Friday, November 17, 2023

Beneath Storm Mountain Review Spotlight

Welcome to the tour for YA fantasy Beneath Storm Mountain by Kara Lyne Jacobson. Read on for more details!

Beneath Storm Mountain by Kara Lyne Jacobson is that book that you initially pass on, but then you're glad that you came back to it. This book will surprise you! So dive in! 

Beneath Storm Mountain is a YA fantasy novel that is going to grab you and have you eagerly devouring this book. Don't judge this book based on this cover. Read the blurb, reread the blurb, and then grab this book. 

You get a brief glimpse into the past before the story fast-forwards to the present-day situation with two young teenage boys. They're out fishing, and one of the boys, Kale, hooks a huge fish. Well, has he hooked the fish? Or has the fish snagged itself a boy? LOL! You'll see what I mean. The boys end up discovering a mysterious golden cube that as lain at the bottom of the lake for years. This cube has been hidden, out of sight, and out of the hands of dangerous people, but with the boys "unearthing" it they are bringing a dark danger to those around them.

This book moves pretty quickly, so buckle-up when you dive into this novel. The chapters are short and sweet and really streamline the author's storytelling means. The chapters mostly focus on the two boys who discover the golden cube, but it branches off here and there to ensnare the unsuspecting. You'll meet an elderly couple who have been noticing strange things around their property - lights on in the shed, strange noises, etc. What is happening? Well, let's just say...things don't go well for those who go investigating. 

The author doesn't take long to introduce the dark shadows stalking the countryside. Nor does she take long to introduce the young girl, Savannah who will do her best to help save the boys from the danger that they have unwittingly drawn down on themselves and all around them. 

The author draws out the storyline and does a great job of keeping readers engaged in what is transpiring. You mostly focus on the boys with Savannah popping up here and there, but when things really gain traction and the danger gets closer Savannah comes more out of the "shadows" to be more of a help to the two main characters.

One thing that really adds to this book is the pictures scattered throughout. They aren't in every chapter or even every other chapter, but when you come across one it's a bit exciting. LOL! It adds a level of depth and drama to the story because you get to see the characters or scenes in various points of the story. 

This book is truly engaging, but it leaves this reader wondering if there is going to be more to come concerning this storyline. The ending seems a touch open-ended and gives off the feeling that there is going to be more. Honestly, I'd be on board with it. LOL! But it's just a thought due to how the book comes to an end. 

5 out of 5 stars

Thank you to the author, Kara Lyne Jacobson, and R&R Book Tours for the opportunity to read and review this book. I look forward to what comes next! 

                                                              Beneath Storm Mountain

Publication Date: July 2023

Genre: YA Fantasy

In the year 1810, two Native-American teenage boys lose a gleaming golden cube from their satchel as they play about in a lake, catching fish. In the present-day Black Hills of South Dakota, two fifteen-year-old boys unearth the same golden cube and think their lives have just been made! Little do they know, the cube attracts evil and their once-quiet, calm little town is quickly getting engulfed by evil shadow beings.

Far beneath Storm Mountain, fourteen-year-old Savannah of the technologically advanced Annai Civilization, is tired of the constant bullying she faces from her peers for being a half-blood; no wonder she likes to sneak above to the surface and watch the Surfacians go about their lives. It is she who sees the boys finding the cube and must make them be rid of it. But when bullying at school becomes unbearable, Savannah runs away and finds herself befriending the teenagers and their sisters.

Soon, the children find themselves thrown into a prophesied battle in the Annai lands and they must fight together to save their people.

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About the Author

 Kara lives tucked within the beautiful, rolling Mississippi River bluffs of Red Wing, MN, with her husband, Mike, young son, Logan, and a fierce cat, Wolfman. Her passions include reading, eating chocolate and drinking red wine, watching super-hero movies, and enjoying and preserving nature.

Kara can often be found hiking the numerous trails around Red Wing after a busy day of working as a pharmacy technician at the hospital. Beneath Storm Mountain is her debut novel.

Kara Lyne Jacobson

Book Tour Organized By:

R&R Book Tours


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