Monday, July 15, 2024

Shadows of the Kingdom Review Spotlight

To celebrate the June release, we are touring The Shadows of the Kingdom by Jen Bliton! 

 The Shadows of the Kingdom continues the series of Light in the Shadows. Author Bliton continues the journey of Wren and Tyran as they fight for the protection of their people from the threat of the Red Kingdom. Secrets have come to light concerning the Red Kingdom and just how big a threat they continue to become. The big question quickly becomes...can they stop the threat before it’s too late?

The Shadows of the Kingdom starts off similar to book one – slow, sluggish, and with little to no development between the two main characters, Wren and Tyran. This is disappointing, but at the same time understandable, since not much time has passed between books one and two.

The relationship between Wren and Tyran is going to take more of a center stage in this installment of the series. Since it was essentially an “insta-love” there is no foundation for them to build on. They’re not communicating with each other, and they don’t see eye to eye on their shadow magic capabilities. Wren sees the need to use it for the benefit and safety of the people. While Tyran, fears it. He fears the dark path that it could potentially lead them down if they are not careful. He fears it so much that he won’t even consider training with it to simply get stronger.

This aspect brings quite a heaping dose of drama to the story. However, it’s not just the relationship issues that will be taking center stage. It would appear that trouble is brewing close to home. Tyran’s council is up to something. Honestly, anyone with two eyes and a brain could see it. They are against outsiders, they express extreme sexist views, and give off the heavy sense that they fear losing their closely clutched power. What exactly are they up to? Well, we’re sure that you’ll be able to guess quicker than the characters in this story.

One of our favorite things about this book though is the backstory that we get. We’ve gotten the story of “creation” in book one, but this story gives you just a touch more. Secrets are being revealed, and the truth is coming out. Wren and Tyran are meant to play a bigger part than even they could have imagined, and if they’re not careful it could tear them apart.

The pacing of Shadows of the Kingdom is slow in the beginning, but it gradually does pick up which is really nice and greatly appreciated. We’re getting more drama with this book. There is some repetition between the two books of similar events and scenarios playing out again, but it can be forgiven this time because it pushes the story forward by giving one of the characters an inside perspective of the threat of the Red Kingdom up close and personal.

The introduction of some new monsters and the bringing back of some familiar ones from book one help to elevate the fantasy element of this story. You get some magic, but since Tyran is so reluctant to use his, you don’t get as much as you’re going to want. But with how things are ramping up, we’re hoping that magic will begin to play a bigger part in the next book in the series.

Book two brings some more energy to the series, but we’re still looking for more. Less of the two MCs “dancing” around each other’s feelings, and more of them actually talking, getting to know each other and better understanding each other, because that is severely lacking. Shadows of the Kingdom ends more on a cliffhanger, which works to lure readers forward concerning the series, so we’ll see where things go from here.

4 out of 5 stars

The Shadows of the Kingdom 

Publication Date: June 25, 2024

Genre: YA Fantasy Romance

πŸ’€Ancient evil
πŸ’€ Relationship struggles
πŸ’€ new monsters
πŸ’€ Undertaking quests
πŸ’€ Kingdom politics
πŸ’€ History revelations

After defeating the evil behind the attacks on the southern lands of Caldumn, Wren and Tyran begin to settle into their new life that begs to be calm... or so they thought.

With so many questions left unanswered about the Red Kingdom's threat, and what they'll now do after they withstood Rhonin's advance, they receive a letter from a mysterious magic kind that kept themselves in the shadows with a warning of the Red Kingdom's motives.

Now the threat won't just be to the towns, but their world as they know it. Wren and Tyran begin the journey to stop the Red Kingdom at all costs. Faced with conflicting beliefs as to what they should do, their relationship is tested in more ways than they can imagine:

Embrace the shadows or choose a path of light.



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