Friday, July 28, 2023

Who Killed Jerusalem Review Spotlight

Welcome to the book tour for Who Killed Jerusalem, a madcap murder mystery by George Albert Brown! Read on for more details and the opportunity to win HUGE prizes! You can also visit one of our Instagram hosts and win 1 of 3 book boxes!

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Who Killed Jerusalem is a stand-alone mystery novel by George Albert Brown. This murder mystery is sure to be one that will do a fantastic job keeping you engaged in the novel. The author will have you laughing, and eager for more as you dig deeper into this story. 

Who Killed Jerusalem is the first book that I have read by Brown. When I picked this book up, I nearly panicked. I had no idea who William Blake was. My first thought was - "oh crap! Do I need to look up this person and get some background on them before I start reading?!" Thankfully, the author knew that there'd be readers like me who'd be on the verge of freaking out in such fashion. LOL! He's got us covered. 

Tucked into the beginning of this book is a nice little "Key Facts to Know Before Reading this Book." After reading that...well, I wiped the sweat off my brow and proceeded forward with excitement teasing my brain concerning what was to come with this book. 

This book starts off with a shock. Not a bad one so don't panic! It's one that will immediately have you glued to this book. The death of Ickey Jerusalem. Now, do you get to "witness" the murder playing out? No. The murder has already happened, but it's the location of the murder that will have you on the edge of your seat. Questions will be bombarding your brain - "How did this happen?!", "Was there a witness??", "How could it be that no one saw something or said something sooner??" It's a litany of questioning that will demand that you delve deeper into this story to find out the truth. 

The main character, Ded Smith, is close by at the time of Jerusalem's untimely demise. Of course, Ded's particular predicament is one that is more than a little comical. He's not in a situation that is the least bit enviable for anyone in their right mind. But he handles it pretty well. 

Since he's there and the investigating officer(s) have worked with him before he gets drawn into this particular crime. While one is wanting to write it off as a suicide, Ded sees the finer details of the situation and says that more needs to be looked into.

As this story proceeds the author does a great job making sure that readers stay engaged in this chonk of a book. The chapters are short, and help move the story along. Ded is an engaging and interesting character, and some of his thoughts are just down right hilarious. I warn you against eating or drinking anything while reading this book. I was eating and when I read a particular line I laughed so hard I nearly spit my food out. Now just imagine if I had been drinking...something would have gotten a "lovely paint job" of tea. LOL!

This author packs quite a bit of humor into this book and that really makes this book shine. That and the not skimping on the details. You're going to love it. Ded is always looking for more and I couldn't get enough of it. Mind yourself when he's dealing with the "all too perfect" doctor. You will be howling! 

When it comes to Who Killed Jerusalem this author more then delivers on everything that he promised readers. You get a page-turning novel packed with quirky and engaging characters. Tons of drama, and a murder mystery that will tease you all the way to the end. 

For readers who love chonky books that deliver on everything promised this book is a must read. Don't miss it. I look forward to what this author writes next. 

5 out of 5 stars

Thank you to the author, George Albert Brown, and R&R Book Tours for the opportunity to read and review this book. I look forward to what comes next!

Who Killed Jerusalem

Publication Date: February 6, 2023

Genre: Murder Mystery/ Literary Mystery

Publisher: Galbraith Literary Publishers

A budding cult classic that dramatically splits the reviewers. Which side will you be on?

A seamless melding of the intricate plotting of Umberto Eco in The Name of the Rose; the side-splitting humor of John Kennedy Toole in A Confederacy of Dunces; and the fabulous world of William Blake.

In 1977, Ickey Jerusalem, San Francisco's golden-boy poet laureate, is found dead in a locked, first-class toilet on an arriving red-eye flight.

Ded Smith, a desperately unhappy, intelligent philistine with a highly developed philosophy to match, is called in to investigate the poet's death. Thus begins a series of hilarious encounters with the members of Jerusalem's coterie.

Ded soon realizes that to find out what happened, he must not only collect his usual detective's clues but also, despite his own poetically challenged outlook, get into the dead poet's mind. Fighting his way through blasphemous funerals, drug-induced dreams, poetry-charged love-making, offbeat philosophical discussions, and much, much more, he begins to piece together Jerusalem's seductive, all-encompassing metaphysics.

But by then, the attempts to kill Ded and the others have begun.

Before Ded's death-dodging luck runs out, will he be able to solve the case, and perhaps in the process, develop a new way of looking at the world that might allow him to replace his unhappiness with joy?

Available on Amazon

About the Author

George Albert Brown, a graduate of Yale University and Stanford Law, started as a hippie in San Francisco’s Haight Ashbury and retired at age 40 after having co-founded a successful international finance company. Following stints thereafter as a humorous author (The Airline Passenger’s Guerrilla Handbook) and an angel investor in over a score of high-tech university spinouts, he built a catamaran in Chile and for more than a decade, cruised it across the globe with his significant other. Today, as a father of three grown children, a grandfather of four not-yet-grown children, and an involuntary lover of stray cats, he continues his peripatetic lifestyle by other means.

Who Killed Jerusalem? is the book that George, a life-long devotee of William Blake, had always wanted to write.

Who Killed Jerusalem

 Book Tour Schedule

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