Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Curse of King Midas Review Spotlight

Welcome to the book tour of The Curse of King Midas. Readers who enjoyed the story of King Midas are not going to want to miss out on this dynamic and in-depth retelling of this eternal story. Keep reading for our review, and more about this book and the author. 


 The Curse of King Midas is the first book in author Colleen M. Story’s the Midas Legacy series, and readers who enjoyed the story of King Midas as a child will not want to miss out on this novel!

The Curse of King Midas draws readers in with a cover depicting a man standing in a parapet looking out over his kingdom and city. His back is to the reader, a crimson and cream colored cloak drapped over his shoulders with a sword in his right hand. Ahead of him, the sun is descending in the sky, while a river runs away into the distance. Is this the fateful king himself looking ahead to where he hopes to expand his kingdom? Only one way to find out.

The Curse of King Midas is an engaging historical fantasy style novel. This book takes the familiar story of King Midas and gives it some meat to make it into a dynamic tale. Readers can even think of this book as the “origin” story for King Midas. Sorta. It holds this thought process in the beginning, but the story shifts and takes a different turn.

When readers meet young “Midas” he goes by a different name. He is living a different life, and he had a small sister. He was a young tribal boy living in the grasslands. Until that fateful day when everything changed. On that day, he lost everything he knew and loved, and he almost lost his life, too. But for the intervention of one...he would no longer be of this world.

The Curse of King Midas will originally unfold like a story of revenge. He is out to recover something precious to him that was stolen. When the story starts he’s a young boy, but when the story shifts forward in time, he is a king of many years now, grown children, and...he still has not recovered what he lost. Cue eyebrow raise, right? One would think he’d have accomplished by now, but he hasn’t.

His enemy still stands. His enemy still holds what he once claimed was so important to him. Can he still claim it, if he has had over 20 years to reclaim it, but has failed at every turn? Did he, at some point, give up hope for being successful? Has his enemy proven to be that clever and powerful to thwart him at every turn? Or is there something else going on here?

The Curse of King Midas is a book built with a ton of intrigue and mystery. Never think that you’ve figured it all out, because until you hit a certain point in the have not. Just keep reading and it will begin to make sense in due time.

This book is written in the third person, so there will be a lot of shifting around. You’ll get King Midas, you’ll get his trio of advisors, his two grown children, and a variety of other characters who come in and make appearances. It gets a little chaotic from time to time but author Story works to keep readers from getting too confused by all that transpires in this story.

The fantasy element of this story isn’t necessarily front and center, but it is there. When we say not “front and center” we mean that there aren’t any “fantastical” creatures, or epic scenes packed with magic that remind you that this is a book based in fantasy. The fantasy element is more subtle, but it’s still there and bold enough that readers are able to see and acknowledge it.

The Curse of King Midas absolutely reads like a cautionary tale of “be careful what you wish for.” King Midas has one wish – to defeat his enemy, and for that he needs unlimited funds. This pushes him to make a foolish wish, but it’s the subtle manipulations along the way that throw everything into chaos. It reminds us of dealing with a genie. You have to make sure that you close all the loopholes so that stuff doesn’t come back and bite you in the butt. But of course, why should that cross Midas’s mind when he wishes for the golden touch? We never think of the consequences until it’s to late, and then? Well, then it’s always someone else’s fault that we’re in the predicament that we’re in.

One element of this book that we loved so much is how the truth gradually is unearthed. Midas struck a deal as a child, and he allowed the deal to falter. He was at fault for the chaos reigning at his door, but because he allowed another to dictate, his enemy gained a foothold. It’s wild, but it makes for an absolutely delicious story that will grab you and keep you coming back for more.

As this story draws to a close, do not expect a happy resolution. Things will not go back to the way they were. That can never be no matter what one may claim. But because of this...”gray lie” another round of revenge will be born. Yep, things will continue in a new vein. How exactly? Well, we’ll just have to wait and see, because remember, this is just the beginning.

The Curse of King Midas is a fresh and refreshing take on an old classic. With new life and a little bit of magic, this historical fantasy novel is sure to entrap readers within it’s pages and leave them eager for the next book in this series. We can’t wait to find out what happens next.


  • Engaging storyline
  • Dynamic characters
  • Twists and surprises
  • Well written
  • Page-turner


  • None of merit

5 out of 5 stars

Black Phoenix Book Tours

June 10-13

The curse of King Midas is real.

In the ancient kingdom of Phrygia, tribal boy Karem Savas thirsts for revenge against King Sargon II, the man who killed his mother and kidnapped his sister. A deal with the dark goddess of the underworld propels him to a powerful position of leadership with a mighty army and thousands of loyal subjects. Crowned as King Midas, he rules from the prosperous capital city of Gordium, where the future shines bright for his two royal children, Prince Anchurus and Princess Zoe.

But Midas is unable to shake his traumatic past. As his deal with the dark goddess turns sour, he seeks help from another, never realizing it will be his undoing. Burdened with a cursed power and floundering against the savvy King Sargon II, Midas must right his wrongs and save his children before it is too late.

Packed with myth, magic, and vengeance, this captivating tale of King Midas begins the new mythological fantasy series from Colleen M. Story.

About the Author

 Colleen M. Story is a novelist, freelance writer, and speaker with over 25 years in the creative writing industry. "The Curse of King Midas," her newest novel, was recognized as a top-ten finalist for the Claymore Award prior to publication. Her previous novels include "The Beached Ones" and "Loreena’s Gift," which was a Foreword Reviews’ INDIES Book of the Year Awards winner.
Colleen's series of popular success guides for writers—"Your Writing Matters," "Writer Get Noticed!" and "Overwhelmed Writer Rescue"—have all been recognized for their distinction. She frequently serves as a motivational speaker, where she helps attendees remove mental and emotional blocks and tap into their unique creative powers.
A lifelong musician, Colleen plays the French horn in her local symphony and pit orchestras. When not writing, she’s exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest and making up more challenging games for her smart German Shepherd to play. Find more at and

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