Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Collection Review Spotlight


We're celebrating the release of The Collection by K. Kirchberger! Grab a copy on July 23rd!

 The Collection is an adult fantasy romance that is just the beginning of author K. Kirchberger’s dynamic series. Prepare to embark on a journey into Hell as one woman’s quest to find her friend will become something much more.

The Collection intrigues readers with a beautiful cover depicting a pair of midnight black wings on display. The wings are set on a mostly black background with a golden glow illuminating them from behind. There is a lovely golden filigree design set behind them as well, giving them the sense that the wings are on display. This image absolutely builds intrigue as to what readers will discover within these pages.

The Collection focuses on Kenna, a young woman who has a sense that this year’s Collection will be different. She believes that her time has finally come to be chosen, though it’s something that she has always hoped to avoid. However, with it just being her and her horse Willow, she sees little for her to lose. Though there is her best friend Sora whom she would dearly miss.

While Keena’s senses are spot on, it’s not her name that gets called. Instead of being like most and simply weeping and mourning the loss of her friend Kenna takes action. She decides to enter Hell herself and find her friend. Whatever court her friend may end up in Kenna intends to join her. But will it be that easy?

The Collection starts out gripping and engaging. The time for the Collection is coming and readers get a sense that Kenna will be chosen. So, it will come as a surprise (for we tend to forget) that Sora’s name is called instead. The story moves rather rapidly for the next couple of chapters. Kenna determinedly sets off to catch up with her friend. But while she makes it to the gate, nothing is what it seems. She’s obviously allowed to enter, but the price? It’s her mortality, and she’s on a clock. Guess she better hurry, huh?

As The Collection moves forward author Kirchberger keeps things interesting. You’re going to be expecting Kenna to wind up in a “waiting room” area, but she finds herself quickly in one of the courts. Things start out simple enough for her. We would have liked something to truly challenge her, but when you break it down...she might have failed before her quest even truly began.

While Kenna is at a disadvantage, relatively speaking, things overall go in her favor. For immortal creatures Kenna seems to have hit the jackpot on those who are willing to be kind to her or at least just down right decent. She comes across one or two who could be viewed as “hostile” but that real drama doesn’t begin to play out until much later in the story.

The Collection is told from the first person POV. The story focuses heavily on Kenna as she joins with another immortal who agrees to help her after she does an act of kindness for him. Thanks to his taking her under his wing (so to speak) her path forward seems like it should be a pretty easy one. We appreciate that overall Kenna isn’t an overly sassy and mouthy character. Honestly, it would truly be unnecessary and rather off-putting.

Readers who are will be waiting and looking for the romance will be made to wait. Author Kirchberger chooses to build and develop this aspect of the story between the characters. This adds a nice slow-burn element to the story which will keep you coming back for more as you wonder...”When are they going to finally cross that line?” It’s worth the wait, and the burn is absolutely delicious.

Hoping for some steamy scenes? Well, there really isn’t much to be found on these pages. You’re not getting any on page steaminess to drool over. Instead you get scenes that play right up to a certain point before it’s basically a “fade to black” and you get to use your imagination instead. No fun, right? LOL!

While Kenna is busy falling in love, that doesn’t stop her from her quest of trying to find her friend. Granted she does get more than a little “distracted” but who can blame her? Of course, while all of this is going on chaos is brewing in other parts of Hell. This chaos won’t remain where it is, but has every intent on spilling over, which you’ll see the deeper you get. Watch for the clues, because they are there.

When you draw closer to the end of The Collection, author Kirchberger has more than a few surprises in store for readers. But the biggest surprise will be the closing pages. It leads readers to look forward to the next book in this series. Will it continue Kenna’s story? Or will get Sora’s and learn what all she endured during the Trials? One can only hope.

For now, if you’re looking for a delicious adult fantasy minus the steamy scenes then this is a book for you to pick up.

4.5 out of 5 stars  

The Collection

Publication Date: July 23, 2024

Genre: Adult Fantasy Romance

  • Loyalty

  • Found love

  • Protective MMC

  • Strong friendships

  • Hidden identities

  • Immortals

Once a year, a draw is held in the capital that requires four mortals from each town be given over to Hell. The mortals are taken to Hell where they will either become an immortal in one of the four courts, or perish in the trials.
One mortal is sent to the vampire’s Court of Blood. One goes to the Court of Moon, court of the werewolves. A third is sent to the Court of Spell, with the warlocks and witches. And a final mortal, always a female, goes to the Court of Song, court of the sirens.

Twenty-three-year-old Kenna hasn’t had her name called since she became eligible five years ago. She knows in her heart that this year will be the year her world changes. But it isn’t her name that is called out for Collection, it is her best friend Sora’s.
Not willing to be without Sora, Kenna quickly follows her through the gateway to Hell before it closes. Not knowing which court Sora was Collected for, Kenna must brave all four as a mortal in order to find her friend. Lucky for her, she gains the help of an alluring stranger who holds more sway in Hell than she could have hoped for.
As their fates intertwine and her heart falls fast, Kenna learns navigating a foreign and dangerous land like Hell isn’t easy, and if she isn’t careful, it could cost her everything.


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