Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Blood Prince Review Spotlight


 The Blood Prince is the first book in Ayla Marie’s YA fantasy series, and readers who enjoy gripping storylines with engaging characters are not going to want to miss out on this book.

The Blood Prince cover lures readers in with a simplistic cover. In the top right and bottom left corners draping across this book’s cover appears to be a length of red fabric. Tucked into the bottom of it appears to be a ring or some other piece of jewelry. In between these fabric pieces are gray and dried-out leaves. Are these symbols of things that we will find in the story? Guess we’ll have to see.

As The Blood Prince begins to unfold readers are immediately introduced to Leo as he’s on a job. He’s on the prowl to fulfill his latest hit. His name is known and feared by many, but not his true name – Leo. No, his “street name” was given to him because of his eyes “The Blood Prince.” Loving the fact that we get the tie-in to the title so quickly in the story.

He’s a successful killer, so you’d think that his skills are in high demand. Well, they are, but he’s kept on a leash. All he wants is to be able to live in peace with his siblings, but that’s not to be the case. Due to his secret, and the fact that his kind and others like him are “outlawed” by the king, he lives with the threat of death hanging over his head all the time.

If it weren’t for that one fact he’d probably be able to demand more pay for what he does. However, instead, he finds himself exploited and taken advantage of by the man who “hires” him as a mercenary/hitman. It’s heartbreaking to know the kind of squalor that he and his siblings are forced to live in.

With all of them living their lives as best that they can with only each other, things seem fine. Until they’re not. Author Marie is going to set up a scene with the siblings in town, and you are immediately going to know that something is about to go wrong. It doesn’t take long for things to go left (as we knew they would) and chaos erupts.

Their fragile peace? Shattered and destroyed forever. But The Blood Prince just keeps getting better. Because now is the time that secrets are coming to light. The truth about who Leo is coming out little by little, but the big reveals? Those are later on in the story.

The Blood Prince focuses heavily on Leo as he is the main character and focus of the story. But you get scenes that include his siblings, and when they find a new shifts to his siblings. Cael is one of the other characters who will gain the spotlight when tragedy strikes the family. What is it exactly? Well, it’s something major to create a “forced” shift to another character in the story. Curious? LOL! Then grab this book!

Moving forward The Blood Prince does continue to shift POV between three characters. It’s nice to get some new ones, though I would have liked a few chapters with the younger sister of Elana’s. She would have brought some freshness to the story in the form of her kindness. However, as it is we get to see Elana evolve and develop. Unfortunately, we’ll also see the devolution of the relationship between the siblings as one appears to lose himself to “brainwashing.”

The Blood Prince is an engaging YA fantasy novel that gives readers just enough details to keep them engaged without taking it to the point of being too much for younger readers. There is violence in this story, but it’s not overdone or overly bloody. You get just enough to stimulate your imagination to piece together images of what is going on.

Readers are going to enjoy how realistic the characters are and how truly engaged in the story you will become with each turn of the page. The deeper the story goes the more intrigued you will become at why certain characters are treated better than others. There is history there, and some of it has been twisted, but the truth will win out. We get the backstory in certain places, and we get a bit of a history lesson as well. The more that is revealed in The Blood Prince, the more you’re going to become eager to discover what takes place in book two.

The Blood Prince is going to end on a cliffhanger. Readers who don’t like’s okay! LOL! It will just make sure that this book sticks with you so that you go grab book two! LOL!

The Blood Prince is a fantasy novel for readers who like fantasy novels, but lean more towards low fantasy. This is an engaging story, and you’ll look forward to all the twists, turns, revelations, and what comes next.


  • Page-turner
  • Engaging
  • Interesting characters
  • Dynamic situations


  • None of merit

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