Thursday, May 23, 2024

Way of the Wizard Review Spotlight


Your next fantasy read is here. 

Way of the Wizard is the first book in author Michael Michel’s newest series, and whether you are a fan of this author or not...DO. NOT. MISS. THIS. BOOK! This epic fantasy novel is just the beginning, and it is packed with a gripping storyline, fantastical creatures, and the promise of more to come.

The first thing that is going to catch your attention for the Way of the Wizard is the amazing cover. Depicted on the front is a character who appears to be a wizard. Magic flows from his hands down to the ground, and standing in front of him is...a minotaur! This is no regular minotaur. Ooooohhhh no. No, author Michel is giving readers one with four arms. Yes, people! Four!

But this is not some mindless creature people! Oh no! Don’t for one second think that. You’ll notice the lines of blue that streak across and around his body...those are the magical “chains” that bind him. As you read this book, you’ll understand exactly what this creature truly is. So get excited people! Honestly, if this cover alone doesn’t have you racing off to grab this book, I don’t know what will. Okay, well, maybe the promise of an engaging storyline. Because honestly, this book? Yeah, it’s definitely got that.

For now? Let’s go ahead and get into what you can expect from this story.

Readers who are familiar with Michael Michel know that they are going to get a fascinating story with a character who is more than likely going to have a tough road ahead. Is it a path that will be insurmountable? Well, what fun would that be if that were the case? Will the main character have a tough road ahead that will challenge them and push them to become more? Absolutely! One thing is for sure...this book will keep you page-turning to the end.

Way of the Wizard is the story of El. He’s a 16-year-old boy living in poverty with his mother in a small village. For one so young, El has already lost so much. He watched almost every one of his family members die one by one. It’s truly heartbreaking. His sister? Murdered by the Stormseye Brotherhood. The rest of his family? Starvation and disease. Only his mother is left to him, and she is slowly succumbing to disease tortuously slow. It’s heartbreaking knowing that El is having to watch his mother suffer like this and that he can do little to nothing. But does he get to be there in her final moments? No. Why? Well, you’ll have to read to find out.

All we’ll tell you is that El is forced to leave her, and when he comes back to his home...she’s gone. What happened to her? Well, that’s where author Michel allows readers to use their imagination and piece together what happened to her and what her final moments might have been like.

El crosses paths with an Elder though. Who is this strange man? What is this object that he offers El that he says will take him down a path that promises new opportunities? You must be brave if you are to succeed. But when the opportunity to become a Seeker is is one that El views has hard to pass up.

It’s no small thing to run into the wilderness, but that is the task that El is set with by the Elder. Opportunity only knocks once...but sometimes...your destiny will give you a second chance.

Way of the Wizard is a novel that moves at a pretty quick clip. You are constantly plagued with the question of “What is going to happen next?” when it comes to El’s story. When the storyline takes a certain path, you can’t help but wonder where is El’s journey going to take him.

One can easily guess that as this is book one of a new series by author Michel that El’s story will end soon in this book or anytime soon. If that were the case then we really wouldn’t have much of a story now, would we? LOL! Granted, his friend Trin could pick up his story by choosing to chase after him, but while he thinks of her often, she’s but a side character for the moment.

El is just 16, soon to be 17, but life doesn’t care. He’s going to have to work hard to prove himself if he is to achieve his dream of becoming a wizard. The object that he is given will be his guide, but only if he does EXACTLY as it says. Any deviation will lead to a destruction and there will be no coming back for him. It’s not easy to always follow what you are instructed to do, but if he can do that? Well, you can guess that success will be in his future.

Way of the Wizard has an interesting cast of characters. El is the main focus of the story as the story is told from his perspective. El shows some juvenile attributes, but in this world that author Michel has created, El is going to have to do some growing up...and quickly. The good news? He’s going to have some help along the way. El will make a friend or two along the way when he is found by and joins a cabal. You’ll find that the wizard who takes him in doesn’t expect much of him. In fact, this wizard has such low expectations of El that he doesn’t believe that El will live past 6 months. Talk about setting the bar low! LOL! Granted, El is determined to prove him wrong. #TeamEl all the way!

With some guidance and sheer determination El progressively improves a day at a time. One element that we appreciate about this book is that author Michel doesn’t rush the storyline. This isn’t a story of where one day El is struggling to throw a spear and hit a target, and then within a week he’s a “pro.” No, you get to watch as El gradually improves. Of course, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t get thrown into the deep end a few times.

Hoping for some fantastical creatures? Be patient! They are coming! We may or may not have done a few rounds of excited bouncing when author Michel introduces certain monsters at various points throughout the story. When the minotaur featured on the cover makes an appearance we became GLUED to the pages. Honestly, it was like author Michel was reading our mind when we started to wonder “When exactly is the monster featured on the cover going to make an appearance?” Trust’s worth the wait, but there will be others to draw you in in the meantime.

Way of the Wizard is a “short-ish” novel when it comes to an “epic fantasy.” But don’t let that get you down. Every page gives you another fascinating aspect of the story. There is nothing boring to be found within the pages of the Way of the Wizard. We can promise you that. Now, are you wondering if there is a cliffhanger ending? Kinda sorta? LOL! Honestly, we got in a bit of a huff when the book comes to a bit of an “abrupt” end, but it was honestly a good stopping point. We know you’ll agree when you read this book. LOL!

Look at this way though! You’ll be excited for book two! Way of the Wizard is honestly one of our top favorite books of 2024. Author Michel does an excellent job keeping readers engaged in the fate of his main character, El. Pay attention to the small details because the author is laying the groundwork and some hints for what will be to come concerning El and some individuals he may know. Things are just getting started and we can’t wait for more.


  • Great storytelling
  • Engaging storyline
  • Interesting characters
  • Fantastic creatures
  • Nice attention to detail


  • None of merit

5 out of 5 stars

Thank you to the author, Michael Michel, for the opportunity to read and review this book! We look forward to what comes next!

Fantasy book lovers unite and grab this book!  

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