Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Clowders Book Blitz

Welcome all! Do you love horror? How about cats? Are you looking for your next horror packed novel that is filled with mysterious cats? Then look no further! We have a special treat for you today - Clowders is FREE! So, if this book intrigues you...keep reading and be sure to grab yourself a copy! 

                 Clowders by Vanessa Morgan

Genre: horror, supernatural thriller, cats

Age group: for adults


Clervaux, Luxembourg. This secluded, picturesque town in the middle of Europe is home to more cats than people. For years, tourists have flocked to this place – also known as “cat haven” - to meet the cats and buy cat-related souvenirs.

When Aidan, Jess and their five-year-old daughter, Eleonore, move from America to Clervaux, it seems as if they've arrived in paradise. It soon becomes evident, though, that the inhabitants' adoration of their cats is unhealthy.

According to a local legend, each time a cat dies, nine human lives are taken as a punishment. To tourists, these tales are supernatural folklore, created to frighten children on cold winter nights. But for the inhabitants of Clervaux, the danger is horrifyingly real.

Initially, Aidan and Jess regard this as local superstition, but when Jess runs over a cat after a night on the town, people start dying, one by one, and each time it happens, a clowder of cats can be seen roaming the premises.

Are they falling victim to the collective paranoia infecting the entire town? Or is something unspeakably evil waiting for them?

Their move to Europe may just have been the worst decision they ever made.


Although the book's location – Clervaux in Luxembourg – exists in real life, Clowders is actually is inspired by Japanese cat islands, such as Tashirojima and Aoshima. where tourists visit to meet and play with cats. On these islands, cats outnumber the human population, and they are known for their cat-themed decorations and merchandise. The only difference is that these cat islands aren't cursed.

Cat tourism not a new concept, but it's gained popularity in recent years. Destinations like cat cafes and cat islands attract tourists from all over the globe who want to interact with cats. These places often have themed decorations and merchandise centered around cats. Cat-related tourism offers a unique experience for animal lovers and travelers alike.

Are you interested in knowing more about these destinations? Then check out the author's blog, Traveling Cats, which is all about cat tourism.

About the author

Vanessa Morgan is the editor of the movie reference guides When Animals Attack: The 70 Best Horror Movies with Killer Animals, Strange Blood: 71 Essays on Offbeat and Underrated Vampire Movies, and Evil Seeds: The Ultimate Movie Guide to Villainous Children. She also has had one cat book (Avalon) and four supernatural thrillers (Drowned Sorrow, The Strangers Outside, A Good Man, and Clowders) published. Three of her stories have been turned into movies. She has written for myriad Belgian magazines and newspapers and introduces movie screenings at several European film festivals. She is also a programmer for the Offscreen Film Festival in Belgium. When she's not working on her latest book, you can find her reading, watching movies, eating out, or photographing felines for her blog Traveling Cats.

What others have to say about Clowders

"A startling new voice in horror" - Lucky McKee (director)

"Vanessa Morgan has the gift of pacing and spookiness." - Scott Nicholson (author)

"One very fine writer for both books and screen - Vanessa has a style that is intoxicating." - Grady Harp (Amazon Top 100 Reviewer)

"The female version of Stephen King." - Pedro Chaves (director)

"A first-rate horror story." – Port Jericho (blog)

"A surprisingly scary book." – With Love For Books (blog)

"An intelligent piece of classic horror with a family at the heart of the story." – The Shades of Orange (blog)

"Clowders is a book that reminded me a lot of vintage, small-town European horror from the likes of Herbert, Hutson, Clark, and Campbell. Vanessa Morgan weaves a creepy, suspenseful tale about urban legends and rural superstitions, with a plot that feeds on paranoia and fear." - Sally Bend (author)

"I think Clowders has a Children of the Corn vibe. Replace the corn with cats, and replace the kids with adults. You'll find the same theme." - Kathy Finfrock (author)

"A horror novel written in a way that has me picturing its scenes as though I'm watching a horror movie." - Miranda Burski (author)

"Great story. Solid characters. Well crafted suspense." – Hatched Mouth (YouTube)

"A good shiver-causing read." - Toni Lesatz (author)

"Really terrifying." – Bookshelf Life (blog)

"Full of suspense and terror." – Warm Days Will Never Cease (blog)

"It's riveting and chilling and unlike anything I've ever read. I can already see it as a movie." – Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, and Meows (blog)

"I really enjoyed having no idea if the impending doom was real or just a figment of the townspeople's imagination. It really left me second guessing what was truly going on." – The Book Return (blog)

"My hats are off to Vanessa Morgan for her ending. She didn't settle, and she hit the right plot points." – The Literary License (podcast)

"Ms. Morgan has certainly scratched out a special niche in the horror genre with Clowders." – Tome Tender (blog)


Website: https://traveling-cats.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/travelingcats

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travelingcatsblog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TravellingCats

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eeriestories/

Amazon Author Page: https://amzn.to/3WwZ0Y9

Blitz-wide giveaway (INT)
  • 5x ebook of your choice from the list below (see image attached):

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