Thursday, May 9, 2024

City of Mirth and Malice Review Spotlight

 We are celebrating highly anticipated release of City of Mirth and Malice by Alexis L. Menard! The duology is complete!

City of Mirth and Malice is here and it draws to an epic conclusion the story of Nico and Camilla. 
Readers who enjoy an engaging duology are not going to want to miss out on this amazing novel as it is going to grip you from the beginning and keep you page-turning to the very end. 

Yes, City of Mirth and Malice is part of a duology. However! The author grants readers a boon. Haven't read book one yet? Want to dive into this book so that you can eagerly devour it and find out how it all ends? Read book one a while back and can't really remember the key aspects that left you breathless for book two? Well, good news! The author gives readers a delicious synopsis at the beginning of book two that catches you up or refreshes you on what exactly went down in book one. It's fantastic.

Now! For the book itself. We absolutely loved book two more than book one. Why? Balance. Simple as that really. LOL! In book one, A House of Bane and Blood, the story was very heavy on Camilla. She was the dominant character that the author chose to focus on. We wanted more of Nico. He had the more interesting storyline, and honestly...he was more sufferable. Camilla was...a pill to be frank. 

In A City of Mirth and Malice, we get to see a different side of her. Why? Well, the simple answer is this...she's in prison. The very same prison that Nico was released from...she's been sent there. But she's not a prisoner "on the books." No, she is there being kept in secret, but she's not the only one. There are others. But you'll learn more about them later. 

Nico is playing a big part on the outside. He knows his wife is still alive, and he is going to do whatever it takes to bring her home. Cue dramatic pause...a new order is coming to town! Whoop whoop! Get excited people! Nico knows that the rules of the old world are pressing down on them, but he refuses to stand by and allow it to happen. Not here. There will be equality for all, or there will be nothing. Cue intrigue and drama! 

What is going to happen next? Lots of amazing stuff! You're not going to want to miss out on this book. Camilla and Nico show a lot of growth throughout this duology, but book two surpasses book one by leaps and bounds. You're not going to want to put this book down as Camilla battles to stay alive, and Nico fights to do whatever it takes to get her back and bring her home. 

A City of Mirth and Malice is the amazing conclusion to this duology and it has left this reader an absolute fan of this author. We can't wait to read more in the future. 

5 out of 5 stars

Thank you to the author, Alexis L. Menard, and R&R Book Tours for the opportunity to read and review this book. We look forward to what comes next! 

Eager to know what my thoughts are for book one? Stay tuned! Because that review is coming soon! 

City of Mirth and Malice (Order and Chaos #2)

Genre: Adult Fantasy Romance/ Gaslamp Fantasy

Some debts are not so easily repaid—or forgiven.

Nicolai Attano finally has everything he ever wanted: control over the Iron Saint Railway, safety for his family, and not a single rival syndicate to stand in his way. Never could he have imagined he’d want anything more than power—not until Camilla Marchese.

Six weeks have passed since the disaster on the train and his wife was kidnapped, but to get her back, he’ll need help. Nico struggles to work with a city poisoned against him and is instead forced to seek the aid of a disreputable black-market dealer. A simple bargain to ensure her rescue, Nico doesn’t think twice. A bargain is struck, and the cost is higher than ever. The collateral? His life.

Meanwhile, Camilla fights to gain control over her newfound powers as the alchemist in charge of her confinement puts her to the test. Forced to free what she’s held so close, the only light in this hellish prison is the hope to see her family again, and the husband who stole her heart. Three trials and three chances to find the source of her Chaos and use it to save herself, if it doesn’t destroy her first.

Cracks in the city draw lines between loyalties, and time is running out until everything comes crashing down. Return to Lynchaven in this action-packed and swoony conclusion of Nico and Milla’s story.


Tour Organizer: @rrbooktours

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