sure that you’re going to enjoy it!


  • Engaging Characters
  • Engaging storyline
  • Dragons
  • Twists and surprises


  • Not enough character development and detail

4.5 out of 5 stars

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