Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Collection Review Spotlight


We're celebrating the release of The Collection by K. Kirchberger! Grab a copy on July 23rd!

 The Collection is an adult fantasy romance that is just the beginning of author K. Kirchberger’s dynamic series. Prepare to embark on a journey into Hell as one woman’s quest to find her friend will become something much more.

The Collection intrigues readers with a beautiful cover depicting a pair of midnight black wings on display. The wings are set on a mostly black background with a golden glow illuminating them from behind. There is a lovely golden filigree design set behind them as well, giving them the sense that the wings are on display. This image absolutely builds intrigue as to what readers will discover within these pages.

The Collection focuses on Kenna, a young woman who has a sense that this year’s Collection will be different. She believes that her time has finally come to be chosen, though it’s something that she has always hoped to avoid. However, with it just being her and her horse Willow, she sees little for her to lose. Though there is her best friend Sora whom she would dearly miss.

While Keena’s senses are spot on, it’s not her name that gets called. Instead of being like most and simply weeping and mourning the loss of her friend Kenna takes action. She decides to enter Hell herself and find her friend. Whatever court her friend may end up in Kenna intends to join her. But will it be that easy?

The Collection starts out gripping and engaging. The time for the Collection is coming and readers get a sense that Kenna will be chosen. So, it will come as a surprise (for we tend to forget) that Sora’s name is called instead. The story moves rather rapidly for the next couple of chapters. Kenna determinedly sets off to catch up with her friend. But while she makes it to the gate, nothing is what it seems. She’s obviously allowed to enter, but the price? It’s her mortality, and she’s on a clock. Guess she better hurry, huh?

As The Collection moves forward author Kirchberger keeps things interesting. You’re going to be expecting Kenna to wind up in a “waiting room” area, but she finds herself quickly in one of the courts. Things start out simple enough for her. We would have liked something to truly challenge her, but when you break it down...she might have failed before her quest even truly began.

While Kenna is at a disadvantage, relatively speaking, things overall go in her favor. For immortal creatures Kenna seems to have hit the jackpot on those who are willing to be kind to her or at least just down right decent. She comes across one or two who could be viewed as “hostile” but that real drama doesn’t begin to play out until much later in the story.

The Collection is told from the first person POV. The story focuses heavily on Kenna as she joins with another immortal who agrees to help her after she does an act of kindness for him. Thanks to his taking her under his wing (so to speak) her path forward seems like it should be a pretty easy one. We appreciate that overall Kenna isn’t an overly sassy and mouthy character. Honestly, it would truly be unnecessary and rather off-putting.

Readers who are will be waiting and looking for the romance will be made to wait. Author Kirchberger chooses to build and develop this aspect of the story between the characters. This adds a nice slow-burn element to the story which will keep you coming back for more as you wonder...”When are they going to finally cross that line?” It’s worth the wait, and the burn is absolutely delicious.

Hoping for some steamy scenes? Well, there really isn’t much to be found on these pages. You’re not getting any on page steaminess to drool over. Instead you get scenes that play right up to a certain point before it’s basically a “fade to black” and you get to use your imagination instead. No fun, right? LOL!

While Kenna is busy falling in love, that doesn’t stop her from her quest of trying to find her friend. Granted she does get more than a little “distracted” but who can blame her? Of course, while all of this is going on chaos is brewing in other parts of Hell. This chaos won’t remain where it is, but has every intent on spilling over, which you’ll see the deeper you get. Watch for the clues, because they are there.

When you draw closer to the end of The Collection, author Kirchberger has more than a few surprises in store for readers. But the biggest surprise will be the closing pages. It leads readers to look forward to the next book in this series. Will it continue Kenna’s story? Or will get Sora’s and learn what all she endured during the Trials? One can only hope.

For now, if you’re looking for a delicious adult fantasy minus the steamy scenes then this is a book for you to pick up.

4.5 out of 5 stars  

The Collection

Publication Date: July 23, 2024

Genre: Adult Fantasy Romance

  • Loyalty

  • Found love

  • Protective MMC

  • Strong friendships

  • Hidden identities

  • Immortals

Once a year, a draw is held in the capital that requires four mortals from each town be given over to Hell. The mortals are taken to Hell where they will either become an immortal in one of the four courts, or perish in the trials.
One mortal is sent to the vampire’s Court of Blood. One goes to the Court of Moon, court of the werewolves. A third is sent to the Court of Spell, with the warlocks and witches. And a final mortal, always a female, goes to the Court of Song, court of the sirens.

Twenty-three-year-old Kenna hasn’t had her name called since she became eligible five years ago. She knows in her heart that this year will be the year her world changes. But it isn’t her name that is called out for Collection, it is her best friend Sora’s.
Not willing to be without Sora, Kenna quickly follows her through the gateway to Hell before it closes. Not knowing which court Sora was Collected for, Kenna must brave all four as a mortal in order to find her friend. Lucky for her, she gains the help of an alluring stranger who holds more sway in Hell than she could have hoped for.
As their fates intertwine and her heart falls fast, Kenna learns navigating a foreign and dangerous land like Hell isn’t easy, and if she isn’t careful, it could cost her everything.


The Veiled Heir Review Spotlight

I can't think of a better novel to read than The Veiled Heir this summer, and we'll be celebrating the release all week!

 The Veiled Heir is the first book in the Heir of Atlantis series, and this adult romantasy is an epic book to check out for the summer.

The Veiled Heir grabs your attention first and foremost with a gorgeous cover. Readers are treated to a gorgeous underwater scene with beautiful fish swirling around in the water with bubbles floating around them. As the title of the story takes center stage on the cover, tucked away under the letters is a crown and an intricate trident. Both are elements of the queendom that will be the focal point of this story of discovery, love and revelation.

The Veiled Heir is the first book in S.T. Fernandez’s An Heir of Atlantis series. Readers who enjoy fated mate stories, elemental fae, and a dynamic retelling of Atlantis are not going to want to miss out on this story. It is going to grip you and keep you page-turning to the end.

Asherah has lived her life as a human. It’s the life she’s known and what she believes what she is. She’s always known that something was different about herself, but could never really put her finger on it. However, things are about to change. A night out at the bar with friends is about to create a shift in her life that she’s in no way prepared for.

Things are clearly strange for Asherah when she’s walking home, and it appears that she’s about to be a victim of assault. A fateful phone call from her parents winds up being her saving grace, but it only delays the inevitable. Instead, it puts in motion a chain of events that will see Asherah lose her beloved mother, and thrust her into a world that she is no way prepared for.

The Veiled Heir is an engaging novel that follows Asherah as she learns the truth about who she really is and who her family truly is. It’s heartbreaking that she has to learn all of this on the heels of her mother’s death, but that’s just the way it’s gotta be for her. What author Fernandez shows readers is that Asherah’s mother had a specific plan in place, but Fate had other plans.

We understand why Asherah’s mother chose to raise her as a human, but it’s asking a bit much to say that there was never a time to begin to teach Asherah about her fae heritage. It would have been different if there had been active threats against her life throughout her childhood, but that doesn’t appear to be the case from how the storyline plays out. It’s only when Asherah is revealed as the heir that the threats to her life and person really begin to start raining down like hail.

The Veiled Heir is told from the first person POV and primarily focuses on Asherah, but there are chapters that throw the focus to Draevyn. Draevyn brings some depth to the story through his POV as he is the first to truly begin to acknowledge that there is something between him and Asherah. They both feel something when they see each other for the first time, but it’s him who is shown as “falling” first. It’s a thin line as to who truly “falls” first, because there is little resistance on her part, so it’s really about a tie. LOL!

The Veiled Heir has an engaging storyline, but it could have done with more push back on how often Asherah gets her way. Her constantly being allowed to have Draevyn as her guard when the issues begin to crop takes away from the story. For us, it’s just too convenient that there isn’t more push-back on him being reassigned or there being more push-back on him being assigned as her guard in the first place. With the story sticking hard and fast to them getting their way in this there needed to be more of a push for answers especially from Draevyn to explain since he knew what he was feeling.

The “bad guy” in this book is just one of many, but oh boy are you going to enjoy despising this one character in particular. She’s got the world’s biggest ax to grind, and grind it she does. Things only intensify when she sees that she’s going to “lose” Draevyn to Asherah. Let us tell you, this woman is unhinged to the highest degree, but the good news? You’re going to learn exactly what her damage is, and it’s more than just a quest for power.

The Veiled Heir has multiple plot lines wrapped up in this book. You have the romance (and yes, there are many steamy scenes in this book) between Draevyn and Asherah. You have the chaos between Asherah and the jealous scorned former lover of Draevyn. You have the chaos brewing between the queendoms but especially concerning a specific one who believes that humans are meant to serve the fae as a new ice age is threatening the world.

Yes, this book is throwing everything at you and the kitchen sink with a prophecy that is waiting to be fulfilled. Hey, it all works together to create quite a dynamic storyline. There is some side story that could have been left out, but author Fernandez is looking to create the dynamic that Asherah is looking to be a different type of queen in comparison to those who came before her.

The Veiled Heir chalks itself up to be a great summer read for those looking for their next summer novel. One thing is for sure when you reach the end of this book? You’re going to be eye-balling the author with this one question – “When is book two going to be ready?” We need answers, so join the club! LOL! Hate cliffhangers? Well, this one really isn’t that bad, but it will leave you twisting in the wind. LOL!

The Veiled Heir is a gripping romantasy and an overall great start to this series. We can’t wait to find out what happens next. If you love ocean stories, discovered heirs, stories of Atlantis, and “mermaid” style characters then this is the book and series for you to check out.  

                                               The Veiled Heir (An Heir of Atlantis Novel)

Publication Date: July 23, 2024

Genre: Romantic Fantasy

🧜‍♀️ Elemental Fae
🧜♂️ Fated Mates
❤️πŸ”₯ He Falls First
🌴 Atlantis Retelling
🌢 Spicy
❤️ Love formed through grief
🦈 Scales
πŸ’• Prophecy
🧜♀️ Battling Realms
πŸ‘‘ Queens Rule

Heir to a Fae throne she didn’t know was hers. A daunting task to save humanity. A passionate love nurtured through her grief.

Asherah Delmar led a happy and quiet life. Her career as a marine biologist was about to take off, but her mother, Neleah’s, sudden murder stopped her life harshly in its tracks. When she discovers her mother’s true identity, the world as she knew it begins to unravel.

After escaping Neleah’s assassins, Asherah is thrust into an ancient world she thought to be a myth. She finds herself surrounded by a different type of sea creature unlike any other—the Water Fae. Asherah must step out of her mother’s shadow to become what she never dreamed she could be—the heir to the Queendom of Atlantis. With the weight of the world pressing down on her shoulders, an inexplicable connection to the Commander of the Guardians, Draevyn Eliron, may be the only thing holding her together.

In this magical underwater world, Asherah must learn to embrace her Water Fae abilities while fighting for her throne and saving the human race. But not every Fae wants to save the humans. A council seeks to dethrone her, the rebels are determined to kill her, and Draevyn’s hold on her heart threatens to consume her.



Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Blood Lust Review Spotlight

 Happy release week and congrats to author A.B. Cynthe on the release of Blood Lust! The perfect thing to kick off Shark Week!

 Love a good horror novel with a healthy dose of steamy? Then look no further than Blood Lust by AB. Cynthe.

Blood Lust is a dark paranormal style horror novel that will keep readers coming back for more. Whether you’re coming back for more of the story or the author...does it really matter? LOL! Because at the end of the day, you’re going to be a fan of author Cynthe if you already aren’t.

Blood Lust is a standalone erotic horror story that details the crossing of paths of two killers. Delilah is a dangerous little flower looking to see who she can lure in. Author Cynthe presents her as an innocent young woman looking to have some fun on the beach. But Delilah has a particular agenda in mind, and it won’t be long before she puts it into play.

Of course, Delilah isn’t the only dangerous creature afoot in this story. We’re getting ourselves a delicious “shark daddy.” Handsome, hung, and vicious he’s a threat to any who dare come near what he claims as his. Regardless of the fact that he doesn’t get as much attention and focus as Delilah he brings a nice amount of drama to the story.

Blood Lust alternates POV between Delilah and Reef, but focuses mostly on Delilah since she’s the one who dwells on land. Compared to Reef, she probably also has the higher body count, too. Honestly, her chapters bring a nice amount of drama and tension to the story since most of it does take place on land. The human engagement pushes the story forward as we get shark attacks, and murders. It’s a nice combination since you never know which is going to happen next.

Blood Lust is a deliciously dark story. It’s a real page-turner that will keep you coming back for more and leave you with a little wicked smile at the end. In it’s own way, Blood Lust get a bloody little HEA.

5 out of 5 stars

                                                                            Blood Lust

Publication Date: July 22, 2024

Genre: Erotic Horror

🦈Dark Romance
🦈Jaws Retelling
πŸ–€Primal Play
🦈Blood Play
πŸ–€Serial Killers
πŸ–€Summer Romance
🦈70's Aesthetic

The summer of ‘76 would forever be remembered as a season stained with crimson and fear.

The blistering sun brought waves of tourists to the peaceful town of Golden Coast, its sandy beaches beckoning with promises of a perfect summer. Beneath its idyllic allure and carefree crowds lurked two twisted killers, their murderous desires simmering just beneath the surface. While one left her signature kiss of death on her victims, the other stalked silently in the shadows by the sea. As fate would have it, their paths would soon collide, igniting a fiery and deadly dance that would consume the innocent town in a lustful haze of bloodshed and terror.

This is a dark romance/horror retelling of Jaws with serial killers. Please check triggers prior to reading.


Monday, July 15, 2024

Shadows of the Kingdom Review Spotlight

To celebrate the June release, we are touring The Shadows of the Kingdom by Jen Bliton! 

 The Shadows of the Kingdom continues the series of Light in the Shadows. Author Bliton continues the journey of Wren and Tyran as they fight for the protection of their people from the threat of the Red Kingdom. Secrets have come to light concerning the Red Kingdom and just how big a threat they continue to become. The big question quickly becomes...can they stop the threat before it’s too late?

The Shadows of the Kingdom starts off similar to book one – slow, sluggish, and with little to no development between the two main characters, Wren and Tyran. This is disappointing, but at the same time understandable, since not much time has passed between books one and two.

The relationship between Wren and Tyran is going to take more of a center stage in this installment of the series. Since it was essentially an “insta-love” there is no foundation for them to build on. They’re not communicating with each other, and they don’t see eye to eye on their shadow magic capabilities. Wren sees the need to use it for the benefit and safety of the people. While Tyran, fears it. He fears the dark path that it could potentially lead them down if they are not careful. He fears it so much that he won’t even consider training with it to simply get stronger.

This aspect brings quite a heaping dose of drama to the story. However, it’s not just the relationship issues that will be taking center stage. It would appear that trouble is brewing close to home. Tyran’s council is up to something. Honestly, anyone with two eyes and a brain could see it. They are against outsiders, they express extreme sexist views, and give off the heavy sense that they fear losing their closely clutched power. What exactly are they up to? Well, we’re sure that you’ll be able to guess quicker than the characters in this story.

One of our favorite things about this book though is the backstory that we get. We’ve gotten the story of “creation” in book one, but this story gives you just a touch more. Secrets are being revealed, and the truth is coming out. Wren and Tyran are meant to play a bigger part than even they could have imagined, and if they’re not careful it could tear them apart.

The pacing of Shadows of the Kingdom is slow in the beginning, but it gradually does pick up which is really nice and greatly appreciated. We’re getting more drama with this book. There is some repetition between the two books of similar events and scenarios playing out again, but it can be forgiven this time because it pushes the story forward by giving one of the characters an inside perspective of the threat of the Red Kingdom up close and personal.

The introduction of some new monsters and the bringing back of some familiar ones from book one help to elevate the fantasy element of this story. You get some magic, but since Tyran is so reluctant to use his, you don’t get as much as you’re going to want. But with how things are ramping up, we’re hoping that magic will begin to play a bigger part in the next book in the series.

Book two brings some more energy to the series, but we’re still looking for more. Less of the two MCs “dancing” around each other’s feelings, and more of them actually talking, getting to know each other and better understanding each other, because that is severely lacking. Shadows of the Kingdom ends more on a cliffhanger, which works to lure readers forward concerning the series, so we’ll see where things go from here.

4 out of 5 stars

The Shadows of the Kingdom 

Publication Date: June 25, 2024

Genre: YA Fantasy Romance

πŸ’€Ancient evil
πŸ’€ Relationship struggles
πŸ’€ new monsters
πŸ’€ Undertaking quests
πŸ’€ Kingdom politics
πŸ’€ History revelations

After defeating the evil behind the attacks on the southern lands of Caldumn, Wren and Tyran begin to settle into their new life that begs to be calm... or so they thought.

With so many questions left unanswered about the Red Kingdom's threat, and what they'll now do after they withstood Rhonin's advance, they receive a letter from a mysterious magic kind that kept themselves in the shadows with a warning of the Red Kingdom's motives.

Now the threat won't just be to the towns, but their world as they know it. Wren and Tyran begin the journey to stop the Red Kingdom at all costs. Faced with conflicting beliefs as to what they should do, their relationship is tested in more ways than they can imagine:

Embrace the shadows or choose a path of light.



Friday, July 5, 2024

Tenebrion Review Spotlight

Welcome one and all to the book tour for Tenebrion! Love a good horror story with gore, demons, and some seriously twisted elements? Then this is the book for you! Keep reading.

It's that time of year again. It's time for the annual Terrorfest competition, and everyone is piling up into the theater to see what the contestants thought up to try and win this year's contest. Some are excited, some are bored, and some are just ready for it all to be over with. But something dark overshadows this year's contest.


One of the teams didn't make it. Their final moments? Captured on film. It's evidence in an investigation, but that's not going to stop one of the hosts for Terrorfest from showing what he found on the film that he got. Horror is about to be unleashed...

Tenebrion is a horror novel by James H. Longmore. This story details a group of indie filmmakers looking to create a short film that could be their big breakout moment. Or are they? Could it be that someone in the group has something more in mind? 

Tenebrion has a slow start. This book is slow getting going, but once it gains steam and momentum you can expect a novel that will keep you glued to the pages to find out how not just how it all goes down, but what will happen to the characters you meet at the beginning. 

Page by page Tenebrion unfolds as the characters in this book go to an old abandoned school. This is a place of terrible tragedy. It's almost like a magnet for death and destruction. Countless lives have been lost and so, for Dave Priestley this is the place to come to for his epic film idea. 

Tenebrion goes for Blair Witch but in book form. You're getting the set up and the calm before the storm. But all is not as it seems. Author Longmore gives readers little glimpses into another's mind. This creature is plotting the mayhem that will befall these innocent lives. But first it will break them and break them down. 

The title ties into the story rather quickly which is really nice, and then it is tied even tighter to the storyline in multiple places to re-emphasize just who and what this story is about. It's absolutely fantastic. 

While this book has a slow start and takes time to find it's stride, it is a true page-turner. The author works just hard enough to keep your interest piqued. Once you're hooked though? Good luck putting this book down. You're going to be eagerly page-turning to find out what fresh horror awaits these characters. What will they be made to endure before the bloody end?

Tenebrion showcases how this author allowed his imagination to run absolutely wild. You think that you know where this story is going and then you get a surprise element or twist thrown at you. One thing is for sure and that is you're not going to be bored reading this book. 

You will be eagerly looking for more by this author and devouring everything in your path. Tenebrion is darkly delicious and a must read for readers who enjoy a tasty horror novel that will be sure to worm it's way deep into your mind. 

We dare you to read it in the dark...before you go to bed... 
Sweet dreams...if you do. LOL

5 out of 5 stars

Black Tide Book Tours

July 2-5

"The Devil is in the detail..."

Amateur filmmakers inadvertently invoke a demon when they break into an abandoned school to perform and film an authentic Black Mass for their entry into a short movie competition.

Dave Priestley and his crew film in Watsonville elementary school – the site of a horrific tragedy nine years before.

Tenebrion – the malevolent demon of darkness – makes preparations of its own within the dark recesses of Hell. The demon requires a specific set of circumstances and sacrifices to rend a fissure between the worlds and set free its brethren; it has manipulated humans for centuries to put things into place, and the moviemakers are the unfortunate, final pieces of its nefarious puzzle.

Priestley, ever the stickler for authenticity and detail, accidentally sets free the denizen of Hell.

While Priestley and his skeptical friends attempt to return Tenebrion to the pit of Hades, it hunts them all down – one by one – for inclusion in its hellish gateway.

Universal link for the book on Amazon

About the Author

James hails originally from Yorkshire, England having relocated with his family to Houston, Texas in 2010. He was honored to become a US citizen in 2022. He has an honors degree in Zoology and a background in sales, marketing, and business. James is an Affiliate Member of the Horror Writers Association.

An accomplished, published author (and publisher in his role as co-founder partner in HellBound Books Publishing LLC), and ghostwriter of popular fiction, James writes across an incredibly wide range of genres and subjects in novel, shorts story, and screenplay formats. To date, he has four novels, five novellas, and a whole slew of short stories published by various publishers (many can be found in his first collection, Blood and Kisses). He also runs and co-hosts the popular ppodcast/radio show (The New Panic Room), which is used to promote HellBound Books and indie authors, artists, audiobook narrators, and publishers of all genres.

James has been working full time as a freelance ghostwriter (and editor) for over a decade. He is quite the chameleon when it comes to writing: James is able to adapt to a wide range of styles and genres, is incredibly thorough in his research (he's renowned for his details, which bring stories leaping from the page!), extensive vocabulary, and he always keeps the client's "voice" when ghostwriting. Clients love him - especially with that Northern British accent (as an ex-pat, James is most proficient at writing in both UK and US styles – he also has clients in Australia who love his style!) and enthusiasm for every writing project he takes on.

Publisher's Social Media


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Story of Evil Vol 1 Review Spotlight

We're excited to share with you today....The Story of Evil: Heroes of the Siege! Author Tony Johnson has created quite the epic with this story and series. If you haven't read it are in for a treat! 

 The Story of Evil: Heroes of the Siege is the first volume in Tony Johnson’s The Story of Evil series, and if you love an action packed story then this is the one for you.

Heroes of the Siege draws you in with a cover featuring a knight dressed for a joust or even possibly battle going full tilt. Decked in reds with blue accents the image is enough to excite you to witness the fight at hand for yourself. But what you don’t know is the chaos that is waiting to erupt...and that will spare no man, woman or child.

The Story of Evil: Heroes if the Siege sets the stage with a prologue that outlines the creation of Element, the planet our characters will call home. We get an interesting story of creation followed by a power struggle between two gods: Alazar and Zebulon. Cue the rise of a five headed dragon. Yes, people...five heads. Can we all say hydra? Well, the good news is...the heads don’t grow back. LOL! Once one head’s a done deal.

While the evil dragon, Draviakhan, is slain, it doesn’t mean that all is now well. King Zoran, the defeater of Draviakhan, reigns, but age is catching up to him. Meanwhile evil is brewing in his own kingdom, and chaos is about to be reigned down on the innocent once more.

Enter Steve! The warrior who will be representing Celestial in the tournament. He’s excited, and the people are excited as well. Steve is one of several characters who will take the stage in this beginning story. Steve is 19 years-old. He has no idea that this day of the tournament will be one of the longest and hardest for him.

Then meet Karia. She’s half human, half elf. She’s alone in this world, but she’s doing her best to survive and get by. She encounters her own problems when she crosses paths with a monster in the forest. This is a sign of things to come. Karia has repeatedly voiced how humans are taking too much by over hunting, but no one listens. Now, she faces the problem head on for herself.

Then there is Ty, an Elf. Ty is depicted as the good looking carefree character who believes in living life to the fullest. Why? Well, the reason for that will be revealed soon enough. All we’ll say is history as a way of repeating itself. So the question becomes...will Ty follow in history’s footsteps? Or will he finally break that chain?

Heroes of the Siege is a page-turner from beginning to end. This story reads like it is shorter than it actually is. You’re going to become so engrossed in this story that it’s going to be you “blink” and you’ve reached the end. LOL! You’ll be looking around like...”where is the rest of the story at?!” While volume one may come to a close quickly, the good news is that book two is available to go and grab up right now.

Author Johnson knows how to put together a story. We’ll say that. You get dynamic characters and gripping scenes. When the chaos and fighting breaks out with the surprise attack the drama and the hits just keep coming. Grab a breath when you can because the author is not going to give you many opportunities. Trust us on this one.

Story of Evil: Heroes of the Siege is going to be a must read for many a lover of fantasy novel. You’re going to get monsters, monsters and more monsters. You’re going to get good monsters who side with the humans, elves and dwarves. Then you’re going to have the monsters who side with evil. One aspect that we love is the uniqueness and layers that the author gives readers with this story.

You’re not getting “mindless” creatures in the monsters who just attack because they can. You get creatures that can think and rationalize. You can really expect a lot of grit and drama that will play out on the page.

You will also see a lot of heartbreak and loss as chaos breaks out with this surprise attack. Author Johnson doesn’t shy away from giving readers exactly what they will be looking for when it comes to this story. You are going to get the details, not gorey details, but you will see characters go from living and vibrant to be another tragic loss in the face of a cruel and unrelenting war machine.

Steve, Ty and Karia will truly shine in this story as they each manage to escape death more than once. You can prepare yourself to be pulled to the edge of your seat multiple times as the question of who will survive and who will fall. As the story moves closer to a close the hint of a bigger story begins to unfold. A prophecy that hints at something more. A king who carries a secret, but before he can give any clue as to what it is…

Readers who hate cliffhangers...for this series, you’re going to be willing to move past it. LOL! Why do we say this? Because the rest of the series is available to you. You’re literally going to want to sit down and binge read these books, because yes. That’s how good it is. You’re getting dragons, direwolves, gryphons, phoenixes, orcs, ogres, giants, elves, and so much more.

Heroes of the Siege is a must read and we cannot wait to find out what happens next.

5 out of 5 stars

Title: Heroes of the Siege

Series: The Story of Evil (Volume 1)

Author: Tony Johnson

Genre: Fantasy

Age Category: Young Adult

Page Count: 235 Pages

Publication Date: February 3, 2013

About the Book:

During an entertaining jousting tournament, a mysterious villain attacks the capital with his army. Three young adults decide to fight back against insurmountable odds despite knowing their slim chances of survival.

Follow Stephen Brightflame, a nineteen-year-old who aspires to become a knight, Tyrus Canard, an arrogant warrior, and Kari Quinn, a Halfling archer in this first volume in the five-part series, "The Story of Evil."

It has been raved for its “intense action scenes,” “riveting twists,” and a conclusion that “leaves you on the edge of your seat” (SPR and US Review of Books).

                                                              Grab your copy today! 


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About the Author:

Tony Johnson is the author of the The Story of Evil, an epic fantasy saga. Tony is an avid reader. He enjoys fantasy, classics, and Christian literature. He is a fan of movies, television, music, videogames, and sports. From Batavia, NY.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Vesselless Review Spotlight

Have you read Vesselless by Cortney L. Winn yet? We really think you should, especially if you loved; Fourth Wing, Serpent and Wings of Night, and From Blood and Ash!

Looking for your next exciting fantasy read? Vesselless is going to be that book. Trust us on this one. The minute we began this book we were swept away and kept coming back for more. This is first in the series, and we are already like -- okay, where is book two? We need to know what happens next. LOL! 

The kingdom was stolen. That is what the people believe that Nizzara and her family rule over. When you get to the meat of the matter...their not far off on the truth on that one. The kingdom was taken through bloodshed and fighting. When you learn the true gist of the matches up. But now, danger is coming home. 

Nizzara is different from her family. She doesn't like the heavy-handed methods that her father chooses to utilize against the people. You'll quickly get an understand as to what is going on when you start reading this book. Author Winn is quick to point it out to readers and it will have your jaw on the floor. 

Author Winn works to quickly draw readers in by shifting the story to our ghostly MMC, Dagen. When he makes his appearance it's quite the jolt. He's supposed to be dead...and well, he is. LOL! But he's about to be given an offer that will be too tempting to turn away. He knows the dangers of striking this bargain, but temptation is a devil. 

Dagen sees his opportunity to have some revenge, reclaim what is rightfully his and be free, even if it for only 100 years. But hey, revenge will make it all the sweeter. The only problem? The target. He doesn't intend to begin to fall for her, but fall he does. What does that mean? He knows the consequences should he fail, but there is more going on here than meets the eye. 

Vesselless is a true page-turner of a fantasy novel. You're not going to want to put this book down once you start reading it. 

5 out of 5 stars

A hot-headed heiress, duels her way through a deadly tournament to end her betrothal, teaming up with a wickedly handsome enemy who is HALF GHOST and all charm.

Vesselless (The Merciless Realms Series Book 1)

Publication Date: May 23, 2024

Genre: Romantic Fantasy

She’s heiress to the throne. The throne her father stole from him.

Nizzara has always been able to perceive spirits better than the average caster. When she enters a deadly tournament to end her betrothal, she's determined to win without succumbing to the addictive spirit magic she channels or taking a life in the duel ring. Finding herself outmatched, Nizzara must face her fear of power and team up with Dagen—an enemy who is half-ghost and all charm—to survive the tournament.

Dagen, the last King of Zarr, was killed by Nizzara’s father ten years ago. Now a half-ghost—able to phase between his human and spirit form—he is stuck in another realm, hunting wretched souls. When his keeper offers him a chance to reclaim his freedom in exchange for Nizzara’s soul, Dagen takes the deal.

There’s only one catch: she must freely give it to him by the tournament’s end or his own soul is forfeit.

Fourth Wing meets The Serpent of Wings & Night in the first instalment of this action packed romantasy as they deal with the bargain hanging over their heads. Family, love, power and deception collide as Nizarra and Dagen make decisions that could change their realm forever.



The Siege of Corell Review Spotlight


Terin and company are back in The Siege of Corell. We hope you're ready and excited for what's coming, because it's going to be an epic ride! 

The Siege of Corell is book two in the Chronicles of Arax series. Terin and his friends are still fighting the good fight against Tyro, but there have been and will continue to be losses as innocents die at the claws and teeth of the gargoyles. There is only so much that they can do against the blood-thirsty creatures.

But the stakes are only getting higher! Book one left readers with a cliffhanger of "What is going to happen next." Terin now has Tyro's people hunting him because of a necklace that his father gave him. Cronus? He gets free from one problem and finds himself almost immediately in another. Will these people just let him go free? No? Okay, well, that just makes sense because we need and want a story. LOL! 

Cronus has managed to be freed from the dungeons. Great news, right? What is the next problem? Getting to safety. Oy-vee. That's not going to be easy, especially with another of the group of friends being hunted - Raven. Raven, you better watch out because Tosha is coming for you! Honestly, I don't know who he should hope to find him first, but I'm leaning toward Tosha. If it's one of Tyro's other minions then it won't be good for him, that's for sure! 

Noticeably less seen in this book will be Raven and the crew. It will be a bit disappointing especially since his crew tends to bring a good amount of drama, but some humor, too. We can't help but be fans of theirs especially when their android brings some unexpected wise-cracks so effortlessly. 

Author Sanford continues this series giving readers a wide variety of characters. Of course, with some losing their lives, and others being captured or simply being forced to go into hiding we get some new ones introduced to keep the storyline going and very much engaging. 

As in book one, this story traverses land and sea, and for some of these characters, by air, as they fight to keep Arax from falling completely into Tyro's vicious grip. The gargoyles continue to be a problem that will not be easily dealt with. They have been around for a long time, and appear to be the intended thorn in the side of the defenders. 

Terin especially continues to grow as a character. He's learning more about himself and the sword that he carries. His skill continues to grow and develop, but he's learning to not completely depend on the sword. Because what should happen if he loses it in the middle of a battle? If you've read book one, you'll know that might be a touch far-fetched to believe, but anything is possible. 

Author Sanford is going to throw in more than a twist or two with this book, so brace yourself. They will come in the most unexpected places and probably cue a jaw-drop or two. We personally delighted in every single one of them.

True to form Author Sanford is going to leave readers on a cliffhanger when it comes to the end of The Siege of Corell. Things may have worked out well for our friends overall in this installment, but the future, for us, is unknown and we will have to wait and see what comes next for young Terin, Cronus, Raven and the others we have come to know throughout this series thus far. 


Great storytelling
Interesting characters
Twists and surprises


Some of the characters were lacking in appearance

5 out of 5 stars


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Goodreads: iReads
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Of War and Heroes Review Spotlight


 Of War and Heroes is the first book in Benjamin Sanford’s The Chronicles of Arax. This fantasy novel will blend magic with some scifi but will absolutely take readers on ride of a story that will keep you coming back for more.

Of War and Heroes draws the reader in with a cover depicting a fight scene between two warriors front and center. Their swords flashing – one with a white light, and the other with the colors like a flame. It appears that they are doing battle at a castle as towers loom in the background. To the right, is are a pair of men wielding guns shooting the enemy appearing on the left side of the cover and the monsters coming in from the sky. This cover alone promises a gripping novel to check out.

As the reader delves into Of War and Heroes they will be taken to a scene of a small farm. There readers will meet young Terin. Terin is preparing to leave his family behind and travel to the city. There he is being sent to work as a scribe and apprentice to Torry ambassador, Squid. Terin does not wish to leave his family behind, because he knows the hardships that they will endure without him, but he is sent on his way as they hope for him to have a better life than the one he currently leads.

Of War and Heroes is told from the third person perspective. Terin is an interesting character, and he is one that will be easy for readers to like and be drawn to. Little by little readers will discover that there is more to Terin than meets the eye. Whether it is Terin himself or the sword that his father has given him. He will have quite the journey ahead of him.

Of War and Heroes alternates between a variety of characters. There will not be any distinctions to let readers know when a new character is about to be the focal point of the story. The only indication that readers will get will be a slightly larger than usual gap between the paragraphs. These will be your clues that the story is about to shift to another character and leave the one you are currently following behind for the time being.

Initially, these transitions were confusing, but as we got the lay of the story we knew what to expect when we came across them. The pacing of the story tends to be slower when not immersed in a drama packed moment, but it still manages to keep the reader engaged and curious as to what is going to transpire next.

Expecting horrific monsters to be harassing the good people of this story? Well, there really won’t be any of those – just monstrous gargoyles who will rip you to shreds and devour you. Author Sanford does an excellent job playing up the horrors these creatures wreck on the people of various towns.

Brace yourself for tales of horror and heartbreak as several of the characters (mostly side characters) will relate stories that will make you truly hate the gargoyles and their true cruelty.

Readers get a nice variety of characters in this book. You get people who hail from Earth – Raven and his crew, who came on a space ship and became stranded due to not having the parts to repair the ship. Then you have soldiers that Terin meets and befriends on his way to Rego to take up his new role as a scribe.

Author Sanford will tease readers with the fear that negative drama will unfold in the least inopportune of moments, especially in an early scene that plays out with Terin and when he meets Cronus after he, Terin, nearly gets robbed by an ocran thief.

The pace of this story is slower than we would have liked at times, but then things do ramp up and this book becomes a real page-turner. To be expected there is a lot of back and forth when it comes to the pacing. It could be that we were simply finding our stride in the story, or that is just the true pace, but it creates an interesting story.

Towards the end author Sanford begins to seed readers with the feeling that things are heading towards a cliff. Terin is about to find himself being hunted by the enemy, as will Cronus. How will this play out for these two characters? Terin is still learning and discovering more about his sword, but now more danger lies in store for him.

It will definitely be interesting to see where things go from here. Packed with fantasy, drama, some romance sprinkled in, an enemy on the march with the intent to dominate all, this book is sure to delight many a reader who enjoys epic fantasy!


  • Page-turner
  • Good storytelling
  • Dynamic
  • Nice variety of characters
  • Leaves you wanting more


  • Pacing was slow at times

5 out of 5 stars


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