Thursday, October 10, 2024

Tar and Bone Review Spotlight


We're back in Achten Tan, but this time we are going back in time with new characters and a new adventure! Check out Tar & Bone by Debbie Iancu-Haddad!

 Tar and Bone by Debbie Iancu-Haddad is the prequel to the Sands of Achten Tan series. We’re going back in time to link up with Kamal and D’or. Before they became G’ant and Tar-tule riders. In Tar and Bone, we get to discover Achten Tan and two friends before they became friends.

Tar and Bone depicts a desert scene in which a city is surrounded by bones and a moat of tar is in the background. In front of the city is a giant turtle and a giant ant. Each of these creatures is a “guardian” of the city of Achten Tan. In front of the tar-tule and the g’ant are the two main characters of this story, Kamal and D’or. Kamal is light while D’or is dark. They appear to be complete opposites, but they will complement each other and balance each other out.

Tar and Bone is a standalone prequel to the Speechless in Achten Tan. This book introduces readers to characters who will be depicted in Speechless in Achten Tan. Told from a dual POV this story will alternate between Kamal and D’or.

Kamal will be the first character that readers meet in this book. He’s found injured and alone in the desert. He’s a gnome child, but the woman who finds him, she withholds the truth of who and what he is. Instead, she takes him home, adopts him as her own, and raises him. His leg which was severely injured, never heals correctly which leads to him having a disability.

Kamal’s dream is to become an An’cher. It's not an easy goal with a problematic leg, but it’s one that he’s determined to achieve. Only so many cadets are accepted each year, so Kamal has to do his best if he hopes to get accepted in. With his disability, he’ll have to work twice as hard as everyone else, because to be a part of this team you must prove yourself worthy of it.

D’or is a half-elf. D’or’s father is a G’ant rider, but D’or chose the path of being a Tar-tule rider. He has no idea that he even has powers until one day, a group of bullies pushes him just a little too far. With his magic unleashed it brings down danger upon him and his family. A cult wants to “guide” him in the path of an evil wizard, while a group of elves wants to murder him for having these strange powers.

Tar and Bone details how these two boys meet and gradually become friends. Readers will like how things aren’t perfect between these two boys. There seems to be a bit of a “rivalry” between the An’chers and the Tar-tule riders, but they all know that they must work together for the protection of the city.

Tar and Bone details the trials that Kamal must endure in order to achieve his dream. What he doesn’t expect along the way is to find himself falling for the cute Tar-tule rider, D’or. Sparks definitely fly between these two characters, but they aren’t the only ones who have a few hearts in their eyes when they look at each other.

Tar and Bone is a story that is relatively appropriate for most readers in their teens as this is a YA book. Despite there being a scene or two that takes place in a “brothel” this book is still teen-appropriate because author Iancu-Haddad keeps things very PG. You don’t get any inappropriate content in this book.

Tar and Bone is an engaging story that draws readers in and will leave them eager to continue discovering more about Achten Tan. The scene that Achten Tan is set in is a desert land with a city set in the middle of the bones of an ancient leviathan. Surrounded by a moat of tar this city is isolated but unique. Elves, gnomes, and humans all call this place home. Predominately though, this city is called home by elves and humans.

We get to watch the development of the friendship between D’or and Kamal. Initially, it will be disappointing how the two treat each other. The usage of slurs to describe each other, and the way the author showcases how both boys are uncomfortable with who they are.

Tar and Bone has magical elements sprinkled throughout. D’or discovering that he has magic, and the dangers of it. An evil wizard who is on a quest to gain more power, and D’or is his newest target. There is also LGBTQ representation in more ways than one.

Tar and Bone is a fantastic addition to the Achten Tan series and whether you have read Speechless in Achten Tan or not, this is a great book to start with. It gives readers the background to work with and move forward on with Kamal and D’or which will have readers eagerly looking forward to the next book in the series and wanting more Achten Tan stories to fill in all the gaps.

Readers who love a good fantasy novel with massive “sea” turtles, giant ants, magic, sweet romance (no spice), and a gripping storyline this is the book and series for you.


  • Engaging storyline
  • Interesting characters
  • Fascinating creatures
  • Sweet romance


  • None of merit

5 out of 5 Stars

                                        Tar and Bone (The Sands of Achten Tan Book 1)

Publication Date: August 24, 2024

Genre YA Fantasy Adventure (Ages 12 to 18)

* Magic
* Adventure
* Disability & LGBTQ rep
* Friendly Giant ants!
* Non-European Setting
* A weird Desert town in a ribcage.
*No spice

Thirteen-year-old Kamal has been waiting his whole life to join the An'chers - the giant ant riders who protect the desert town of Achten Tan. Despite his disability, a crooked leg caused by a childhood injury, he's determined to succeed in the try outs and become a cadet. To overcome the challenge, he strikes a bargain with an unexpected ally.

D'or is a half-elf with a dark secret. When the young giant Tar-tule rider agrees to help Kamal, his hazardous magic and the enemies it attracts put both boys in harm's way.

Now they must evade the fanatic high elves who see D'or's very existence as an abomination, and the dread sorcerer C'naga, whose interest in the boy threatens to lead them both down a dark path, from which there is no return.

Tar and Bone is a standalone prequel story to Speechless in Achten Tan. It includes themes of friendship, coming of age, and making tough choices. PG content is suitable for younger teen readers.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Misbalance Review Spotlight

 Misbalance is the first book in Amber Peterson’s Balance series. This fantasy crosses galaxies to come to Earth. The princess of a distant planet was sent to Earth to hide. Her memories were wiped away to keep her safe, and her powers bound. Now, something has come...someone has come to bring her “home.” If she is to survive what is coming...she’ll need to find a way to unleash her powers.

Misbalance has a beautiful cover that depicts a place of beauty. The sky has swirling blues and purples with stars mixed in. Two moons float on either side of galactic clouds and stars. Underneath them sits a range of mountains in the background. In the foreground, a once beautiful garden now lying desolate with a fountain that still flows.

Misbalance is told from the first person perspective and depicts Mandy’s story. Mandy is just your everyday high schooler, but today? Everything for her is about to change. Her day is about to go from “good” to down right terrible. An assailant attacks her school and takes her sister hostage. But it’s Mandy he wants.

Mandy is a fighter which readers will quickly see. Her younger sister Chloe is no twittering little girl who needs to be told twice to run from a bad situation. Rather refreshing to be honest. But while Mandy has some skills, she’s no match for this particular fighter. What happens next...utter heartbreak and shock.

When the news breaks Mandy is able to get free from her captivity, but now she is on her own. But it won’t be long before she finds some help in the form of a young man and his...drunk of a father. While now she has a place to hide and recover, her life will never be the same.

Of course, Misbalance isn’t solely Mandy’s story. No, we get multiple other characters who will make appearances as well. The first of the others we’ll be introduced to is Rose. She’s a feisty character and one we quickly took a shine to. Rose is strong, but she has her own demons that she’s battling. Big the question quickly becomes...what is her connection to Mandy?

Misbalance is a mix of a coming-of-age and YA fantasy novel with sci-fi elements mixed in. The magic from the primary main character is slow in coming, but you just need to exercise a touch of patience. Mandy has no idea who she really is, but the truth is coming to the surface piece by piece.

While Mandy is “hiding” from the world after her loss, the young man she crossed paths with helps her find a safe haven. Granted his father is someone to be avoided. Readers, beware there is abuse of a character or two in this book. As noted previously, Brian’s father is a drunk and when he gets deep into his cups he’s violent.

Readers will learn more about Brian and his backstory concerning what happened to completely break their family. It’s a heartbreaking story, but it is by no means an excuse for why he is made to endure what he must. With Mandy, Brian finds some happiness and a few moments of peace. Romance sparks up as well. The romance is clean for the time being. Can’t say for sure that it will stay clean, but for right now this book reads like a suitable YA fantasy for most readers.

As Misbalance continues Mandy makes quite a few discoveries. She has quite a few close calls with death and capture, but she discovers not all is as it seems. Rose and Moz are some dynamic characters who have a connection to Mandy. Author Peterson fills readers in on their history and clues readers in on why Rose is the way that she is.

Luke is another character readers will learn about. We won’t tell you much about him right now, but he’s an interesting character, too. Just...beware his younger brother. He is the definition of “unhinged.” Luke’s brother will probably have your jaw on the floor a couple of times in this book. But one thing is for will never be bored when he’s on the page.

Overall, Misbalance is an engaging and easy-to-read novel. Author Peterson does an overall good job with the details. But there are some details that we need more of. The time aspect of the story is hard to follow. You’ll think that only days or weeks have passed, but more time than that has gone by. We needed time to be more noted than it is.

We aren’t the biggest fan of Mandy throughout the book. Maybe it’s because of the over usage of the word “snapped.” Mandy does a lot of it - snapping. It honestly gets annoying and makes her appear to be a petulant teenager. Granted, yes, the word is used with other characters in their speech as well. However, it is overly used with Mandy. She’s constantly snapping at everyone, and add in she wants to view herself as the victim in certain gets exhausting. We wish that the author had used different adjectives in place of “snapped” that could have just as accurately represented it.

Misbalance is an interesting beginning to the Balance series. Reading the blurb gave us “Sailor Moon” vibes, but that’s not what you get when you actually get into this book. Author Peterson gives readers more than a few jaw-dropping surprises which will definitely keep you on your toes.

Misbalance ends on a mild cliffhanger. It’s enough to tease readers into being curious as to what happens next in the story, but not enough to leave you howling for more. Author Peterson leaves readers with the knowledge that Mandy is getting stronger now that she’s unlocked her powers. The threat is real, but there are still pieces of the puzzle that remain to be uncovered. It’ll be interesting to see where things go from here.


  • Interesting storyline
  • Nice cast of characters
  • Twists and surprises
  • Fantasy element of the story is a gradual build


  • Passage of time is vague and difficult to decipher quantitatively speaking
  • Over usage of the word “snapped”

4.5 stars