Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Shadow of Polaris Review Spotlight

We're celebrating the release of The Shadow of Polaris by D.L. Houpt. Time to bump another book on your TBR list!

 The Shadow of Polaris is the first book in the Heir of Darkness series by D.L. Houpt. This fantasy romance novel is a slow build, but it’s worth hanging in there. Once the groundwork has been laid you’re in for quite a ride with this novel.

The Shadow of Polaris begins with Elpis and her nephew. He’s the king. He’s hurting and upset. Why? The Elders have spoken, and even he cannot go against what they have told him. Elpis has been declared guilty of killing her sister. She’s now “The Queen Slayer.” She’s condemned to live out the rest of her life locked in a tower. Giving Rapunzel vibes, right? Wait for it, this is no Rapunzel tale coming your way.

Elpis spends years locked away in this tower. Don’t worry you don’t spend chapter, after chapter, after chapter reading about how the years whittle by while she sits there and longs for the life she used to have. Author Houpt spares readers from that. LOL! You do learn some things about Elpis and what her life has been like locked away for these past few years.

There is a mild theme of abuse in this novel. It only appears a couple of times in the story, but it’s something readers should be aware of before diving into this story too deeply. Elpis has people who “take care” of her, and make sure that she remains in her tower. Her “chambermaid” is one such individual, but this toady of a woman takes pleasure in exerting her “power” over Elpis.

The first quarter of this book is slow in pace. There isn’t a lot of drama, action, or anything really to spice things up and give this book the jump-start you might be looking for. However, if you are patient you’ll soon find yourself getting to the good stuff.

Author Houpt throws Elpis a twist that no one really could have seen coming...a chance. It’s an odd occurrence, but it suits the story perfectly. With this chance that Elpis is given comes even more danger than we or she could have imagined. There are monsters roaming the land, and Elpis comes face to face with one. In the process though she makes a discovery that will truly benefit her. Cue the introduction of animal companion.

As The Shadow of Polaris continues you will constantly find yourself wondering...when is the other shoe going to drop? Elpis has managed to find a safe haven, but how long will this last? The storyline begins to point to trouble brewing and it all starts with one simple act of wanting more “freedom.” We get it, we’d go stir-crazy, too, but when you’re being hunted...it pays to be smart.

Once you get to about the 30% mark in this book the storyline really begins to pick up and come together. Elpis is having strange dreams, encountering one of the gods (goddess) themselves. She discovers the prophecy mentioned in the blurb, and we readers get some delicious backstory! But there are secrets swirling everywhere and you won’t be able to help but suspect that the Elders are hiding secrets as well.

Hoping for some romance? Well, it’s there. It’s a slow build romance, that ignites sooner rather than later. It’s a mix of “slow-burn” meets “getting to know you a bit, first.” But apparently, Elpis isn’t to be too favored when it comes to the romance department either. Watch for little hints that author Houpt is going to drip here and there. Not everything is as it seems.

Hoping for some serious steam to heat up the pages? Well, on that front you’re going to be disappointed. Author Houpt rates the steam in her novel as “one pepper” and we agree. There are no highly detailed scenes depicted on the pages. You’ll have to use your imagination, but you probably won’t get far, because the scenes are short before moving on.

Brace yourself for twists, and turns, premonition-like dreams, creepy monsters (we loved every second of that), and the gods working to bring about chaos. Okay, okay, only one particular goddess with a nasty attitude problem. LOL! Elpis is connected to it all, and she is going to have to figure out her part in all of this if she is to save lives from being lost.

The Shadow of Polaris is an engaging fantasy romance novel. There is a nice amount of world-building, twists and turns, and an ending that will leave you eager for book two. This is a good start to the series. Yes, the beginning is slow but it is absolutely worth it all because the rest of the book will keep you glued.

Looking for your next fantasy romance novel/series? Well, you’ve found it. So don’t miss out and grab your copy today!

4.5 out of 5 stars  

The Shadow of Polaris (Heir of Darkness Book 1)

Publication Date: September 3, 2024

Genre: Romantic Fantasy

🐺enemies to lovers
πŸ—‘️black cat/golden retriever
🐺animal companions
πŸ—‘️meddling gods
🐺morally grey FMC
Spice –
World Building –
Violence –

When winter and spring coincide, darkness’s heir brings the light of truth and the fall of vanity. Only embers of life can destroy visions of death.

Following the accusation of her sister’s murder, five years ago, Elpis was sentenced to a life in the Tower outside of Ursae. Banished, far across the Northern Flatlands, to an eternity of unruly abuse and mind numbing isolation.

Now, broken and beaten, she receives an anonymous gift that will alter her fate forever. Haunted by nightmares of a malevolent goddess, Elpis must unravel the secret of an ancient prophecy and tame the shadows rising within her in order to take back her freedom.

With enemies at every turn, Elpis must choose her allies wisely, and learn that sometimes, freedom may come at a price.

Trigger Warnings:
Suicidal thoughts, self harm, and self hate



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