Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Story of Evil Vol 1 Review Spotlight

We're excited to share with you today....The Story of Evil: Heroes of the Siege! Author Tony Johnson has created quite the epic with this story and series. If you haven't read it yet...you are in for a treat! 

 The Story of Evil: Heroes of the Siege is the first volume in Tony Johnson’s The Story of Evil series, and if you love an action packed story then this is the one for you.

Heroes of the Siege draws you in with a cover featuring a knight dressed for a joust or even possibly battle going full tilt. Decked in reds with blue accents the image is enough to excite you to witness the fight at hand for yourself. But what you don’t know is the chaos that is waiting to erupt...and that will spare no man, woman or child.

The Story of Evil: Heroes if the Siege sets the stage with a prologue that outlines the creation of Element, the planet our characters will call home. We get an interesting story of creation followed by a power struggle between two gods: Alazar and Zebulon. Cue the rise of a five headed dragon. Yes, people...five heads. Can we all say hydra? Well, the good news is...the heads don’t grow back. LOL! Once one head goes...it’s a done deal.

While the evil dragon, Draviakhan, is slain, it doesn’t mean that all is now well. King Zoran, the defeater of Draviakhan, reigns, but age is catching up to him. Meanwhile evil is brewing in his own kingdom, and chaos is about to be reigned down on the innocent once more.

Enter Steve! The warrior who will be representing Celestial in the tournament. He’s excited, and the people are excited as well. Steve is one of several characters who will take the stage in this beginning story. Steve is 19 years-old. He has no idea that this day of the tournament will be one of the longest and hardest for him.

Then meet Karia. She’s half human, half elf. She’s alone in this world, but she’s doing her best to survive and get by. She encounters her own problems when she crosses paths with a monster in the forest. This is a sign of things to come. Karia has repeatedly voiced how humans are taking too much by over hunting, but no one listens. Now, she faces the problem head on for herself.

Then there is Ty, an Elf. Ty is depicted as the good looking carefree character who believes in living life to the fullest. Why? Well, the reason for that will be revealed soon enough. All we’ll say is that...family history as a way of repeating itself. So the question becomes...will Ty follow in history’s footsteps? Or will he finally break that chain?

Heroes of the Siege is a page-turner from beginning to end. This story reads like it is shorter than it actually is. You’re going to become so engrossed in this story that it’s going to be you “blink” and you’ve reached the end. LOL! You’ll be looking around like...”where is the rest of the story at?!” While volume one may come to a close quickly, the good news is that book two is available to go and grab up right now.

Author Johnson knows how to put together a story. We’ll say that. You get dynamic characters and gripping scenes. When the chaos and fighting breaks out with the surprise attack the drama and the hits just keep coming. Grab a breath when you can because the author is not going to give you many opportunities. Trust us on this one.

Story of Evil: Heroes of the Siege is going to be a must read for many a lover of fantasy novel. You’re going to get monsters, monsters and more monsters. You’re going to get good monsters who side with the humans, elves and dwarves. Then you’re going to have the monsters who side with evil. One aspect that we love is the uniqueness and layers that the author gives readers with this story.

You’re not getting “mindless” creatures in the monsters who just attack because they can. You get creatures that can think and rationalize. You can really expect a lot of grit and drama that will play out on the page.

You will also see a lot of heartbreak and loss as chaos breaks out with this surprise attack. Author Johnson doesn’t shy away from giving readers exactly what they will be looking for when it comes to this story. You are going to get the details, not gorey details, but you will see characters go from living and vibrant to be another tragic loss in the face of a cruel and unrelenting war machine.

Steve, Ty and Karia will truly shine in this story as they each manage to escape death more than once. You can prepare yourself to be pulled to the edge of your seat multiple times as the question of who will survive and who will fall. As the story moves closer to a close the hint of a bigger story begins to unfold. A prophecy that hints at something more. A king who carries a secret, but before he can give any clue as to what it is…

Readers who hate cliffhangers...for this series, you’re going to be willing to move past it. LOL! Why do we say this? Because the rest of the series is available to you. You’re literally going to want to sit down and binge read these books, because yes. That’s how good it is. You’re getting dragons, direwolves, gryphons, phoenixes, orcs, ogres, giants, elves, and so much more.

Heroes of the Siege is a must read and we cannot wait to find out what happens next.

5 out of 5 stars

Title: Heroes of the Siege

Series: The Story of Evil (Volume 1)

Author: Tony Johnson

Genre: Fantasy

Age Category: Young Adult

Page Count: 235 Pages

Publication Date: February 3, 2013

About the Book:

During an entertaining jousting tournament, a mysterious villain attacks the capital with his army. Three young adults decide to fight back against insurmountable odds despite knowing their slim chances of survival.

Follow Stephen Brightflame, a nineteen-year-old who aspires to become a knight, Tyrus Canard, an arrogant warrior, and Kari Quinn, a Halfling archer in this first volume in the five-part series, "The Story of Evil."

It has been raved for its “intense action scenes,” “riveting twists,” and a conclusion that “leaves you on the edge of your seat” (SPR and US Review of Books).

                                                              Grab your copy today! 

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20352036-heroes-of-the-siege

Amazon: https://a.co/d/iOjnLex (USA) https://amzn.eu/d/9kXElTr (UK) https://a.co/d/8SBJgOY (Canada)

About the Author:

Tony Johnson is the author of the The Story of Evil, an epic fantasy saga. Tony is an avid reader. He enjoys fantasy, classics, and Christian literature. He is a fan of movies, television, music, videogames, and sports. From Batavia, NY.


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