Friday, August 9, 2024

Hell's Beginning Review Spotlight


Welcome to my stop on Black Tide's Book Tour for Hell's Beginning by John T.M. Herres. Hell's Beginning is one of those spine chillers that will have you biting your tongue the next time you think about trying to get in the last word. You just never know...that person could be a killer you just barely escaped. 

 Hell’s Beginnings by John T.M. Herres is an 80s slasher film that meets the modern era with a supernatural twist. We hope you’re not squeamish because this book? Yeah, it’s bloody. You’re going to love it.

Hell’s Beginnings is a stand-alone horror novel by author John T.M. Herres. This book lures readers of horror in with a cover that is sure to pique many an interest. You’ll first notice an individual standing in the rain. He’s wearing a gray hoodie with the hood pulled to hide his face. His hands appear empty, but that doesn’t mean that you should underestimate this guy by any means. This character appears innocuous enough, but what lies deep within him makes him more than a force to be reckoned with.

Hell’s Beginning starts off in a rather dramatic fashion. Someone has already been taken captive, and she’s found herself in a bad way. You’re going to be thinking “Well, do we get to find out how she got to be in the predicament she’s in?” The answer? Of course, you will! What you’ll learn? That maybe...just maybe...she should have kept her mouth shut. But...alas, pride is a terrible sin...and this case? It seals her fate in the worst way possible.

Hell’s Beginning doesn’t take long to throw a lot of gore and horror in your face. You’re going to be taken along for the ride as this mysterious main character abducts Sharon and hauls her off to force her to experience unthinkable terrors. Of course, it wouldn’t be much of a story if we didn’t get some backstory on Sharon as well.

The first half of the story focuses heavily on this mysterious bad guy who is out to have his pound of flesh. You get the sense that there is a true darkness about him, but author Herres does an excellent job of keeping the true depths hidden in shadows. It’s not until later on in the story that you’re going to get a glimpse.

Readers who enjoy gorey horror are going to devour this book. The first half especially is heavy on the gore factor. The first half of Hell’s Beginning reads much like one would expect an 80s or even 90s slasher horror movie to play out.

In Hell’s Beginning, you’re getting the woman who unwittingly provokes a killer. You wonder exactly how it is all going to play out for her. Is it going to be a long drawn-out torture session? Or does author Herres have something more insidious in store for us readers? And Sharon, too, of course. Well, one thing is for sure and that is that heads are going to roll.

Hell’s Beginning brings the horror in spades as the chapters transition between the killer (still shrouded in mystery) and other characters who will soon find themselves trapped in his orbit. The killer in Hell’s Beginning is literally an equal-opportunity killer. Author Herres throws all the fresh meat into the grinder and turns a few chapters in this book into a literal free-for-all.

To be fair and honest with you, there is some content in this book that even we were taken aback by. Why and what was it? Well, it wasn’t the gore or the violence. No, it was when a young underage girl gets drawn into the mix and appears to be heading toward a sexual situation with a much older guy. Those particular scenes were flirting with disaster by dancing the line, but author Herres keeps things relatively above board...barely.

Are there other sexual situations in this book? Yes, but they all happen off-page. You’re given a hint that something is about to transpire, but you’ll have to use your imagination for those scenes.

Just when you think that Hell’s Beginning is going to be just a full-blown slasher story, author Herres says “Sit tight. There’s more.”

We know what you’re thinking...more? What more could there be? The body count is mounting, the final two are here. Where can the story go from here? Well, wait for it. Hell’s Beginning is going to take a twist that you’re not going to see coming, but it is absolutely going to glue you to the pages.

Hell’s Beginning starts out slasher style, but it morphs into something more that helps to better explain why the killer is an “equal opportunist” when it comes to those encroaching on his temporary lair.

The pace of Hell’s Beginning, even from the beginning, is pretty good. It moves at a decent pace and will keep readers engaged to find out who’s going to make it and who won’t. But when the big reveal comes along the storyline really begins to pick up the pace. It transitions into a race against the clock in more ways than one.

Also, author Herres begins to weave in more of a supernatural twist to help guide the characters in this story, because without that guidance? Well, things could have gotten a lot worse. For sure Hell’s Beginning is packed with twists, turns, surprises, and drama that you won’t see coming.


  • Engaging storyline
  • Twisted
  • Slasher movie vibes
  • Interesting characters


  • The sexual angle with the underage girl

4.5 out of 5 stars

Black Tide Book Tours

August 6-9


When a stranger arrives in Charity Falls, Utah, he has one intent: get a drink and some rest before hitting the road again. An altercation with a lush brings back dark memories, and the woman's final taunt tips him over the edge. He abducts and drags her off to an abandoned farm.

There, he introduces her to pain and suffering, on a journey into her darkest nightmares, and his bloodthirsty fantasy. However, the farm isn't as secluded as he had hoped, and he is forced to deal with several others who have wandered too close to his lair.

When just two innocents remain, only a battle of survival will decide who will walk away.But, the killer strikes again, and only one who has been close to the horrors will know what must be done. Someone must put an end to the reign of terror that has begun.

Universal link for the book on Amazon

About the Author

John T. M. Herres was born May 26, 1965, to a military family.

His father served in the Air Force, and the family moved around a great deal during John's younger years – which meant a constant change of circumstances.

John tries to use these experiences to add richness and realism to his writing.

Influenced by such authors as Robert E. Howard, Stephen King, Dean R. Koontz, and James Patterson, his genre of choice became action/fantasy-adventure populated by barbarians inspired by Conan, et al, set in rich, exotic landscapes, though he dabbles in other genres.

John's writing has emerged and matured into works with three-dimensional characters, action sequences that read like a movie scene with great visuals for the reader, and plot lines that pull the reader deep into both the action and the psyche of his heroes.

John has written several poems and is dabbling with a sci-fi story, as well as some short stories in the horror genre.

Having lived in the Great state of Texas a majority of his life, he currently resides in Mississippi. His works-in-progress include "Tales of The Barbarian" and "Challenge of The Velah" which he is hoping to have published at some point.

Recently, a few of his writings have been accepted for publication by J Ellington Ashton and HellBound Books.

He also has self-published a poetry book through Xlibris (warning), available on Amazon and other online retailers. On his Amazon Author page one will find links to several Anthologies that include some of his short stories.

Publisher's Social Media

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