Thursday, August 29, 2024

Dream Walker Review Spotlight

 Welcome to the book tour for Brittany Gossin's Dream Walker! Read on for more details!

 Dream Walker is a young adult/coming of age romantic fantasy novel that will grip you from the beginning, but then allow you to settle in for a mostly engaging storyline. Get ready to meet Ella as she works to discover who she is and protect those she comes to care for, but only after tragedy strikes.

Dream Walker by Brittany Gossin is one of those books that lassos you from the beginning, hits you with some jaw-dropping moments and then shifts forward to the world we are all familiar with.

Dream Walker begins with a world at war. Nightmares are running rampant and destroying everything in their path. Their power has grown to the point that keeping them at bay is becoming harder and harder. A difficult decision for the Queen is at hand, and it is one that she must yield to...or else all will be lost.

The story transitions at this point to the Earth realm that we are familiar with. Ella is a high school student. She’s awakened from a terrible nightmare of her own. The scene that plays out will grip you and have you this real? What happens if this thing that hunts her harms her in the dream? Will it transfer to the real world when she wakes? If she does at all?

Cue loads of tension and drama, right? Those are the best kinds of books the ones that keep you on the edge of your seat and page-turning to find out what happens next.

Of course, author Gossin allows the story to settle in for awhile after some chaotic scenes that play out. Ella suffers a horrific tragedy that forces her on the run, but with a little help she escapes death, but one question remains and it will continue to go unanswered for a time.

As Ella embarks on unlocking her magic she is going to have quite the road ahead of her. Accessing her magic won’t be easy and she’s already been given a clue that something will keep her from it. Of course, she doesn’t pay much attention to this mention because she feels overwhelmed in the moment.

While there are surprises along the way, the pacing of the story slows down quite a lot. We’re going to get moments of turmoil and chaos as Ella and others like her are thrown into the deep end to prepare themselves for the fight coming, but there is also a sense of underlying drama. There is someone looking to exploit them and this one safe place. Who is this mysterious person? And who is their inside helper? Like Ella doesn’t have enough on her plate to deal with. Things just keep piling up.

Wondering where the romance angle comes in? Well, it sparks pretty quickly. He’s older (by a few years), but wait! What’s this? Is there a second potential interest? Why yes! We think there is! Who will be the one who gets the girl?! Well, you’ll just have to read to find out. Though it is weird for Ella to talk about/think that Ethan has shared “so much” with her in private. He’s shared a thing or two here and there, but this girl needs to slow her roll. She’s acting like he’s been sharing his life story with her until someone else shows up. Not the case at all and it makes her sound...a touch delusional.

Ella is an interesting character, and she’s growing little by little, but I need girlfriend to get her head in the game and stay focused. She’s got a big fight ahead of her, and it’s coming from more than one front.

Dream Walkers has a lot of good things in it, and it’s an engaging story for sure. I loved the horror elements especially and the dynamic cast of fantasy characters. Readers who enjoy a good romantic fantasy novel will not want to miss out on the beginning of this new series.

Dream Walker (Realm of Dreams #1)

Publication Date: July 2, 2024

Genre Romantic Fantasy

  • Found family

  • Secrets and betrayal

  • Closed-door spice

  • Magic, fae, elves

  • Dragons and demons

  • Slow burn

In the aftermath of a harrowing nightmare, seventeen-year-old Ella Windsor must face a chilling reality as the wounds from her dreams appear on her body. To add to her terror, she witnesses the intrusion of a nightmarish creature come to life, lurking on her high school campus.

Faced with no choice but to escape the nightmares and search for why she’s the only one who can see them, Ella ventures into the mysterious Astral Realm. Alongside Ethan Wessex, a stunningly gorgeous Lieutenant of the Queen’s Astral Guard with his own air of mystery, Ella discovers a realm on the brink of war.

Azvameth, the King of Nightmares, harboring secrets of his own, seeks dominion not just over the Astral Realm but every waking world. With the assistance of other dream walkers, including the devastatingly handsome Cole, a Fae Prince, and Rhea, a feisty Elven female, each armed with latent magic, Ella may prove to be the missing piece in destroying Azvameth and saving her precious Mortal and Astral Realms.

In this epic romantasy, Ella grapples with love and betrayal, torn between the mysterious Ethan and the potential true love of Cole, all while embarking on a journey of self-discovery and found family. The nightmares have awakened, but so has she.



Tour Organizer: @rrbooktours

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