Monday, March 4, 2024

Blending of the Sands Review Spotlight


Blending of the Sands continues the story of Harmen and Imani as the quest to bring change continues. Blending of the Sands continues where Sands of Ruin left off, moving forward with our two main characters striving to not just survive all that the world is throwing at them but to make it back to each other. This will be no easy task, especially for Harmen, but it’s something that must be done...for the sake of all.

Blending of theSands’ cover continues with the primary image of the sands and dunes that defined book one. Where book one had the compass, an heirloom from Harmen’s family, book two has an array of items that will be familiar to most readers of the series. The blue scarf that Harm gifted to Imani, the blending pendant he intends to give her, and a pair of crossed daggers. The first two items will be familiar, but the last? Not so much. It all simply comes together to draw readers into diving into this book to discover what hides inside.

Blending of theSands is the second book in R.M. Muller’s Sands of Ruin series. Sands of Ruin, book one, left readers with the question of what happens next to our heroes? Both Harmen and Imani have been taken captive by the Guardians. Charlie is a captive as well, held by own his own brother, the Chancellor. Now what? Imani was on the verge of being hanged, but with the capture of Harm everything shifted.

Now, this book picks up over a month after we were left with the ending of book one. Harm is being held in the prison. Every day he must endure what the Guardians put him through. The questioning. The abuse. The demands for answers of what he knows concerning the device. No matter how honest he is with them, they extract pain and suffering from him. His only hope? That somewhere out there...Imani is still alive.

The first time Harmen landed in prison, he had help getting out. This time? It appears that there will be no help coming for him. It would seem that he’s on his own. The hits don’t just come physically though. The Guardians are seeking to break his spirit...and that comes in a heartbreaking blow when they tell him the last thing that he’d ever want to hear.

Imani is going through her own personal hell. She’s no longer being subjected to the prison, but one can hardly say that her “accommodations” are much better. One would hardly want to find themselves in the “care” of their enemy. Granted, this particular captor is better than her father, but not by much. Can you guess who?

Blending of theSands continues with the quest to fix what the Chancellor has broken. The people are suffering and dying and the time for change must come soon. But this book takes readers deeper. We explored the sands in the Sands of Ruin. Now, Blending of the Sands is going to introduce readers to a new area – the forest/jungle area. Cue jaw-drop, right?! LOL!

What do you mean there’s more out there than just the sands and dunes? What do you mean that there is something separating everything into “sections” and people are living uniquely in them!?! Yeah, prepare to delve deeper as our characters discover the truth that is out there, and then come to being able to explore the forest area for themselves.

It’s a nice element of enticement to draw readers deeper into this book. Imani and Harm continue to face a variety of challenges. They find help along their separate journeys. Harm reconnects with Jonah and Enid. Imani finds some unexpected help from a kind villager, whom she repays with a dark service.

All the while Harm is still being hunted, probably more viciously now than before. Fletcher really has a been in his “bonnet” when it comes to Harm. But is there something more to it than meets the eye?

Where Sands of Ruin played jump rope with the line between YA and Upper YA/New Adult, Blending of the Sands takes that step and shifts fully into New Adult territory with multiple sex scenes between the new couple. The scenes aren’t overly graphic and steamy, so readers who prefer just the “basic” of elements, no more and no less, will be pleased.

Wondering if there is any character development? The answer is yes. There are new characters introduced into the story with the “discovery” of a new area. Secrets are coming to light, and Harmen and Imani are learning new things. But as they are learning new things, and discovering themselves, th taint of the Chancellor and Fletcher is reaching further and further in an attempt to draw Harmen back out and extinguish the hope that his very existence threatens to bring.

The closer this story comes to a close, the more the author begins to set the stage for a shake-up in the story. You’re going to get little clues here and there, but apparently, the characters won’t be in on what’s to come. Of course, neither will you, the reader, but we think you’ll handle things better than they will when it all plays out.

Just as book one ended on a cliffhanger with a twist, Blending of the Sands will be no exception. Thanks to some of the clues and hints dropped we weren’t as tormented with this ending, but that doesn’t mean that the characters aren’t impacted negatively. We’ll have to wait and see what comes next for Harmen and Imani. One thing is for sure, it’s going to be really interesting.


  • Engaging storyline
  • Twists and turns
  • Introduction of new characters
  • Page-turner


  • None of merit

Cover Score: 9.8/10

4.5 out of 5 stars

Thank you to the author, R.M. Muller, for the opportunity to read and review this book. We look forward to what comes next!

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