Friday, August 16, 2024

The Price of Vengeance Review Spotlight

 Welcome to the final day of the book tour for the novel, Price of Vengeance by Kurt D. Springs. Looking for a new scifi novel to sink your teeth into? Then Black Phoenix Book Tours has something for you right here. Vengeance is a dangerous thing...what price are you willing to pay to have it?

 Price of Vengeance is a deep space scifi novel by Kurt D. Springs. This novel will take readers to a planet and a people in the fight for their lives. A young man, orphaned as a child is about to have his entire life disrupted yet again when an alien intelligence utilizing dangerous bugs to threaten the place he calls home.

Price of Vengeance will grab readers attention with a cover depicting a soldier in the forefront. It can be assumed that the soldier is Liam himself. He’s holding a weapon and walking forward as if to exit the cover. Behind him is a trio of soldiers off to his right (our left) jogging along as if in a hurry. The ground appears to be wet from a recent rain, and the lights are lit on buildings and signs behind them.

While the cover doesn’t depict a sense of chaos and danger that will be found within the pages of Price of Vengeance, it’s there. So while the cover may not give you the chaotic vibes you’re looking for that will tempt you to dive into this book, go ahead and give it a chance.

Price of Vengeance will give the false impression of “not being that long” of a book due to it’s small number of chapters, but these chapters are chonky! LOL! We would have preferred shorter chapters though. We say this because it would have helped spread things out more throughout the story without everything taking place in the first chapter or two.

As Price of Vengeance kicks off we’re immediately introduced to Liam and the individuals who will become his foster/adopted family. Liam is a small child when his biological parents are killed. It’s tragic, learning of their quick departure. You’ll worry that Liam and Randolf will have some tension in the beginning, but author Springs is quick to assuage those fears.

We don’t spend any time watching Liam develop over the years. Instead author Springs has readers leap frog ahead in time in Price of Vengeance to “present” day of Liam being a grown man serving in the military.

The fight is still on going against the chitin, but many things have changed. The planet that they live on has become more isolated. They’ve been cut off and have no means of getting off the planet or anyone being able to come in. The military might that the people used to have has been destroyed due to one person’s actions. Their quest for power. Now, the next move in this deadly game of chess is at hand.

Price of Vengeance has a slow start, but the story will gradually pick up steam. Author Springs will drop hints here and there to readers that...something is going to go bad sooner than later. This can be in the simplest form of Liam, especially, taking great pains to cover for someone else. That sense that you’ll feel in those scenes especially? Hold on to them. You’re still going to find yourself with your jaw on the floor, but you’ll probably recover a little quicker.

Price of Vengeance descends into a military drama fraught with chaos and a lot of death. Keep your eyes peeled for traitors and lots of betrayal, especially in the first round of chaos that reigns. No one is going to know who to trust. There will be some sparks of romance in the beginning, but author Springs makes sure to keep it as a passing thing that only gets more attention closer to the ending.

Price of Vengeance will focus on Liam fighting for his life, getting revenge for what has happened to his family, and doing his best to bring down an evil that threatens them all.

Throughout the Price of Vengeance author Springs explores Liam’s uniqueness and his abilities that he has had since he was a child. Now, Liam has help to improve what he has and what he knows if he is going to face off with the intelligence behind the chitin that are invading the city and killing it’s people.

Piece by piece this story becomes more interesting and engaging. Liam is the focus of the story, but author Springs also shifts to his brother from time to time as well, so that readers can get things from his perspective. Also, we get viewpoints from Azurius, the dangerous enemy who is looking to conquer the planet in the name of the Rebellion. Azurius has his own collection of secrets, and one by one they will come to light.

As Price of Vengeance draws to a close author Springs is quick to remind us readers – this is just the first book in the Dreamscape Warriors series. Liam and his brother may be getting a nice little “happy ending” for right now, but there is another player getting ready to step into the game. Does this mean that Liam and Randolf will be pushed to continue the fight? Or will there be someone new? Well, we’ll just have to wait and see.

4 out of 5 stars

Price of Vengeance

by Kurt D. Springs

Black Phoenix Book Tours

August 13-16

 What is the price of vengeance?

One could understand why Liam was angry. He was orphaned at the age of two by a group of giant carnivorous insects called the chitin. Taken in by High Councilor Marcus and his wife, Lidia, Liam was raised with their older son, Randolf, in New Olympia, the last remaining city on the planet Etrusci.

As an adult, Liam becomes a soldier. After being cut off from the city, Liam finds that there is an alien intelligence behind the chitin. To defeat it, he must discover who he is and how to use his powers. Then, Liam discovers that a traitor, responsible for his birth parents' deaths, had murdered his beloved foster parents. Will the price he has to pay in his quest for vengeance prove to be an even more unbeatable foe?

Universal link for the book on Amazon

About the Author

Kurt D. Springs is presently an adjunct professor of anthropology and archaeology in New Hampshire. He holds a PhD. in anthropology from the State University of New York at Buffalo, as well as a Master of Literature in archaeology from the National University of Ireland, Galway, and a Master of Liberal Arts in anthropology and archaeology from the Harvard University Extension School. His main area of interest is megalithic landscapes in prehistoric Ireland.

Kurt also writes reviews on Kurt's Frontier.

Professor Springs currently lives in Manchester, New Hampshire.

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