Monday, March 18, 2024

Marked Review Spotlight


 Marked is the first book in the Keepers of Midgate series. This dark fantasy novella may be short, but it beautifully sets the stage for young Davy’s story as he faces hardship after hardship. It’s not all bleak though, there are moments of love and light. However, it would seem that he is destined for great things as he is forced to endure so much heartbreak and let down by people who should have stepped up to care for him regardless.

First impressions when you see the cover of Marked? “Wow, that’s one vicious-looking dragon!” Right? There’s probably more than meets the eye of a young boy who appears to be leaning back in “terror” of an “angry” looking dragon. For sure though, the dragon’s fierce expression and eye-catching colors is sure to pique your interest in what the author has in store for readers who pick this book up. It definitely looks like the dragon is angry at being disturbed, with a dead or dying sheep at it’s feet. But sometimes it pays to look closer, right? Not everything is what it appears to be.

Marked paints a vivid picture of young Davy’s life. Living with his parents, tending their herd of sheep, and making an honest living. The local town gossip informs young Davy of a baby born with a mark. It sounds like nothing really, but there is more than meets the eye. A particular mark means that you are “cursed.” Davy thinks nothing of it. Why should he? But it would seem that bad luck is heading their way.

Is it because he used certain words too loosely? Did his flippant mention of dragons and other monsters doom his family to the fates that they fall to? You’d be tempted to think so. But is there something else going on that we just don’t know about?

This story really draws you in the deeper you go. You’re going to find yourself smiling during the happy times, feeling heartbreak at the losses Davy is forced to endure, and even anger at the callous treatment he is forced to endure. At certain points, you’re just going to want to reach through the pages to hug him and show him that love shouldn’t “depend.”

This book promises dragons, as you can see on the cover, so...where are they? Well, they’re mentioned several times in the story. But make sure you pay attention when a dragon makes an up close and personal appearance in the early chapters of the story. Don’t worry though, that won’t be the only appearance! There will be another later on, and it’s going to be a scene you’re not going to want to miss.

The way that this novella wraps up is going to truly bring a smile to your face. Essentially it’s like the story is being brought full circle while also setting the stage for what the rest of the series. We for sure are excited to find out what happens next with young Davy. Where one door closes, another opens. You just have to be willing to hang in there like Davy.

Looking for a good fantasy novel? We can’t recommend this novella enough. Be sure to keep an eye out for the next in the series! It’s sure to be a page-turner that will keep you coming back for more if it’s anything like this detailed novella.

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