Monday, June 24, 2024

The Healer Academy Review

 The Healer Academy is the first book in Marinda Misra’s Healer Academy series. This series will depict the story of a young girl as she discovers exactly who she is. She’s been shunned all her life and told by the people of her village that she’s “cursed.” However, that is all a lie, and the truth? The truth is going to come out and it is going to be something truly shocking.

The Healer Academy piques readers interest with a beautiful cover. The cover shows the close up face of a young girl with violet eyes. Behind her are trees while in her hands are glowing blue lights floating all around her. All of these are hints and clues of what the reader can expect to find in this story.

The Healer Academy tells the story of young girl named Kailin. Kailin has been raised all her life in a small village near the Holy Forest. Her life hasn’t been easy due to her heritage. The villagers believe that she is a “bastard” child and that her mother had a child out of wedlock. So they treat her with disdain and shame her at every turn. The only person that she appears to have is her aunt Beredith. But Kailin’s opportunity is coming – with the entrance exam to the Healer Academy.

The Healer Academy gradually draws readers in with hints of Kailin’s capabilities. She’s a truly capable healer on her own thanks to her aunt’s skill. While Kailin may be skilled, she is, unfortunately, prone to a touch of panic. This will cause an issue during the exam, and her one chance to advance to another level in going to be taken away from...based one...simple...mistake.

Kailin’s quest is unfortunately going to be derailed, but the chance won’t be completely gone. Instead, her aunt will push for her to go with a Healer. But instead of being a student, Kailin will be a servant. This is not the way that Kailin had hoped to reach the Healer Academy, but she will discover more and more as time goes by.

The Healer Academy is an engaging YA fantasy novel that pulls readers in with hints of magic here and there throughout the story. This book wouldn’t be classified as “high fantasy” where magic is “essential” to the storyline. The Healer Academy is more of a “low fantasy” novel at this time. Who is to say what the future will hold when it comes to the magic levels, but for now, this is the case.

Kailin is a multi-faceted character. She shows some good character development throughout the story. She goes from being a scared child to a strong young woman a little bit at a time. There are some in the story who could seriously care less about her. She’s a Peasant girl who has come to the Academy to be a servant. Simple. Cut and dry. Right? But she’s more than that and capable of much more.

Kailin seems to have a tendency to get herself into trouble, but each time it leads to something more. She experiences various situations and in the process learns new things about not just herself, but the powers that she possesses. One thing is for certain – Kailin doesn’t truly want these powers. Why? Well, they scare her. Once you dive into this story you’ll get a better understanding as to why she fears them.

There are moments in The Healer Academy that Kailin will probably try your patience. LOL! She’s very vocal at times, and despite the fact that she is supposed to be a servant she hardly behaves like one. Kailin is not alone in this story. She makes friends with some of the other servants, and a girl that she grew up with goes from former friend. That “friendship” falling apart is rather sad to witness.

The overall storyline is engaging and is sure to keep readers page-turning as we wonder what is going to happen to Kailin. She’s made it to the Healer Academy, but she’s a servant. She’s working there instead of having the opportunity to study and learn more. Add in that she has caught the eye of a “notorious” Noble known for and that alone spells trouble for her. Why exactly? Well, you’ll have to read to find out.

The Healer Academy has it’s twists and surprises packed into places where you’re not going to expect them. Author Misra reminds readers that the peace that is found in this story is tenuous at best. War is brewing, and the land that Kailin lives in is preparing bit by bit. Men below the station of Noble are being rounded up, and the lower people...are beginning to fight back.

The story doesn’t simply stay at the Healer Academy though. While the majority of it is, the author takes readers to Kailin’s home, and then to another place that is supposed to be neutral ground. Kailin is really going to have her hands full with all of the drama that she will be experiencing throughout this story.

Hoping for some romance? Well, you’re definitely going to get that. Since this is a YA novel, the romance will be kept clean. There will be some hints of “more” between some characters, but there won’t be anything that takes place on page. As for anything happening between Kailin and any boy, things will be kept to just kissing for now. Who knows what the future will bring as the story continues to progress.

The end of this first book doesn’t have a cliffhanger. So, for readers who absolutely hate LOL! The Healer Academy comes to a nice neat close with all seeming to be well with Kailin for the time being. Everything is far from perfect, but for the moment she’s happy and things are looking up. Who’s to say what will happen in book two.


  • Good storytelling
  • Engaging storyline
  • Nice attention to detail
  • Page-turner


  • None of merit

4.5 out of 5 stars


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