Thursday, January 20, 2022

Scarlet Princess Review Spotlight


 Scarlet Princess by Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison is the first book in their Lochlann Feuds series. This book is a spinoff from the Lochlann Treaty series, but it’s not necessary to have read the previous series to really find yourself immersed in this book’s storyline. Trust me. I’ve not read the Treaty series, but after reading this book and experiencing the dukes and their infuriating behavior, I fully intend to grab those books up ASAP!

Scarlet Princess is the first book that I have read by these two authors, but as I’m sure you’ve already guessed it won’t be my last. Rown, the princess of Lochlann has managed to get herself into a “spot” of trouble along with her friend, Davin. They are far from home, stuck in another clan’s lands who really don’t like her family, and they get caught breaking the law. The punishment? Death. Yikes! Well, time to pull out the big guns. Where Rowan goes from being just another prisoner in the dungeons, she becomes the princess of Lochlann which changes everything. Now instead of the matter being handled by Clan Elk, Theo and his brother, Iiro, now a Summit must be called to decide – what to do with Rown? Ransom her for what they can get and then send her home? Or kill her and risk war with Lochlann whom they all resent and hate on varying levels? Decisions, decisions. Right?

When I first read the blurb for this book my attention was immediately grabbed. I wanted to know more about Rowan and what exactly her fate was going to be. I had no idea that the authors would manage to hit that “sweet spot” with her as a character either. On one hand, she’s infuriatingly irritating. I don’t like it when characters feel the need to needle and poke just to get a rise out of people. I view it as childish. But then, the authors turn around and show me a more amicable side of her that makes me want to gravitate toward her and claim her as a friend. Weird, but true, and I kinda like it. LOL! Rowan is fiery, but I appreciate that she knows (most of the time) when to roll with things and let the chips fall where they may.

I honestly had to snicker when I read that Rowan’s father would always ask her “can’t you go five minutes without getting into trouble?” The answer? To be fair...sometimes trouble finds her. What’s a girl to do then? LOL! This book is sprinkled with humor, budding romance, danger (it’s practically constant), and is truly revealing in how the other clans treat their people. Some revelations come in conversations, and then others the authors show as Rowan, Theo, and his brother Iiro and wife Inessa travel to get to the Summit. I ended up having mixed feelings towards Iiro. But I really feel that there is more to his story than meets the eye and I’d love to know it.

This fantasy novel is truly engaging from beginning to end. Everytime someone or something interrupted my reading...I was not a happy camper. LOL! I was like...what is it? What do you want? What do you need? Now, go away and don’t bother me. Yes, this is one of those books that you’ll grab and I recommend locking your door, getting comfortable with some snacks and drink because you’re going to want to stop until you’re done reading it. I will give this one other warning and then no more – beware the ending. If you are one of those people who rant about “cliffhanger” endings...either skip this book or wait until the series is done to read this book. When I got the ending and turned the page and there was no more...I may or may not have looked like a mad scientist (picture wild hair) looking for more. LOL! I need to know what happens next!!! This can’t be happening!

These two authors have really created an amazing book and I just know that things are only going to get crazier from here. I can’t wait to grab the next book and dive back into this world. I need to know what happens next, because I want Rowan to find happiness. While there were moments that I wanted to stuff something in Rowan’s mouth to keep her from talking, I cannot deny that this book fully captured me from the beginning and left me begging for more. In my opinion, this book more than earns it’s five stars. 2022 has just gotten started and already this is one of my favorite books of the year. I’m rating this book 5 out of 5 stars. If you enjoy fantasy novels full of danger, thrills, budding romance, and twist endings then you’re going to want to grab this book. I highly recommend this 100%.  

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