Friday, November 10, 2023

The Yawning Gap Review Spotlight


For fans of swords and sorcery! Check out The Yawning Gap by C.V. Vobh!

The Yawning Gap is the first book in a well-detailed fantasy novel by C.V. Vobh. The first book in his The Wanderers Cycle series. This epic fantasy novel is packed with detail, and will lure you in with surprise situations that will keep you page-turning to learn what is going to happen next.

The Yawning Gap starts off with an excerpt from a prophecy that eludes to a growing danger that will impact the world, and what it will take it heal it. Bear with it though because the prophecy isn't the clearest, but that's really not the point of it, is it? There has to be an air of mystery, and suspense to it, because it typically will push those who read it to work harder to decipher it and make sure that they get things right. 

As I dug deeper into this story, I was bombarded with a litany of detail. Normally, I'm all for detail. You can frequently find me complaining about authors needing more detail to flesh out their books. This book I felt was giving me too much at one time. I actually wanted less. Horrifying. I know. LOL! However! The deeper I delved into this book the more I learned that this is the author's particular writing style. Sometimes the detail is overdone and could be cut down a bit, but then it really works for the good of the story. So, the detail is a mixed bag, for this particular reader.

When it comes to the overall storyline, it's a slow-mover. For some, that will be a negative. That would usually be the case for me, but I actually grew to like it. It's essential that you understand what is going on, and really grasp the danger that the people are in. The danger is creeping in a little bit at a time, but why? What is going on? Well, one of the characters, Cor, is about to find out why. When he discovers something that shouldn't be there, he takes a step toward exploration.

However, the question then arises...what awaits him on the other side? Well, he's about to find out. I found Cor's chapters (especially in the beginning) to be truly fascinating. The author is using him to really set the stage for what the characters are going to have to face. There are some truly bizarre creatures lurking in other Fragments. I mean truly bizarre. But they will do a quick job of pulling you to the edge of your seat every time!

The author alternates the story between three characters: Cor, Celeste, and Deliad. You won't know which character is about to be the focus, because it's better if you don't know. LOL! Cor's chapters do tend to be more interesting, but as the story progresses they all begin to balance out and engage you more and more. 

The Yawning Gap is an engaging fantasy novel that is just the beginning as the characters learn that things aren't going to be so simple in putting things back to rights. Where will this lead them towards fixing things? Will all make it or will some fall to the wayside as the blights take a stronger hold on the world? Guess we'll have to wait and see.

4.5 out of 5 stars

Thank you to the author, C.V. Vobh, and R&R Book Tours for the opportunity to read and review this book. I look forward to what comes next! 

                                        The Yawning Gap (The Wanderers Cycle Book 1)

Publication Date: June 2023

Genre: Epic Fantasy

A catastrophe a thousand years ago divided the world into isolated Fragments, eventually driving most of humanity back to a premodern lifestyle. Since then, an unexplained blight has been spreading, and strange and monstrous creatures have arisen in its midst.

Cor, the son of a whisky distiller, doesn’t know about any of this. His peaceful little village has been isolated for hundreds of years—until he finds a way out, wandering into another Fragment. It’s rather less peaceful. But with the help of Brayleigh—a spritely redhead teen he soon befriends, who is a bit wiser to the ways of the world—maybe our sheltered whisky stillman can survive and, in time, make his way back home.

Celeste has not been so sheltered. Her family was murdered by orks at age 8; she left the Academy at 18 to travel with a merchant caravan; and now, she’s the orator for the new leader of the People’s Commonwealth. Everything she’s dreamt of is finally in reach … so why does it feel farther away than ever?

Deliad, the Knight-Lord of Norvester—the former kingdom replaced by the Commonwealth—would like nothing better than to confront those responsible with the edge of his halberd, Celeste included. But, with his small band of former knights stuck hiding in remote hills and half-starving, it’s looking increasingly unlikely he’ll ever get the chance.

Nothing could be further from their minds than the workings of a Warlock a thousand miles away, and his obsessive decade-long pursuit of vengeance. Yet as fragmented as this world is, it’s also a small one. Will the hand of vengeance reach them across a thousand miles? … Or will they, perhaps, reach him first?

Available on Amazon

About the Author

C.V. Vobh lives with his wife and children as far from his city job as he can manage. He grew up reading J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, Raymond E. Feist, and R.A. Salvatore, and some of his favorite authors today are Joe Abercrombie and Matt Dinniman. When he’s not working, writing or reading, he’s running.

C.V. Vobh

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