Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Veiled Heir Review Spotlight

I can't think of a better novel to read than The Veiled Heir this summer, and we'll be celebrating the release all week!

 The Veiled Heir is the first book in the Heir of Atlantis series, and this adult romantasy is an epic book to check out for the summer.

The Veiled Heir grabs your attention first and foremost with a gorgeous cover. Readers are treated to a gorgeous underwater scene with beautiful fish swirling around in the water with bubbles floating around them. As the title of the story takes center stage on the cover, tucked away under the letters is a crown and an intricate trident. Both are elements of the queendom that will be the focal point of this story of discovery, love and revelation.

The Veiled Heir is the first book in S.T. Fernandez’s An Heir of Atlantis series. Readers who enjoy fated mate stories, elemental fae, and a dynamic retelling of Atlantis are not going to want to miss out on this story. It is going to grip you and keep you page-turning to the end.

Asherah has lived her life as a human. It’s the life she’s known and what she believes what she is. She’s always known that something was different about herself, but could never really put her finger on it. However, things are about to change. A night out at the bar with friends is about to create a shift in her life that she’s in no way prepared for.

Things are clearly strange for Asherah when she’s walking home, and it appears that she’s about to be a victim of assault. A fateful phone call from her parents winds up being her saving grace, but it only delays the inevitable. Instead, it puts in motion a chain of events that will see Asherah lose her beloved mother, and thrust her into a world that she is no way prepared for.

The Veiled Heir is an engaging novel that follows Asherah as she learns the truth about who she really is and who her family truly is. It’s heartbreaking that she has to learn all of this on the heels of her mother’s death, but that’s just the way it’s gotta be for her. What author Fernandez shows readers is that Asherah’s mother had a specific plan in place, but Fate had other plans.

We understand why Asherah’s mother chose to raise her as a human, but it’s asking a bit much to say that there was never a time to begin to teach Asherah about her fae heritage. It would have been different if there had been active threats against her life throughout her childhood, but that doesn’t appear to be the case from how the storyline plays out. It’s only when Asherah is revealed as the heir that the threats to her life and person really begin to start raining down like hail.

The Veiled Heir is told from the first person POV and primarily focuses on Asherah, but there are chapters that throw the focus to Draevyn. Draevyn brings some depth to the story through his POV as he is the first to truly begin to acknowledge that there is something between him and Asherah. They both feel something when they see each other for the first time, but it’s him who is shown as “falling” first. It’s a thin line as to who truly “falls” first, because there is little resistance on her part, so it’s really about a tie. LOL!

The Veiled Heir has an engaging storyline, but it could have done with more push back on how often Asherah gets her way. Her constantly being allowed to have Draevyn as her guard when the issues begin to crop takes away from the story. For us, it’s just too convenient that there isn’t more push-back on him being reassigned or there being more push-back on him being assigned as her guard in the first place. With the story sticking hard and fast to them getting their way in this there needed to be more of a push for answers especially from Draevyn to explain since he knew what he was feeling.

The “bad guy” in this book is just one of many, but oh boy are you going to enjoy despising this one character in particular. She’s got the world’s biggest ax to grind, and grind it she does. Things only intensify when she sees that she’s going to “lose” Draevyn to Asherah. Let us tell you, this woman is unhinged to the highest degree, but the good news? You’re going to learn exactly what her damage is, and it’s more than just a quest for power.

The Veiled Heir has multiple plot lines wrapped up in this book. You have the romance (and yes, there are many steamy scenes in this book) between Draevyn and Asherah. You have the chaos between Asherah and the jealous scorned former lover of Draevyn. You have the chaos brewing between the queendoms but especially concerning a specific one who believes that humans are meant to serve the fae as a new ice age is threatening the world.

Yes, this book is throwing everything at you and the kitchen sink with a prophecy that is waiting to be fulfilled. Hey, it all works together to create quite a dynamic storyline. There is some side story that could have been left out, but author Fernandez is looking to create the dynamic that Asherah is looking to be a different type of queen in comparison to those who came before her.

The Veiled Heir chalks itself up to be a great summer read for those looking for their next summer novel. One thing is for sure when you reach the end of this book? You’re going to be eye-balling the author with this one question – “When is book two going to be ready?” We need answers, so join the club! LOL! Hate cliffhangers? Well, this one really isn’t that bad, but it will leave you twisting in the wind. LOL!

The Veiled Heir is a gripping romantasy and an overall great start to this series. We can’t wait to find out what happens next. If you love ocean stories, discovered heirs, stories of Atlantis, and “mermaid” style characters then this is the book and series for you to check out.  

                                               The Veiled Heir (An Heir of Atlantis Novel)

Publication Date: July 23, 2024

Genre: Romantic Fantasy

🧜‍♀️ Elemental Fae
🧜♂️ Fated Mates
❤️🔥 He Falls First
🌴 Atlantis Retelling
🌶 Spicy
❤️ Love formed through grief
🦈 Scales
💕 Prophecy
🧜♀️ Battling Realms
👑 Queens Rule

Heir to a Fae throne she didn’t know was hers. A daunting task to save humanity. A passionate love nurtured through her grief.

Asherah Delmar led a happy and quiet life. Her career as a marine biologist was about to take off, but her mother, Neleah’s, sudden murder stopped her life harshly in its tracks. When she discovers her mother’s true identity, the world as she knew it begins to unravel.

After escaping Neleah’s assassins, Asherah is thrust into an ancient world she thought to be a myth. She finds herself surrounded by a different type of sea creature unlike any other—the Water Fae. Asherah must step out of her mother’s shadow to become what she never dreamed she could be—the heir to the Queendom of Atlantis. With the weight of the world pressing down on her shoulders, an inexplicable connection to the Commander of the Guardians, Draevyn Eliron, may be the only thing holding her together.

In this magical underwater world, Asherah must learn to embrace her Water Fae abilities while fighting for her throne and saving the human race. But not every Fae wants to save the humans. A council seeks to dethrone her, the rebels are determined to kill her, and Draevyn’s hold on her heart threatens to consume her.



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