Friday, May 10, 2024

Road Kill Texas Horror Vol 8 Anthology Review Spotlight

Looking for something darkly delicious? Well, Black Tide Book Tours and HellBound Books has got you covered! Brace yourself for a book packed with twisted horror stories from the minds of some pretty epic Texans. Read on at your own risk! Hope you enjoy! 

 Road Kill Texas Horror by Texas Writers Vol 8 is packed from stem to stern with horror novels written by...yep, you guessed it, Texas authors. So, basically what we’re getting is some of the best quality work you can find out there, right? Because Texas is just that great. LOL! Hey! Stop looking at me like that...I’m completely UNbiased here. So I claim as a Texan myself and proud of it. LOL!

But for real, for real...this anthology is packed with horrorific tales from the twisted minds of many of these authors that will leave you with a mixed bag of reactions. Some will draw you in and keep you the rather abrupt endings that they tease you with. While others will leave you with the macabre horrors that their characters suffered and the twisted fates that saw their ultimate downfall.

In Road Kill Texas Horror, there is a little something for everyone. You’re going to get stories that take you back in time before racism became the more “toned-down” entity that it is today. You’re going to get stories that will flick at your conscious like a snake’s tongue as it hunts for its next victim. You’re going to be treated to stories with ghosts that re-enter the world through a portal that...honestly...should not be, but hey...who cares about the “rules” when horror? Horror is meant to break them like bones and grind them into dust.

There are some seriously delicious hidden gems tucked away inside this anthology. Twisted stories that will grip you and keep you coming back for more. The desire riding you hard to find does this play out for this particular character? What twisted fate does this author have in store for them? Bring on the macabre you’ll shout! But don’t say it too loud or something just might answer...and not in the way you’ll be hoping.

With the start of Road Kill Texas Horror you are gifted an introduction by Bret McCormick. This individual tells you about all the submissions that they went through to piece together this particular anthology. A lot of work and detail went into it, that’s for sure. A lot of rejections from the sounds of it as this person went to the lengths of trying to find the perfect collection to bring this anthology to life. Were they successful in their endeavors? Well, all readers are fickle creatures, and we are no exception. Some will say yes,, not so much. But all that matters at the end of the day dear you.

This collection starts things off with a story that will challenge your conscious. It will beg the moral question concerning the young character who is the focus of this story. “What would you have done, if you were in her shoes?” “Lonely Death on a Wednesday, 1 pm, at a Motel Outside Marfa, is a story that sticks with you in the most intriguing way. Is because there is a gruesome murder with blood spatter everywhere? No. Is it a tragic death of someone who has been left to rot in an abandoned motel room completely forgotten? No. It’s a tragedy that could have been avoided.

The young character who bears witness to the written as aloof. Like there is some form of disconnect concerning the child. But what is it exactly? You’ll find yourself questioning her behavior. You’ll honestly find yourself questioning the entire scene that unfolds. It’s a sad tale, but brings more of a horror of humanity to the forefront.

Nature lovers...or haters...LOL! Whichever end of the spectrum you may find yourself on...”Nature Calls” by E.R. Bills is going to be one that either you’re going to greedily devour...or one that will have you forever swearing off any outdoor excursions. Ya know...just in case something that is depicted in this twisted story...could actually happen. LOL!

The beginning of “Nature Calls” starts out interestingly enough. Something fast, huge, and scary is killing humans. What is it? Well, author Bills insists on keeping you in the dark. What could it be? What is it? Is there any way to escape this dangerous thing as it appears to destroy everything it crosses?

Well, we recommend that you settle in on this story, because the interesting bits? They’re scattered throughout...much like how this creature leaves it’s victims. Too soon? LOL! Though, when the revelation comes of what it is...and the acceptance of the characters...well, that’s going to take some time, but it’s worth it. The ending? Jaw-dropping.

Want to know which one pretty much blew our mind? Well, that’s easy enough...”That’s a Peculiar Stain on the Carpet.” This story...this one we should have recorded our facial reactions because...boooooy howdy! We did NOT see any of author Jae Mazer’s twisted imagination coming at us by a long shot. This book is packed with twisted elements that are NOT for the faint of heart. For some’s going to be down right cringy.’ve been warned. Proceed with caution. LOL! But honestly? For us? The weirder, the better, and author Mazer delivers in spades. We didn’t like some of the elements of this book *coughs – the cat scene* especially, but this is one of the stories where you just cannot predict what is going to happen next. Honestly, those are the best kinds. LOL!

Another story that we absolutely devoured? “Sundown” by Jonathan Louis Duckworth. OMG! This is another one that just grabbed us and kept us page-turning to the end. Anything with some form of twisted lore, and the consequences in dabbling in it...we are going to eat it up. Author Duckworth takes his time laying out the foundation for what’s coming, but the wait is worth every second! While you’re waiting, you’re not bored. You’re curious about the characters. Your curiosity is going to drive you to dig deeper and to learn more. It’s absolutely riveting.

Now, we could give you a taste or glimpse about more stories in this collection, but then...what would motivate you to grab a copy and dive in yourself? So, we’ll leave things with those few that we’ve given you a tiny taste of. There is literally something for everyone in this collection. Some will keep you page-turning, while others...(for us) may end up lulling you to sleep. But one thing is for sure...Texas is beautifully represented in this collective of twisted deliciousness.

Horror lovers unite, because Road Kill Texas Horror is not be missed...or you’ll regret it.

4.5 out of 5 stars


  • Gripping stories
  • Twisted characters
  • Twisted situations
  • Deliciously gorey
  • Page-turners


  • None of true merit

A huge shout out thank you to all of the authors who participated in this anthology, HellBound Books, and Black Tide Book tours for the opportunity to read and review this book! It was a lot of fun! As always, I look forward to what comes next with Black Tide Book Tours and the darkly delicious books from HellBound books.  

Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Writers - Vol 8

by Texas Authors; Compiled & Edited by Patrick C Harrison III

Black Tide Book Tours

May 7-10

Mind the moon when you leave the theater! Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Writers returns, and Vol. 8 definitely goes Splatterbump in the night!

It’s a monstrous mosh of fallen angels, prepubescent prescience, tempestuous incest, intergalactic blues, a Gulliverian massacre, cynophile racists, murderous rodents, a prehistoric Devil Head, the return of Bram Stoker’s forgotten hero, and so much more...

Featuring stories from the grand master of horror himself, Joe R. Lansdale, Emma E. Murray, Jae Mazer, Bret McCormick, Madison Estes, Chris Miller, James H. Longmore, Jonathan Louis Duckworth, Robert Stahl, Matt Micheli, Elford Alley, Iphigenia Strangeworth, Jacob Austin, R. L. Olvitt, Lawrence Buentello, Tom Bont, Bev Vincent, and the incomparable E. R. Bills.

Universal link for the book on Amazon

About the Editor

Patrick C. Harrison III (PC3, if you prefer) is an author of horror, splatterpunk, and all forms of speculative fiction. His current publications include GRANDPAPPY, 100% MATCH, A SAVAGE BREED, and VAMPIRE NUNS BEHIND BARS, among others. His works can also be found in various anthologies, including AND HELL FOLLOWED and ROAD KILL: TEXAS HORROR BY TEXAS AUTHORS VOL. 4.

PC3 is also an editor, having worked on numerous books for Death's Head Press, D&T Publishing, and Fedowar Press, as well for popular authors like Aron Beauregard and Danel J. Volpe. For editing services, feel free to contact PC3 at

Follow PC3's FREE substack——for frequent horror and exploitation movie reviews, as well as updates on his fiction.

About the Publisher

HellBound Books are the veritable tour de force in the independent publishing world — for eight years and counting, they have published novels, novellas, and bestselling anthologies of exemplary horror, bizarro, and all things dark — the type of tales from exciting new authors guaranteed to keep you wide awake in the small hours and checking the inky-black, coagulating shadows beneath your bed just one last time…
They are incredibly proud to be champions of the newest, brightest upcoming authors as well as home to more established writers. Their objective is to bring to you — wonderful readers — the very best in the dark genres. They are proud to say all HellBound Books titles are available in traditional-sized paperback and ebook, along with a few very special hard cover books, too.


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