Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Forgotten Ashes Review Spotlight

 Forgotten Ashes is the first book in the Iolite Academy series by Kathryn Covens, and readers who love upper YA fantasy romance novels will absolutely devour this book.

Forgotten Ashes draws readers in with a gorgeous cover. Swirling branches and briar dance around the cover of this book. Gates of iron stand proudly in the center of the cover, rising up through a sliver of the moon. Beneath, swirl licks of flames as they rise up around the gates while embers dance higher into the air. Forgotten Ashes has a truly stunning cover that grabs the eye and makes one curious as to the story that lies inside.

Forgotten Ashes is book one in the Iolite Academy series. Author Covens has imagined a world of shifters, demons, witches, and other creatures. Get ready to meet a young woman by the name of Briar. There is something truly unique about Briar, and only a select few know her secret. To know the truth about her? It’s a dangerous thing, and it will mean the end of Briar. Why? Because she’s not supposed to even be alive.

Things are shifting in Briar’s world, and it’s not a good thing. As the Beta to her pack’s Luna. She’s earned her place, but not everyone is taking it in stride. A certain Enforcer is holding onto a tight grudge, and it’s causing some ripples of trouble. Sooner rather than later these ripples will impact everything.

But first things first, yes? Briar is getting ready to head to the Iolite Academy where she is supposed to take her place as Luna. Her packmate, Grayson is already there as the Alpha. Things between them? Oy vey. They are not what they used to be. You’ll find out really fast what caused a shift between them.

Forgotten Ashes is a page-turner of a novel, so when do you start this book? Buckle up. Settle in. Make sure you have some drinks and snacks because you’re not going to want to put this book down once you start reading it.

Forgotten Ashes starts out outside of Iolite Academy, but once it shifts there that is where the drama really ramps up. The tension and drama between Briar and Grayson is everything. They are packmates, so you’d think that he would be supportive of her. Nope! This guy undermines her at every turn! It will drive you absolutely crazy! But it will also have you digging deeper into this book to find out what Briar will do.

Typically when authors say “feisty female” they mean a female character who thinks that being overly sassy, mouthy, and brash. Let’s be real...for this reader, we absolutely HATE those types of female MCs. They typically detract from the storyline and have us (we personally) rolling our eyes every time she opens her mouth. LOL! Briar, thankfully is a truly unique character in that she is balanced, fun, and has just enough strength and sass to give some spice to the story.

Author Covens...you did that. Pat yourself on the back. Briar is a fun character. She’s strong when she has to be, but she also has a softer side. She stands up for those who are under her protection. We love her sense of humor and how she chooses to handle various situations. Honestly, she does better than we would have when it comes to Grayson’s constant undermining.

There are moments where she finally reaches her limits and we are not ashamed to say...we cheered her on. LOL! Another character that readers are absolutely going to love is Kenna. Girlfriend is a stick of dynamite in the best way. We worried that she’d be that “mean girl” character, but the friendship that sparks up between her and Briar is everything.

Get ready to laugh quite a bit when Kenna is on the scene. She is so out of the box you’re going to be “Team Kenna and Briar” before you know it. It’s rather funny since Kenna is the one that Briar is going to have to fight to obtain the title of Luna at the Academy. The knee-jerk reaction is to want to “hate” the person Briar is going to have to go up against, but Kenna is one shifter you’re going to love.

The drama isn’t contained to just the Academy grounds though. Though of course, you’re going to find a fae (teacher) you’re going to want to smack into another world, and that’s on top of the bs going on with Grayson.

Grayson is one of the most infuriating characters in this book. Author Covens does this delicate dance with him though. One minute you want to smack him for being a jerk to our girl Briar, and then you see those sparks of romance trying to kick up. You don’t know whether you want the sparks to take hold and ignite, or if you want Briar to just give him the cold shoulder or pull a Ceelo Green and say “F--- You!” LOL!

Forgotten Ashes is told from a dual POV. The story focuses heavily on Briar (The Rose) and then a second character, who you get to guess about (The Moon). Initially, we thought that it was one character, but then...it didn’t make sense when certain details were laid out. Author Covens does this to keep us on our toes. We’re sure of it. LOL! But then it appears to shift more solidly into one character’s direction and settle there.

Are there new sparks of a potential future romance building? Can we hope? Dare we hope? Well, we’re going to hope because...well, what’s the harm in it, right? Right!?! LOL! Things are sounding like maybe, so we’re going to just cling to it, and sit tight for book two...yeah.

Things aren’t supposed to exist anymore and proving that they do. The secret that Briar is clinging to is becoming more and more in danger, and with that so is her life. The future is becoming more and more uncertain. With one exposure Briar’s life will soon be under threat.

Forgotten Ashes ends on a cliffhanger that will have you howling for book two. Trust us on this one...we’re ready to get down on our knees and beg author Covens for book two...because we need it now!!

Forgotten Ashes blends fantasy, small glimpses of romance, dynamic characters, intrigue, and more than a little suspense. Nothing is what it seems and this book is an absolute feast. Readers who enjoy all of the above...grab this book and dive in! You will not be disappointed.  

5 out of 5 stars

Pick up your copy today! 

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