Friday, July 5, 2024

Tenebrion Review Spotlight

Welcome one and all to the book tour for Tenebrion! Love a good horror story with gore, demons, and some seriously twisted elements? Then this is the book for you! Keep reading.

It's that time of year again. It's time for the annual Terrorfest competition, and everyone is piling up into the theater to see what the contestants thought up to try and win this year's contest. Some are excited, some are bored, and some are just ready for it all to be over with. But something dark overshadows this year's contest.


One of the teams didn't make it. Their final moments? Captured on film. It's evidence in an investigation, but that's not going to stop one of the hosts for Terrorfest from showing what he found on the film that he got. Horror is about to be unleashed...

Tenebrion is a horror novel by James H. Longmore. This story details a group of indie filmmakers looking to create a short film that could be their big breakout moment. Or are they? Could it be that someone in the group has something more in mind? 

Tenebrion has a slow start. This book is slow getting going, but once it gains steam and momentum you can expect a novel that will keep you glued to the pages to find out how not just how it all goes down, but what will happen to the characters you meet at the beginning. 

Page by page Tenebrion unfolds as the characters in this book go to an old abandoned school. This is a place of terrible tragedy. It's almost like a magnet for death and destruction. Countless lives have been lost and so, for Dave Priestley this is the place to come to for his epic film idea. 

Tenebrion goes for Blair Witch but in book form. You're getting the set up and the calm before the storm. But all is not as it seems. Author Longmore gives readers little glimpses into another's mind. This creature is plotting the mayhem that will befall these innocent lives. But first it will break them and break them down. 

The title ties into the story rather quickly which is really nice, and then it is tied even tighter to the storyline in multiple places to re-emphasize just who and what this story is about. It's absolutely fantastic. 

While this book has a slow start and takes time to find it's stride, it is a true page-turner. The author works just hard enough to keep your interest piqued. Once you're hooked though? Good luck putting this book down. You're going to be eagerly page-turning to find out what fresh horror awaits these characters. What will they be made to endure before the bloody end?

Tenebrion showcases how this author allowed his imagination to run absolutely wild. You think that you know where this story is going and then you get a surprise element or twist thrown at you. One thing is for sure and that is you're not going to be bored reading this book. 

You will be eagerly looking for more by this author and devouring everything in your path. Tenebrion is darkly delicious and a must read for readers who enjoy a tasty horror novel that will be sure to worm it's way deep into your mind. 

We dare you to read it in the dark...before you go to bed... 
Sweet dreams...if you do. LOL

5 out of 5 stars

Black Tide Book Tours

July 2-5

"The Devil is in the detail..."

Amateur filmmakers inadvertently invoke a demon when they break into an abandoned school to perform and film an authentic Black Mass for their entry into a short movie competition.

Dave Priestley and his crew film in Watsonville elementary school – the site of a horrific tragedy nine years before.

Tenebrion – the malevolent demon of darkness – makes preparations of its own within the dark recesses of Hell. The demon requires a specific set of circumstances and sacrifices to rend a fissure between the worlds and set free its brethren; it has manipulated humans for centuries to put things into place, and the moviemakers are the unfortunate, final pieces of its nefarious puzzle.

Priestley, ever the stickler for authenticity and detail, accidentally sets free the denizen of Hell.

While Priestley and his skeptical friends attempt to return Tenebrion to the pit of Hades, it hunts them all down – one by one – for inclusion in its hellish gateway.

Universal link for the book on Amazon

About the Author

James hails originally from Yorkshire, England having relocated with his family to Houston, Texas in 2010. He was honored to become a US citizen in 2022. He has an honors degree in Zoology and a background in sales, marketing, and business. James is an Affiliate Member of the Horror Writers Association.

An accomplished, published author (and publisher in his role as co-founder partner in HellBound Books Publishing LLC), and ghostwriter of popular fiction, James writes across an incredibly wide range of genres and subjects in novel, shorts story, and screenplay formats. To date, he has four novels, five novellas, and a whole slew of short stories published by various publishers (many can be found in his first collection, Blood and Kisses). He also runs and co-hosts the popular ppodcast/radio show (The New Panic Room), which is used to promote HellBound Books and indie authors, artists, audiobook narrators, and publishers of all genres.

James has been working full time as a freelance ghostwriter (and editor) for over a decade. He is quite the chameleon when it comes to writing: James is able to adapt to a wide range of styles and genres, is incredibly thorough in his research (he's renowned for his details, which bring stories leaping from the page!), extensive vocabulary, and he always keeps the client's "voice" when ghostwriting. Clients love him - especially with that Northern British accent (as an ex-pat, James is most proficient at writing in both UK and US styles – he also has clients in Australia who love his style!) and enthusiasm for every writing project he takes on.

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