Friday, June 16, 2023

Deadly Dreams Review Spotlight

 Deadly Dreams is the latest book in Jane Tesh’s cozy mystery series, The Grace Street Mysteries. Cam and David are called back into action when they are asked to look into the tragic death of a local woman. Her sudden death has struck her co-workers hard as it came on so suddenly. She was so happy, so for her to leave the world that she did...strange. Think that things are going to get even stranger? Well, you’d be right. Good thing that P.I. David Randall and Cam are on the case!

While this book is part of a series, it’s easy to dive into this book and get swept away by the current case that they find themselves embroiled. This one is going to touch just about everyone they know and care for. David’s daughter, Lindsey, is helping him from beyond the grave and directing him in the directions that he needs to take. While she can’t...or won’t give him the specific instructions he’s sometimes looking for, she’s rarely wrong when she gives him a nudge.

This book will sweep you away shortly after you start reading it. The author doesn’t wait to bring up the tragic suicides that start things off. The deeper you go into the story, questions will begin to pop up. How does this happen? What’s going on? How are they going to solve this one? Is there a way to find out who the culprit is? Will justice be served? A lot of questions. I know.

You’re going to have to exercise patience with these characters because there are no straightforward answers. While they are piecing this particular puzzle together though they will meet quite a few unique individuals. One is Xavier “the Great.”

Xavier is a strange man. You’re going to be giving him some serious side-eye ESPECIALLY when he does something that would have most people seeing red. That and Xavier would probably be having a nice conversation with a police officer as to what he was thinking. Seriously. Is it really a bright idea to go busting up into someone’s house simply because they had a conversation with your employer? He’d be fired. LOL!

The dynamics between the characters are as engaging as ever. The back-and-forth between the guys and Ellin is both just as funny, and just as frustrating. LOL! Ellin is still bent on getting Cam to be more of a part of the PSN and he’s still resisting. Of course, that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get her way a couple of times.

Trust me, there are going to be some epically hilarious moments in this book. One specific one involves Cam but sees poor David catching the blame for it. Let me just say it right now – it is not David’s fault. Not by a long shot. I promise you. There is also a nice addition of two supporting characters. You’ll be a touch hesitant about them at first, but they bring a nice amount of humor to the story as well.

The mystery element of this story will keep you on your toes. The story pulls you deeper and deeper in as you try to piece together how it all connects. That is one of the greatest elements of this book. The truth is there in front of you, but it goes deeper than you would think. There are twists and turns that keep you wondering – is this really the truth over here? So watch out for those “red herrings” that the author drops here and there to try to throw you off track a few times.

There is one particular protagonist in this book that when you first cross paths with them – well, you’re not going to like them. Not one bit. Try to hold on passing judgment on them though. (Yeah, I epically failed at that. LOL) There’s more to this character’s story than meets the eye. Granted, they could have done a little less “beating up” on Cam, but it all pans out. The revelation is one that is going to bring a tear to your eye.

Deadly Dreams absolutely measures up to its name, but I won’t tell you exactly how. That’s going to be something that you discover for yourself when you read this book. I will say this though – it’s not how you think. LOL! Okay, that’s all I’ll say.

Deadly Dreams is a good addition to the Grace Street Mystery series. The characters are relatable, believable, and realistic. You’d think that you’d be able to meet them for yourself. Though, of course, be mindful of Cam and his telekinesis abilities. Especially when he’s upset.

For fans of this series, or readers who just enjoy a good unique cozy mystery – this book is worth checking out.

5 out of 5 stars

Thank you to the author, Jane Tesh, and Cozy Mystery Review Crew for the opportunity to read and review this book. I look forward to what comes next!  


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